Bitter Brew: The Rise and Fall of Anheuser-Busch and America's Kings of Beer Part 30

Bitter Brew: The Rise and Fall of Anheuser-Busch and America's Kings of Beer -

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15 St. Louis even had: Ibid.

16 Adolphus worked for two years: "King of Bottled Beer," 48.

16 On March 7, 1861: Peter Hernon and Terry Ganey, Under the Influence: The Unauthorized Story of the Anheuser-Busch Dynasty (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991), 26.

16 It's unlikely that: Gerald Holland, "The King of Beer," American Mercury, October 1929, 171.

16 Eberhard rewarded Adolphus: Hernon and Ganey, Under the Influence, 33, 34.

17 Of course, Adolphus got an a.s.sist: "Irish and German Immigration."

18 Sure enough: Martin H. Stack, "A Concise History of America's Brewing Industry,"

18 the Pasadena estate: Ibid., 46

18 Everything he did: Hernon and Ganey, Under the Influence, 120.

19 When he and Lilly celebrated: Ibid., 78

19 Custer's Last Fight: Death Notices, Indianapolis Star, May 9, 1921.

21 "promoter of villainous dives": Hernon and Ganey, Under the Influence, 69.

21 "Mr. President, the demand I speak of": Richard Bartholdt, From Steerage to Congress: Reminiscences and Reflections (Philadelphia: Dorrance, 1930): 2067.

22 On June 10, 1910: "75 Years Ago," St. Louis Globe-Democrat, June 10, 1985.

22 Adolphus did not live to see: Hernon and Ganey, Under the Influence, 8487.

23 With an original par value: "King of Bottled Beer," 48.

24 The Busch family's ties: Ibid.

24 Despite these efforts: Ibid., 98.

24 Upon her arrival in Key West: Hernon and Ganey, Under the Influence, 100.

25 "an attempt to subst.i.tute": Krebs and Orthwein, Making Friends Is Our Business, 160.

26 "The temperate use": The Anheuser-Busch Brewery, brochure, Henry Tobias Brewers and Maltsters Collection, Western Historical Ma.n.u.scripts Collection, University of MissouriSt. Louis.

26 "generally innocent": Department of Information, brochure, U.S. Brewers Foundation, Tobias Collection.

26 "You can afford to ride this out": "Gussie Busch: Beer Dynasty Dynamo," St. Louis Post-Dispatch, April 19, 1970.

27 "Our whole welfare and happiness": Hernon and Ganey, Under the Influence, 64.

27 The estate featured a $250,000: Grant's Farm: Preliminary Boundary Adjustment Evaluation, Reconnaissance Study, National Parks Service, U.S Department of the Interior.

27 steeped in American history: Ibid., 68.

29 "We ended up as the biggest": Hernon and Ganey, Under the Influence, 132.

29 Anheuser-Busch lost: "King of Bottled Beer," 102.

29 He saw Tessie one last time: Hernon and Ganey, Under the Influence,158.

30 In June 1922: Krebs and Orthwein, Making Friends Is Our Business, 13134.

30 To President Coolidge: Ibid., 135.

31 His most effective broadside: Hernon and Ganey, Under the Influence, 149.

31 In one way: Ibid., 163.

32 At age sixty-eight: Ibid., 161.

33 "with the utmost simplicity": Ibid., 165.

33 August A.'s estate: Ibid., 166.


35 Marie was twenty-two: "300 Guests See Miss Church and A.A. Busch Jr. Wed," St. Louis Globe-Democrat, April 28, 1918.

35 Beautiful, refined, and polished: Hernon and Ganey, Under the Influence, 126.

36 One of his cousins: Hernon and Ganey, Under the Influence, 171.

37 "recently divorced": "August A. Busch Jr. Weds Mrs. E. O. Dozier, Recently Divorced," a.s.sociated Press, September 23, 1933.

37 The second marriage didn't yield: Lotsie Busch Webster, interview by author, 2011.

40 Viewed from an era: Krebs and Orthwein, Making Friends Is Our Business, 21819.

41 "very good business": "Busches: 'Too Flamboyant for St. Louis High Society.'" St. Louis Post-Dispatch, August 26, 1975.

42 "Grandaddy would take us hunting: "St. Louis Post-Dispatch, August 25, 1973.


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