Colonial Records of Virginia Part 21

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IN 1680.

STATE PAPERS, } COLONIAL--VIRGINIA. } _Vol. 60, No. 410 (June 30th, 1680)._ }


JUNE THE 30TH, 1680.

Henrico County {Varina, } John Ball.

{1/2 Bristol,[JJ] }

Charles Citty Co^ty {1/2 Bristol, } {Jordan, } Readers onely.

{Westover, } { } {Weyonoak, } M^r Paul Williams.

{Martin Brandon, }

Surry County {Southwork, } M^r John Clough.

{Lawns Creek, } M^r John Woyre.

James Citty County {Martins hundred, } {1/2 Brewton, } {Wallingford, } {Wilmington, } M^r Thomas Hampton.

Isle of Wight {Isle of Wight Parish, } M^r Rob^t Park.

{Lower Parish, } M^r W^m Housden.

{Upper Parish, } M^r John Gregory.

Nanzemund {Lower Parish, } M^r John Wood.

{Chic.o.katuck Parish, } M^r W^m Housden, who serves in Isle of Wight alsoe.

Warwick County {Denby, } M^r John Larwence for {Mulberry Island, } both.

Eliz. Citty County {Inone Parish. } M^r John Page.

Lower Norfolk {Eliz. River Parish, } M^r W^m Nern.

{Lynhaven Parish, } M^r James Porter.

{ 1/2 Brewton, } { Hampton Parish, } M^r Rowland Jones.

Yorke County { York Parish, } M^r Edwd. Foliott.

{ New Towson Parish, } M^r John Wright.

{ South { St. Peter's Parish, } M^r Wm. Sellick.

{ side. { Blissland Parish, } M^r Tho. Taylor.

New Kent { } { North { St. Steven's Parish, } M^r Wm. Williams.

{ side, { Stratton Maj^r } M^r Robt. Carr.

{ Kingston, } M^r Michaell Zyperius.

{ Ware Parish, } M^r ---- Clark.

Glost^r County { Telsoe Parish, } M^r Thomas Vicars.

{ Abingdon, } M^r John Gwynn.

Midd^x County Christ Church Parish, M^r John Sheppard.

{ Farnam, } M^r Charles Davies.

Rapp^a County { Sydenburn, } M^r ---- Dudley.

{ Stafford Parish, } Stafford County { Choatanck, } John Wough.

{ Copeland Parish, } M^r ---- Scr.i.m.m.i.n.gton.

Westmerland County { Was.h.i.+ngton, } M^r William Butler.

{ Fairfield, } M^r John Farnefold.

Northumberl^d. Cou'ty { Wacacommico, } M^r Davies, who serves alsoe at Farnam.

Accomack County Accomack Parish, M^r Henry Parkes.

{ Northampton Parish, } Northampton County { Hungers Parish, } M^r Thomas Teagle.

{ Christ's Church, } Lancaster County { White Chapple, } M^r Benj. Doggett.

I certify that the foregoing is a true and authentic copy taken from the volume above named.

JOHN McDONAGH, Record Agent, July 14th, 1871.

[JJ] The 1/2 occurs in such cases as when one portion of the parish is in one county and the other portion in another. Thus Bristol parish was partly in Henrico and partly in Charles City counties.


The following additions to the text and notes are suggested as explanatory, without being considered superfluous.

Page 16.--"The sixte pet.i.tion, to change the sauage name of Kicowtan,"

was granted. In 1621, Treasurer Sandys in his report to the Company informed them that the name had been changed to Elizabeth Cittie.--Neill's history, page 178.

Page 25.--The word "howes" inserted in connection with various kinds of dogs, is our modern word hoe; Smith has it hows on page 86, and howes on page 162.

Page 29.--Capt. Henry Spelman, was the third son of the distinguished antiquary, Sir Henry Spelman, of Conghan, Norfolk, England. He was about twenty-one years of age when he came to Virginia, in 1609, for which he accounts as follows: "Beinge in displeasuer of my frendes, and desirous to see other countryes. After three months' sayle we c.u.m with prosperus winds in sight of Virginia." Afterwards he says, "I was carried by Capt.

Smith, our President, to ye Fales, to ye litell Powhatan, wher, vnknowne to me he sould me to him for a towne called Powhatan."--Spilman's Relation, pp. 15, 16. Dr. Simons, in Smith's General Historie, says: "Captain West and Captain Sickelmore sought abroad to trade; Sickelmore, upon the confidence of Powhatan, with about thirty other as careless as himselfe, were all slaine, onely Jeffrey Shortridge escaped, and Pokahontas, the King's daughter, saued a boy called Henry Spilman, that liued many yeeres after, by her meanes, among the Patawmokes;" this occurred in 1609.--Smith, p. 105. He remained with the Indians but little more than one year, for in 1610 Capt. Argall being sent to the "riuer Patawmoke to trade for corne," where finding him, used Spelman's influence to secure the loading of his vessel with corn, and Spelman returned with him to Jamestown.--Smith, p. 108. Spelman adds, "and brought into England," p. 221. We then lose sight of him until he is arraigned before the a.s.sembly at Jamestown in 1619 (_ante_ p. 29) He makes his final appearance in 1623, when we are told, he was sent with a bark and twenty-six men to "trucke in the River Patawmek," where at some place, the name of which was to his companions unknown, he landed with twenty-one of his companions, when the savages made hostile demonstrations "and presently after they" (the five left in the bark) "heard a great brute amongst the Saluages ash.o.r.e, and saw a man's head thrown downe the banke, whereupon they weighed Anchor and returned home, but how he was surprised or slaine is vncertaine."--Smith p. 161.

Spelman wrote a short account of his observations while among the Indians, and it laid in obscurity until the sale of Dawson Turner's library, in 1859, when it was bought by Mr. Joseph Lilly and, by accident, again lost; and at the sale of Mr. Lilly's library, in 1871, it was again discovered and purchased for James F. Hunniwell, Esq., who has had one hundred copies printed for private circulation.

Spelman was not the only Englishman with the savages. In the same year that Spelman was sold for a town, or saved by Pocahontas--whichever version being correct--Admiral Newport gave Powhatan a boy, named Thomas Salvage, in exchange for "Namontack, his trustie seruant." Spelman says Savage was murdered by the Indians, but there is a tradition that he lived nearly all his life with them; became possessor of a tract of land on the eastern sh.o.r.e by gift and that it remained in his family until within the last ten years, when it was sold by some of his descendants then living in Philadelphia. The authority for this statement is obtained in correspondence with Hon. Hugh B. Grigsby, LL. D., President of the Virginia Historical Society.

Page 39.--To note to Jordan's Journey it may be added that a reference to this place is doubtless made when Smith says: "After the ma.s.sacre many of the inhabitants fortified themselves against other attacks, and Master Samuel Iorden gathered but a few about him at Begger's Bush" (the t.i.tle of one of Fletcher's comedies) "where he fortified."--Smith, p.

150; Campbell, p. 164.

Page 47.--The following may be added to the note on Gla.s.s House: "For gla.s.s they," the Indians, "knowe not, though the country wants not sal-sodiack enough to make, and of which we have made some store in a goodly house sett up for the same purpose, a little without the island where Jamestown stands."--Strachey's Virginia Brittania (1612), p. 71. "To take care of Capt. Wm. Norton and certaine Italians sent to sitt a gla.s.s house."--Instructions to Sir Francis Wyatt (1621), Hening I., p. 116.

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