Demon Girl Part 5

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Chapter Ten.

I was zapped out, like someone pulled the plug on me. In dire need of sleep, I quickly clocked out when my s.h.i.+ft ended and went home.

Once I got to my apartment complex, I raced inside and up the stairwell. Something didn't seem right. It smelled like damp rain. As I got up to the platform, I noticed my door was ajar.

Slowly, I went inside. Everything was untouched. Scared someone might still be there, I was cautious to move.

"David?" I called out.

My first thought was maybe he had to check something in the apartment, but why wouldn't he ask me first? Then I thought of a burglar, but nothing was missing. I looked around and noticed the balcony door was wide open as the wind blew the blinds like wind chimes. I wasn't sure if he was still here or not, so I called the cops.

"9-1-1. What's your emergency?"

"Someone broke into my home."

"Have you checked your perimeter?"


"Please stay outside the building until the police arrive."

I got off the phone, walked back downstairs and outside to the front and waited for the police to come. The building was empty. David wasn't there, so I left a message on his phone. I had it listed under "Landlord" in case of an emergency.

The police arrived within minutes.

"Are you Ms. Peters?"

"Yes, my apartment is on the second floor."

We proceeded inside to my apartment. They looked at everything, took pictures and asked me a series of questions.

"Anything gone?" the police officer asked.


"Did you notice anything different once you walked in?" He was writing notes as we spoke.

"Well, there wasa" I said, then caught myself about the smell I discovered. How would I explain that? The scent was not detectable to humans. It was only from my own keen sense that I knew.

"There was what?"

I froze. I couldn't come up with anything, yet I knew I couldn't lie. G.o.d, why have you done this to me? I could never let anyone know I was a demon, yet I couldn't lie either. This was virtually impossible. Suddenly, I reacted.

"There was a man." How bad a lie could that be?

"A man? Can you describe him?"

G.o.d, I thought, I know how this works. With one lie would come another and soon a created truth. I stopped and thought about what to say next. I kept my answers short.


"Where did you first see him?"

"I don't remember."

"Well, Ms. Peters, you are not giving us a lot to go on. We will check around the perimeter and let you know if we find anything."

"Thanks, Officer, I appreciate that."

They roamed around a little longer, checking in my bedroom and bathroom and in the closets, then left.

It was now late afternoon. I just wanted to sleep, but I couldn't lay there with my thoughts racing, so I decided to take my mind off everything and went on the computer.

Once I signed on, I saw there was a message from Jesse, so I opened it: Charlene, I don't know what's going with you lately. We haven't talked in a while, and I am concerned about you. I guess I scared you away when I said what I said. I really did mean it too. There's a lot going on with me. I wanted to talk to you about it. Please e-mail me when you can.

Jesse After I read the note, I thought about him for a while. I felt bad that I peeked on him like that. The stalking thing wasn't for me. I felt so guilty doing it. It was the first time I had seen him. I didn't want it to turn out that way, but it had. The urge to see him was so overwhelming I couldn't resist, but I was kicking myself for doing it. It wasn't supposed to be this way.

As I pondered on Jesse, I tried to focus on reading some poetry. An I.M. came onto my screen. It wasn't Jesse, it was someone else, but from the look of the username, I thought it was a joke.

DemonBoy: Miss me?

DemonGirl: Who is this?

DemonBoy: Oh, this again?

DemonGirl: Benjamin?

DemonBoy: None other!

DemonGirl: So how did you get access to a computer? Don't you live in a cave?

DemonBoy: So it was you then!

I paused for a moment. I never did admit to being in his lair, but he knew. I remembered him saying something about my scent. I couldn't deny it. I was there, yes, so who cares if I admit to it?

DemonGirl: So what! What the h.e.l.l do you want from me anyway?

DemonBoy: Wanting is one thing, needing is another, and you need me, want mea DemonGirl: Don't get carried away with yourself there, DemonBoy. I was just looking for answers. I meant to tell you.

DemonBoy: You don't have to, I can read you, remember? Like you're reading me right now!

DemonGirl: Huh? I can't read your thoughts. What are you talking about?

DemonBoy: You are reading my thoughts as I am writing them down right now. Ha ha ha.

DemonGirl: Very funnya As I started writing something else I heard a noise from outside the open window.

DemonGirl: Ben? Hold on, I need to check on something.

DemonBoy: Sure thing, DemonChick, I'll be right here.

As I approached the window and peered between the blinds, I didn't see anything. I was still jumpy from before, so I kept looking around, and that's when I saw a dark figure behind the thick pines. I opened the balcony doors and stepped outside for a closer look, but the shadow was gone.

I came back in and locked the doors. The time had pa.s.sed and it was now after seven in the evening. I will be changing again soon, I thought as I walked back over to the computer and typed another message to Ben.

DemonGirl: Still there?

DemonBoy: Yep, still here.

DemonGirl: Where are you?

DemonBoy: At the library in Cleveland.

DemonGirl: Why Cleveland?

DemonBoy: Hada save someoneawhy else? By the way, how is your saving coming along? I hear you're zero for zero!

DemonGirl: Sorry I am not great like you. Remember this is my first annual.

DemonBoy: Ah, but you will be!

DemonGirl: No, I won't be. Someday I will be human again. Jesse loves me. Things will work out. They have to. They must.

I waited for him to message me back as a few minutes went by.

DemonGirl: Still there?

I a.s.sumed he had to leave the library; from what I remembered they only give you a certain amount of time to use the computer.

I signed off and lay down. I could feel my body beginning to change. Every time it did, my thoughts raced more and more. Who was that standing behind the trees? Was I just seeing things? Who the h.e.l.l would break into my apartment? My dad comes to see me too? Now, after all this? I desperately wanted to talk to Jesse and tell him everything. I needed a friend, but I had no one. Benjamin was a good guy, but I still didn't trust him. There was something about him that rubbed me the wrong way, and yet I had to admit, I was attracted to him. However, he was a demon. He didn't care anymore about not being human again. I did. I still hoped it would happen. I just needed to tell Jesse the truth, but how?

Chapter Eleven.

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. Not knowing how I got there, I slowly got up and looked around. The walls were gray, and the T.V. was glaring an old black and white movie. I was in someone's den. There were bottles of all sorts of prescription drugs on the coffee table. The strange thing was I didn't feel like myself. Something was different. I was someone else, but who?

Looking down, I noticed I had on a nightgown. My hair was long and dark brown, and I was heavier, especially around my waist. My hands and arms were of different skin tonea"an olive color. It was too hard to tell exactly in the dim light. I was scared and patting myself down everywhere. I could feel I was in someone else's body. Was this another dream? Who the h.e.l.l was I, and where was I?

"Do you need anything else?" someone called from downstairs. The voice was m.u.f.fled. I couldn't tell who it was at first, and then it became more distinct.

"I'm bringing up some fresh water for you," he said, coming up the steps.

Oh, G.o.d, how could that be? Where was I? That sounded likea My thoughts where in a whirlwind, and I panicked. I wanted to hide, but I couldn't. I searched around the room for the light switch, feeling along the walls. With the flick of the switch, I was in shock to see who I was. The image in the mirror on the other side of the wall was of Sarah! Every move I made, she made, but there was a slight difference; she had a look in her eyes like she was trapped.

Dear G.o.d, I was in Sarah's body!

"Here's water. Did you need anything else before I go?"

It was Jesse looking right at me. I couldn't believe I was standing within three feet of him! I wanted so badly to run up and hug him, touch him, anything. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. I was being cheated out of my first encounter with him. Did I create this? Did I make this happen?

I took a long, hard look at him, and my heart seemed to stop. I couldn't feel it. Stillness was inside me, like I was a statue. I couldn't move, yet I was being moved by some kind of force.

The body I was encased in moved in directions I did not want it to go. Sarah's hands grabbed the bottle of water as her feet walked over to the couch. I could feel her body sitting down, but all I wanted to do was jump out, but how?

"Sarah? Are you okay? I could stay home if you want. I'll just call in," Jesse said.

"No!" I shouted. Oh, G.o.d, I could speak her voice! How could I when I was having trouble motoring her body? It was like half of me was there and half of me wasn't. Was I possessing Sarah's body?

"Sarah, you're scaring me. How about I stay home with you tonight?"

I tried to settle my thoughts and think of what to say next without being detected somehow. I reacted again, using her voice.

"Jessea" I said, pus.h.i.+ng my voice out of Sarah's mouth. It was hard to be talking to him face-to-face, for the first time, and I wasn't myself. I had to act as though I was Sarah.

"Yes?" he asked again.

"Just go, I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"


"You seem so jumpy, what's wrong?"

Yes, I did seem jumpy, and that was because I wanted to jump out of her body and escape this entrapment somehow.

"Please go. I'm just going to rest," I said.

Jesse came close, kissed me on the cheek and left.

Once I knew he was gone, I had to act fast. I could feel the forces pulling me to the den again. I watched Sarah's hands pick up a prescription bottle and felt myself moving to the bathroom.

Someone else was controlling me. It was Sarah's spirit still inside me. I looked in the mirror and saw her face. She was down and depressed, and it looked like she wanted to speak, but when I opened my mouth, it was her mouth moving with my voice!

"Please, G.o.d! Help me!" I said in the mirror as I saw Sarah's lips move.

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