The Compleat Cook Part 12

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10. Divinity no enemy to Astrology: A Sermon for the society of Astrologers, in the year 1653. by D. _Thomas Swadling_.

11. _Britannia Rediviva_, a Sermon before the Judges, _August_ 1648. by _J Shaw_ Minister of _Hull_.

12. The Princess Royal, in a Sermon before the Judges, _March_ 24. by _J Shaw_.

13. Judgement set, and books opened, Religion tried whether it be of G.o.d or Man, in severall Sermons: by _J Webster, Quarto_.

14. Israels Redemption, or the Prophetical History of our Saviours Kingdome on Earth: by _K. Marton_.

15. The Cause and Cure of Ignorance, Error and Prophaness: or a more hopefull way to Grace and Salvation: by K. _Young, Octavo_.

16. A Bridle for the Times, tending to still the murmuring, to settle the wavering, to stay the wandring, and to strengthen the fainting: by _J Brinsley_ of _Yarmouth_.

17. Comforts against the fear of death; wherein are discovered severall Evidences of the work of Grace: by _J Collins_ of _Norwich_.

18. _Jacobs_ Seed: or, the excellency of seeking G.o.d by prayer, by _Jer Burroughs_.

19. The form of Practical Divinity; or, the grounds of Religion in a Chatechistical way, by Mr. _Christopher Love_ late minister of the gospel: a useful piece.

20. Heaven and Earth shaken; a Treatice shewing how Kings and Princes, their Governments are turned and changed, by _J Davis_ Minister in _Dover_: admirably useful and seriously to be considered in these times.

21. The Treasure of the Soul; wherein we are taught, by dying to sin, to attain to the perfect love of G.o.d.

22. A Treatise of Contestation fit for these sad & troublesome times by _J. Hall_ Bishop of _Norwich_.

23. Select thoughts: or, choice helps for a pious spirit, beholding the excellency of her Lord Jesus; by _J. Hall_ Bishop of _Norwich_.

24. The Holy Order, or Fraternity of Mourners in Zion; to which is added, Songs in the night, or chearfulness under afflictions; by _J.

Hall_ Bishop of _Norwich_.

25. The Celestial Lamp, enlightening every distressed Soul from the depth of everlasting darkness; by _T. Fetisplace_.

_Admirable and learned Treatises of Occult Sciences in Philosophy, Magick, Astrology, Geomancy, Chymistry, Physiognomy, and Chyromancy._

26. Magick & Astrology vindicated by _H. Warren_

27. _Lux Veritatis_, Judicall Astrology vindicated and demonology confuted; by _W. Ramsey_ Gent.

28. An Introduction to the Tentonick Philosophy; being a determination of the Original of the Soul: by _C. Hotham_ Fellow of _Peter-House_ in _Cambridge_.

29. _Curnelius Agrippa_, his fourth book of Occult Philosophy, or Geomancy: Magical Elements o _Peter de Abona_, the nature of Spirits: made English by _R Turner_.

30. _Paracelsus_ Occult Philosophy, of the Misteries of Nature, and his Secret Alchimy.

31. An Astrological Discourse with Mathematical Demonstrations; proving the influence of the Planets and fixed Stars upon Elementary Bodies: by Sir _Chr. Heydon_ Knight.

32. _Merlinus Anglicus Junior_; the English Merlin revived: or a Prediction upon the Affairs of Christendome, for the year 1644, by _W.


33. Englands Prophetical Merlin; foretelling to all Nations of _Europe_, till _1663_. the actions depending upon the influences of the Conjunction of _Saturn_ and _Jupiter_ 1642. by _W. Lilly_.

34. The Starry messenger: or an Interpretation of that strange apparition of three Suns seen in _London_, the 19 of _November_ 1644, being the birthday of King _Charles_: by _W. Lilly_.

35. The Worlds Catastrophe: or _Europes_ many Mutations, untill 1666, by _W. Lilly_.

36. An Astrological Prediction of the Occurrences in _England_; part of the years 1648, 1649, 1650. by _W. Lilly_.

37. Monarchy or no Monarchy in _England_: the Prophesie of the white King, _Grebner_ his Prophesie, concerning _Charles_, Son of _Charles_, his greatness; ill.u.s.trated with several Hieroglyphicks: by _W. Lilly_.

38. _Annus Tenebrosus_, or the Dark Year, or Astrological Judgements upon two Lunary Eclipses, and one admirable Eclipse of the Sun in _England_ 1652. by _W. Lilly_.

39. An easie and familiar Method, whereby to judge the effects depending on Eclipses: by _W. Lilly_.

40. Supernatural Sights and Apparitions seen in _London, June 30_ 1644.

by _W. Lilly_: as also all his Works in a volumn.

41. _Catastrophe Magnatum_: an Ephemerides for the year 1652. by _N.


42. _Teratologia_; or, a discovery of G.o.ds Wonders, manifested by b.l.o.o.d.y raine and waters, by _I.S._

43. Chyromancy; or the Art of divining by the lines egraven in the hand of man, by dame nature in 19. Genitures; with a Learned Discourse of the Soul of the World; by _G. Wharton_ Esq.

44. The admired piece of Physiognomy, and Chyromancy, Metoposcopy, and Simmetricall Proportions, and Signal moles of the Body, and Interpretation of Dreams: to which is added the art of Memory, ill.u.s.trated with figures: by _R. Sanders_, in _Folio_.

45. The no less exquisite then admirable Work, _The atrum chemic.u.m Britannic.u.m_; containing several Poetical pieces of our famous English Philosophers, who have written the Hermitique Mysteries in their own antient Language; faithfully collected into one Volumn, with Annotations thereon: by the Indefatigable Industry of _Elias Ashmole_ Esq; ill.u.s.trated with Figures.

_Excellent Treatises in the Mathematicks, Geometry of Arithmetick, Surveying, and other Arts or Mechannicks._

46. The incomparable Treatise of _Tactometria, sev. Tetagmenometria_; or, the Geometry of Regulars, practically proposed, after a new and most expeditious manner, (together with the Natural or Vulgar, by way of Mensural comparison) and in the Solids, not only in respect of Magnitude or Demension, but also of Gravity or Ponderosity, according to any Metall a.s.signed: together with useful experiments of Measures & Weights, observations on Gauging, useful for those are practised in the Art Metricald: by _T. Wibard_.

47. _Tectonicon_, shewing the exact measuring of all manner of Land, Squares, Timber Stone, Steeples, Pillars, Globes; as also the making and use of the Carpenters Rule &c. fit to be known by all Surveyors, Land-meters, Joyners, Carpenters, and Masons: by _L. Digges_.

48. The unparalleld work for ease & expedition, inst.i.tuted, The exact Surveyor: or, the whole Art of Surveying of Land, shewing how to plot all manner of Grounds, whether small Inclosures, Champain, Plain, Wood-Lands, or Mountains, by the Plain Table; as also how to finde the Area, or Content of any Land, to Protect, Reduce or Divide the same; as also to take the Plot or Cart, to make a map of any Manner, whether according to _Rathburne_, or any other Eminent Surveyors Method: a Booke excellently useful for those that sell, purchase, or are otherwise employed about Buildings; by _J. Eyre_.

49. _Moor's_ Arithmetick: discovering the secrets of that Art, in Number and Species; in two Books, the first teaching by precept and example, the Operations in numbers, whole and broken. The Rules of Practice, Interest, and performed in the more facil manner by Decimals, then hitherto hath been published; the excellency and new practice and use of Logarithmes, _Nepayres Bones_. The second the great Rule of _Algebra_, in Species, resolving all Arithmetical Questions by Supposition.

50. The golden Treatise of Arithmetick, Natural and Artificial, or Decimals; the Theory & Practice united in a simpathetical Proportion, betwixt lines and Numbers, in their Quant.i.ties and Qualities, as in respect of Form, Figure, Magnitude and Affection; demonstrated by Geometry, ill.u.s.trated by Calculations, and confirmed with variety of Examples in every Species; made compendious and easie for Merchants, Citizens, Sea-men, Accomptants, &c. by _Th. Wilsford_ Corrector of the last Edition of Record.

51. Semigraphy, or the Art of Short-Writing, as it hath been proved by many hundreds in the City of _London_, and other places, by them practised, and acknowledged to be the easiest, exactest, and swiftest method; the meanest capacity by the help of this Book, with a few hours practice, may attaine to a perfection in this Art: by _Jer. Rich_ Author and Teacher thereof, dwelling in _Swithings Lane_ in _London_.

52. Milk for Children; a plain and easie method teaching to read and write, usefull for Schools and Families, by _L. Thomas_, D.D.

53. The Painting of the Ancients; the History of the beginning, progress, and consummating of the practice of that n.o.ble Art of Painting; by _F. Junius_

_Excellent and approved Treatises in Physick, Chyrurgery, & other more familiar Experiments in Cookery, Preserving, &c._

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