The Swastika Part 34

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Swastika (yung-drung) tattooed on hand of native at k.u.mb.u.m, p. 67.

SACHEVERELL, WILLIAM. An Account of the Isle of Man, its Inhabitants, Language, Soil, re- markable Curiosities, the Succession of its Kings and Bishops, down to the present Time. By way of Essat. With a Voyage to I-Columb-kill. By William Sacheverell, Esq.: Late Governour of Man. To which is added, A Dissertation about the Mona of Caesar and Tacitus; and an Account of the Antient Druids, &c. By Mr.

Thomas Brown, Address'd in a Letter to his Learned Friend Mr. A.

Sellars. London: Printed for J. Hartley, next the King's Head Tavern.

R. Gibson in Middle Row, and Tho. Hodgson over a- gainst Gray's-Inn Gate in Holborn, 1702.

12mo, pp. 175.

Triskelion--Coat of arms of Isle of Man.

SCHICK, Herr Baurath VON. The Jerusalem Cross.

_Palestine Exploration Fund, Quarterly Statement_, July, 1894, pp.


SCHLIEMANN, HEINRICH. Atlas Trojanischer Alterthumer. Photographische Abbildungen zu dem Berichte uber die Ausgrabungen in Troja von Dr. Heinrich Schliemann. (Design) Leipzig: In Commission bei F. A.

Brockhaus. 1874.

Folio, pp. 1-57, plates, 1-217.

Spindle whorls--_pa.s.sim_. Swastikas on many specimens from fig. No.

142 to 3468. No. 237 is in U. S. National Museum as part of Mme.

Schliemann's collection.

SCHLIEMANN, HENRY. Ilios The City and Country of the Trojans The Results of Researches and Discoveries on the Site of Troy and Throughout the Troad in the Years 1871-72-73-78-79 Including an Autobiography of the Author By Dr. Henry Schliemann F. S. A., F. R. I. British Architects Author of "Troy and Its Remains," "Mycenae," etc. With a Preface, Appendices, and Notes By Professors Rudolf Virchow, Max Muller, A. H. Sayce, J. P. Mahaffy, H. Brugsch-Bey, P. Ascherson, M. A.

Postolaccas, M. E. Burnouf, Mr. F. Calvert, and Mr. J. A. Duffield. (Greek Verse) With Maps, Plans, and About 1,800 Ill.u.s.trations. New York Harper & Brothers, Franklin Square 1881.

8, pp. i-xvi, 1-800.

Swastika: Introduction, p. xi, and pp. 229, 231, 303, 349, 353, 416, 518, 571, 573.

"Owl-faced" (?) vases, figs. 227, 1293, 1294. Fig. 986 (not owl, but human, Virchow), pp. xiii, xiv.

Figures of Swastika on spindle-whorls--_pa.s.sim_--fig. 1850 is in the U. S. National Museum.

---- Mycenae; A Narrative of Researches and Discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns. By Dr. Henry Schliemann, Citizen of the United States of America, Author of "Troy and Its Remains," "Ithaque, Le Peloponnese et Troie," and "La Chine et le j.a.pon." The Preface By the Right Hon. W.

E. Gladstone, M. P. Maps, Plans, and Other Ill.u.s.trations. Representing more than 7,000 Types of the Objects Found in the Royal Sepulchres of Mycenae and Elsewhere In the Excavations. New York: Scribner, Armstrong & Company. 1878. (All Rights Reserved.)

8, pp. i-lxviii, 1-384, Swastika, pp. 77, 165, 259, figs. 383, 385, and many others.

---- Troja Results of the Latest Researches and Discoveries on the Site of Homer's Troy And in the Heroic Tumuli and Other Sites Made in the Year 1882 and a Narrative of a Journey in the Troad in 1881 by Dr. Henry Schliemann Hon. D. C. L., Oxon., and Hon. Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford F. S. A., F. R. I. B. A. Author of "Ilios," "Troy and its Remains," and "Mycenae and Tiryns" Preface by Prof. A. H. Sayce with 150 Woodcuts and 4 Maps and Plans (Quotation in German from Moltke: Wunderbuch, p. 19, Berlin, 1879) New York Harper & Brothers, Franklin Square 1884.

8, pp. 1-434.

Swastika, preface xviii, xxi, pp. 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128.

Spiral form, pp. 123.

Lycian coins--triskelion, pp. 123, 124.

SCHVINDT, THEODOR. Vihko 1-4 Suomalaisia koristeita. 1.

Ompelukoristeita. Finnische Ornamente. 1. Stickornamente. Heft 1-4 Suolalaisen Kirjallisunden Seura Helsingissa. 1894.

Description of Finnish national ornamental embroidery in which the Swastika appears as a pattern made by oblique st.i.tches, pp. 14, 15, figs. 112-121.


_Palestine Exploration Fund, Quarterly Statement_, January, 1895, pp.

84, 85.

SNOWDEN, JAMES ROSS. A Description of Ancient and Modern Coins, in the Cabinet Collection at the Mint of the United States. Prepared and arranged under the Direction of James Ross Snowden, Director of the Mint. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1860.

8, pp. i-xx, 1-412.

Punch-marks on ancient coins, and how they were made. Introduction, pp. ix-xiv, and figures.

SQUIER, E. GEORGE. Peru Incidents of Travel and Exploration in the Land of the Incas By E. George Squier, M. A., F. S. A. Late U. S.

Commissioner to Peru, Author of "Nicaragua," "Ancient Monuments of Mississippi Valley," etc., etc. (Design) With Ill.u.s.trations New York Harper Brothers, Publishers Franklin Square 1877.

8, pp. i-xx, 1-599.

Mythologic representations of earth, air, and water. The cross not mentioned as one, p. 184.

STEVENS, GEORGE L. The Old Northern Runic Monuments of Scandinavia and England Now first collected and deciphered by George Stevens, Esq., F. S. A. Knight of the Northern Star and other t.i.tles, with many hundreds of fac-similes and ill.u.s.trations partly in gold, silver, bronze and colors. Runic alphabets; introductions; appendices; word-lists, etc.

London, John Russell Smith. Kobenhaven, Michaelsen and Tillge. Printed by H. H. Thiele, 1866-67.

8, pp. i-xi, 1-625.

STEVENSON, JAMES. Collections made in New Mexico and Arizona, 1879, by James Stevenson.

_Second Ann. Rep. Bureau of Ethnology_, 1880-81, pp. 307-465, figs.


Spiral in basketry, fig. 542. Swastika (dance-rattle), fig. 562, p.

394. Maltese cross, fig. 642. Greek cross, fig. 708, p. 453.

SYKES, Lieut. Col. Notes on the religious, moral, and political state of India before the Mohammedan invasion, chiefly founded on the travels of the Chinese Buddhist priest, Fa-Hian, in India, A. D. 399, and on the commentaries of Messrs. Klaproth, Burnouf, and Landresse.

_Journal Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland_, Vol. VI, pp. 248, 299, 310, 334.

THOMAS, CYRUS. Burial Mounds of Northern Sections of the United States.

_Fifth Ann. Rep. Bureau of Ethnology_, 1883-84, pp. 3-119, pls. I-VI, figs. 1-49.

Excavations in Little Etowah Mounds.

Human figures on copper plates, repousse work, figs. 42, 43, pp. 100, 101.

Eagle (copper) Mound near Bluff Lake, Union County, Illinois, fig. 48, p. 105.

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