Concerning Lafcadio Hearn Part 37

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No. 39. 9. A Story of Quinine. By Chas. Baissac.

From _Recits Creoles_.

No. 40. 10. How Gerard Resigned His Tutors.h.i.+p. By Chas. Baissac.

From _Recits Creoles_.

No. 41. 11. A Vendetta. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

From _Contes du Jour et de la Nuit_.

No. 42. 12. A Coward. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

From _Contes du Jour et de la Nuit_.

No. 43. 13. The t.i.taness. By Jules Lermina.

From _Le Figaro_, April 25.

No. 44. 14. Reminiscences of Gustave Dore. By Albert Wolff.

From _Le Figaro_, March 2.

No. 45. 15. The Return. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

From "Yvette."

No. 46. 16. Two Friends. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

No. 47. 17. Moloch, the Devourer. (The Sacrifice.) By Gustave Flaubert.

From "Salambo," Ed. 1880.

No. 48. 18. The Ring. By N. de

From _Le Figaro_, August 15.

No. 49. 19. The Phalanx in Battle. By Gustave Flaubert.

From "Salambo," Ed. 1880.

No. 50. 20. The Little Sister. By Hector Malot.


No. 51. 21. Riri's Rag-Picking. By Jean Rameau.

From _Le Figaro_, October 31.

No. 52. 22. A Divorced Man's New Year's Day. By Frantz Jourdain.

From _Le Figaro_, January 2.

No. 53. 23. Especially Interesting Apropos of the Comet with the Sodium Tail. By Camille Flammarion.

From _Le Voltaire_, September 21.

No. 54. 24. Eaten Alive. By Camille Debans.

From _Le Figaro_, September 13.

No. 55. 25. The Christmas Tree. By Theodore Dostoievsky.

From _Le Figaro_.

No. 56. 26. "A Madman?" By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

No. 57. 27. Tourgueneff. By Firmin Javel.

From _L'Evenement_, September 6.

Tourgueneff. By Maurice Guillemot.

From _Le Figaro_, September 5.

No. 58. 28. A Polish Regiment under Fire. By Hendrik Sienkiewicz.

From _Nouvelle Revue_.

No. 59. 29. In Oran. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

From _Au Soleil_.

No. 60. 30. En Voyage. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

From "Miss Harriet."

No. 61. 31. "La Mere Sauvage." By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

From "Miss Harriet."

No. 62. 32. The Adopted Child. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

From "Miss Harriet."

No. 63. 33. The Child. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

From "Miss Harriet."

No. 64. 34. The Minuet. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

From "Miss Harriet."

No. 65. 35. My Uncle Jules. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

From "Miss Harriet."

No. 66. 36. The Love Chamber. By Albert Delpit, 1884.

No. 67. 37. The Chair Mender. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

No. 68. 38. Coco. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

No. 69. 39. A Parricide. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant.

No. 70. 40. The Red Wolves. By Henry Leturque.

From _Le Figaro_, April 24.

No. 71. 41. Suicides. By Guy de Maupa.s.sant. "Les Soeurs Rondoli."

No. 72. 42. The Cross. By Verax.

From _Le Figaro_, October 17.

No. 73. 43. The Art of Dancing. By Ignotus.

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