Concerning Lafcadio Hearn Part 33

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In Ghostly j.a.pan _Yoru bakari Miru mono nari to Omou-nayo!

Hiru sae yume no Ukiyo nari-keri._

_Think not that dreams appear to the dreamer only at night: the dream of this world of pain appears to us even by day_.

j.a.panese Poem.

(3) Contents:--

Fragment Furisode Incense A Story of Divination Silkworms A Pa.s.sional Karma Footprints of the Buddha Ululation Bits of Poetry j.a.panese Buddhist Proverbs Suggestion Ingwa-Banas.h.i.+ Story of a Tengu At Yaidzu

(4) List of Ill.u.s.trations.

The Same. London: Sampson, Low and Company, 1899, 8vo.

New Popular Edition. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1904, 16mo.

New Edition. London: Kegan Paul, Trench and Company, 1905, Cr. 8vo.

Articles and Reviews:--

Inouye, Jukichi, _Atlantic Monthly_, September, 1900, vol. 86, pp. 399.

_International Studio, The_, 1905, vol. 25, p. XL.

_Nation, The_, January 26, 1905, vol. 80, p. 68.

No. 13.

1900. SHADOWINGS. By Lafcadio Hearn. Lecturer on English Literature in the Imperial University, Tokyo, j.a.pan. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1900.

12mo., pp. (IV) 268, cloth.

(I.) Dedication:--

To Paymaster Mitch.e.l.l McDonald U. S. Navy

My dear Mitch.e.l.l,--

Herein I have made some attempt to satisfy your wish for "a few more queer stories from the j.a.panese." Please accept the book as another token of the writer's affection.

Lafcadio Hearn (Koizumi Tokyo, j.a.pan, January 1, 1900.

(II.) Contents:--

Stories from Strange Books:--

I. The Reconciliation II. A Legend of Fugen-Bosatsu III. The Screen-Maiden IV. The Corpse-Rider V. The Sympathy of Benten VI. The Grat.i.tude of the Samebito

j.a.panese Studies:--

I. Semi II.j.a.panese Female Names III. Old j.a.panese Songs


I. Noctilucae II. A Mystery of Crowds III. Gothic Horror IV. Levitation V. Nightmare-Touch VI. Readings from a Dream-Book VII. In a Pair of Eyes

(III.) Ill.u.s.trations.

(IV.) b.a.s.t.a.r.d t.i.tle-page:--

Il avait vu bruler d'etranges pierres, Jadis, dans les brasiers de lapensee.

emile Verhaeren

The Same. London: Sampson, Low and Company, 1900, 8vo.

New Popular Edition. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1904, 16mo.

New Edition. London: Kegan Paul, Trench and Company, 1905, Cr. 8vo.

Articles and Reviews:--

_Athenaeum, The_, January 5, 1901, p. 15.

Bentzon, Th., _Revue des Deux Mondes_, June 1, 1904, vol. 21, p. 556.

F. T. C., _The Bookman_, February, 1901, vol. 12, p. 582.

_Dial, The_, January 1, 1901, vol. 30, p. 19.

_International Studio, The_, 1905, vol. 25, p. XL.

Kinnosuke, Adachi, _The Critic_, January, 1901, vol. 38, p. 29.

_Nation, The_, November 8, 1900, vol. 71, p. 372.

_Nation, The_, January 26, 1905, vol. 80, p. 68.

_Public Opinion_, October 18, 1900, vol. 29, p. 504.

No. 14.

1901. A j.a.pANESE MISCELLANY. By Lafcadio Hearn. Lecturer on English Literature in the Imperial University of Tokyo. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, MDCCCCI.

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