The Swastika Part 28

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8, pp. i-xvi, 1-251.

Symbol of the cross in Mexico. The rain G.o.d, the tree of life, and the G.o.d of strength, p. 122; in Palenque, the four rain G.o.ds, p. 155; the Muscayas, light, sun, p. 222.

BROWNE, G. F. Basket-work figures of men on sculptured stones. Triquetra.

_Archaeologia_, Vol. L, 1887, pt. 2, p. 291, pl. XXIII, fig. 7.

BURGESS, JAMES. Archaeological Survey of Western India. Vol. IV. Report on the Buddhist Cave Temples and Their Inscriptions Being Part of The Results of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Seasons' Operations of the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1876-77, 1877-78, 1878-79. Supplementary to the Volume on "Cave Temples of India." By Jas.

Burgess, LL. D., F. R. G. S., Member of the Royal Asiatic Society, of the Societe Asiatique, &c. Archaeological Surveyor and Reporter to Government for Western and Southern India, London: Trubner & Co., Ludgate Hill. 1883. (All rights reserved.)

Folio, pp. 140.

Inscriptions with Swastika, vol. IV, pls. XLIV, XLVI, XLVII, XLIX, L, LII, LV; vol. V, pl. LI.

---- The Indian Antiquary, A Journal of Oriental Research in Archaeology, History, Literature, Languages, Folk-Lore, &c., &c., Edited by Jas. Burgess, M. R. A. S., F. R. G. S. 3 vols., 1872-74, Bombay: Printed at the "Times of India" Office. London: Trubner & Co. Paris: E. Leroux. Berlin: Asher & Co. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus. New York: Westermann & Co. Bombay: Thacker, Vining & Co.

4, Vols. I-III.

Twenty-four Jain Saints, _Suparsva_, son of Pratishtha by Prithoi, one of which signs was the Swastika. Vol. II, p. 135.

BURNOUF, EMILE. Le Lotus de la Bonne Loi, Traduit du Sanscrit, Accompagne d'un Commentaire et de Vingt et un Memoires Relatifs au Buddhisme, par M. E. Burnouf, Secretaire Perpetuel de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres. (Picture) Paris. Imprime par Autorisation du Gouvernement a l'Imprimerie Nationale. MDCCCLII.

Folio, pp. 1-897.

Svastikaya, Append. VIII, p. 625.

Nandavartaya, p. 626.

---- The Science of Religions by Emile Burnouf Translated by Julie Liebe with a preface by E. J. Rapson, M. A., M. R. A. S. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge London Swan, Sonnenschein, Lowrey & Co., Paternoster Square. 1888.

Swastika, its relation to the myth of Agni, the G.o.d of fire, and its alleged ident.i.ty with the fire-cross, pp. 165, 253-256, 257.

BURTON, RICHARD F. The Book of the Sword by Richard F. Burton Maitre d'Armes (Brevette) (Design) With Numerous Ill.u.s.trations London Chatto and Windus, Piccadilly 1884 (All rights reserved).

4, pp. 299.

Swastika sect, p. 202, note 2.

CARNAC, H. RIVETT. Memorandum on Clay Disks called "Spindle-whorls" and votive Seals found at Sankisa, Behar, and other Buddhist ruins in the Northwestern provinces of India. (With three plates).

_Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal_, Vol. XLIX, pt. 1, 1880, pp.


CARTAILHAC, eMILE. Resultats d'Une Mission Scientifique du Ministere de l'Instruction Publique Les ages Prehistoriques de l'Espagne et du Portugal par M. emile Cartailhac, Directeur des Materiaux pour l'Histoire primitive de l'homme Preface par M. A. De Quatref.a.ges, de l'Inst.i.tut Avec Quatre Cent Cinquante Gravures et Quatre Planches Paris Ch. Reinwald, Libraire 15, Rue des Saints Peres, 15 1886 Tous droits reserves.

4, pp. i-x.x.xv, 1-347.

Swastika, p. 285.

Triskelion, p. 286.

Tetraskelion, p. 286.

Swastika in Mycenae and Sabraso.--Are they of the same antiquity?, p.



t.i.tles, Swastika, Fylfot.

CESNOLA, LOUIS PALMA DI. Cyprus: Its Ancient Cities, Tombs, and Temples.

A Narrative of Researches and Excavations During Ten Years' Residence in that Island. By General Louis Palma Di Cesnola, * * * * * With Maps and Ill.u.s.trations. * * New York: Harper Brothers, Publishers, Franklin Square. 1877.

8, pp. 1-456.

Swastika on Cyprian pottery, pp. 210, 300, 404, pls. XLIV, XLV, XLVII.

CHAILLU, PAUL B. DU. The Viking Age The Early History Manners and Customs of the Ancestors of the English-Speaking Nations Ill.u.s.trated from The Antiquities Discovered in Mounds, Cairns, and Bogs, As Well as from the Ancient Sagas and Eddas. By Paul B. Du Chaillu Author of "Explorations in Equatorial Africa," "Land of the Midnight Sun," etc. With 1366 Ill.u.s.trations and Map. In Two Volumes * * New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1889.

8, I, pp. i-xx, 1-591; II, pp. i-viii, 1-562.

Swastika in Scandinavia. Swastika and triskelion, Vol. I, p. 100, and note 1; Vol. II, p. 343. Swastika, Cinerary urn, Bornholm, Vol. I, fig. 210, p. 138. Spearheads with runes, Swastika and Triskelion, Torcello, Venice, fig. 335, p. 191. Tetraskelion on silver fibula, Vol. I, fig. 567, p. 257, and Vol. II, fig. 1311, p. 342. Bracteates with _Croix swasticale_, Vol. II, p. 337, fig. 1292.

CHANTRE, ERNEST. etudes Paleoethnologiques dans le Ba.s.sin du Rhone age du Bronze Recherches sur l'Origine de la Metallurgie en France Par Ernest Chantre Premiere Partie Industrie de l'age du Bronze Paris, Librairie Polytechnique de J. Baudry 15, Rue Des Saints-Peres, 15 MDCCCLXXV.

Folio, pp. 1-258.

---- Deuxieme Partie. Gis.e.m.e.nts de l'age du Bronze. pp. 321.

---- Troisieme Partie. Statistique. pp. 245.

Swastika migration, p. 206. Oriental origin of the prehistoric _Sistres_ or _tintinnabula_ found in Swiss lake dwellings, Vol. I, p.


Spirals, Vol. II, fig. 186, p. 301.

---- Notes Anthropologiques: De l'Origine Orientale de la Metallurgie.

In-8, avec planches. Lyon, 1879.

---- Notes Anthropologiques. Relations entre les Sistres Bouddhiques et certains Objets Lacustres de l'Age du Bronze. In-8. Lyon, 1879.

---- L'age de la Pierre et l'age du Bronze en Troade et en Grece. In-8.

Lyon, 1874.

---- L'age de la Pierre et l'age du Bronze dans l'Asie Occidentale. (Bull.

Soc. Anth., Lyon, t. I, fasc. 2, 1882.)

---- Prehistoric Cemeteries in Caucasus. (Necropoles prehistoriques du Caucase, renferment des cranes macrocephales.)

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