Colonial Records of Virginia Part 20

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The three succeeding papers are printed from the De Jarnette collection.

The first is a census in gross without any details of s.e.x, age or social condition. In these respects it lacks the interest which one feels in the list made out in 1623.

In February, 1623, there were living in the Colony 1277 persons, and including 371 who had died during the preceding year, _i.e._ since April, 1622; it is evident that the greatest number of inhabitants during the year ending February 16, 1623--not including those murdered in the ma.s.sacre--amounted to 1648; and in 1634, eleven years afterwards, they amounted to 5,119, being an increase of 3,471, or an average of about 315 per annum, by birth and immigration. Accustomed as we are to the rapid growth of new countries this seems but a small increase, but when it is remembered that they made the voyage in sailing vessels only, and that it then not unfrequently lasted three or four months, we have little cause for wonder.

The next paper is a copy of a letter from His Majesty Charles II., to the Governor, Sir Wm. Berkeley, returning his thanks for a present of silk grown in Virginia. The first settlers were very anxious for success in this department of industry, and the House of Burgesses in 1657-'8 pa.s.sed a law offering a premium of 5,000 pounds of tobacco to any one who made "100 pounds of wound silke in any one year," and in the next session, 1658-'9, the premium was made 10,000 pounds of tobacco for 50 pounds of "wound silke." We have frequently heard repeated a tradition to the effect that Charles II. wore a robe made of Virginia silk at his coronation. The circ.u.mstance of which this doc.u.ment is evidence, is probably the nearest approach to any thing of the sort that ever occurred, and hereafter this with the foolish and groundless story of one of the Lees going to see him when an exile at Breda, to offer him a crown and a refuge in Virginia, must be consigned to that oblivion which is likely, soon, we hope, to receive many of the mythical legends which have heretofore pa.s.sed current for the history of Virginia.

The third is a list of the parishes and their ministers in 1680, the number of the latter showing that the people were poorly provided for in this respect, and that some of the parishes had no ministers. This deficiency was, however, in a measure provided for by the appointment of "readers" under the operation of acts pa.s.sed February 1632-'3, by which if a minister's cure "is so large that he cannot be present on the Saboth and other holy days. _It is thought fit_ That they appoint deacons for the readinge of common prayer in their absence;" and further, in March, 1661-'2, it was enacted "That every parish not haveing a minister to officiate every Sunday doe make choice of a grave and sober person to read divine service at the Parish church."--Hen.

Vol. I., p. 208; Vol. II., p. 46, 54.

STATE PAPERS, } COLONIAL. } _Vol. 8, No. 55 (1634)._}

A LIST _of the number of men, women and children Inhabitinge in the severall Counties w^{th}in the Collony of Virginia. Anno D^{ne}, 1634._

_Imprimis_, from Arrowhattock to s.h.i.+rley hundred Iland, on both sides the river, being within the Countie of Henrico, 419

Item, from s.h.i.+rley hundred Iland to Weysnoake, on both sides the River, being w^{th}in the countie of Charles Citty, 511

Item, from Upper Cheppeake Creeke to Lawnes Creeke on the Southward side, and from Checohominey River to Creeke on the northward side of the River, being w^{th}in the Countie of James Citty, 886

Item, from Ketche's Creeke & Mulbury Iland to Maries Mount, on the northward side of the river, being w^{th}in the countie of Warricke river, 811

Item, from Lawne's Creeke to Warrosquyoake Creeke on the southward side of the river, beinge within the Countye of Warrosquyoake, 522

Item, from Maires Mount to Fox hill, w^{th} the Plantations of the Back river & the old Pocolson river on the Northward side, and from Elizabeth river to Chesepeake River on the southward side of the river, being w^{th}in the Countie of Elizabeth Citty, 859

Item, in the Plantations of Kiskyake, Yorke & the new Pocolson, being within the Countie of Charles River, 510

Item, in the Plantations on the Esterlie side of Chessepeake Bay, being w^{th}in the Countie of Accowmack, 396

The whole number is, 4,914

After this list was brought in there arrived a s.h.i.+p of Holand with 145 from the Bermudas.

And since that 60 more in an English s.h.i.+pp w^{ch} likewise came from the Bermudas.

I certify that the foregoing is a true and authentic copy taken from the volume above named.


Record Agent,

July 14th, 1871.



His Majesty, Charles the Second,




STATE PAPERS, } COLONIAL--VIRGINIA. } _Vol. 59, No. 115 (Nov'r --, 1668)._ }

[Partly damaged by damp.]

Trusty & welbeloved, Wee Greet you well. Wee have received w^{th} much content y^e dutifull respects of that Our Colony in y^e present lately made us by you & y^e Councell there of y^e first product of y^e new Manufacture of Silke, w^{ch}, as a mark of Our Princely acceptation of yo^r dutyes & of y^r particular encouragement, Wee resolve to give to yo^r industry in y^e prosecution and improvem^t of that or any other usefull Manufacture, Wee have comanded to be wrought up for y^e use of Our owne person, and herein Wee have thought good to * * * * * ledge from Our owne Royall * * * * * you of Our more especiall care & protection in all occasions that may concern that our ancient Colony and Plantation, whose laudable industry, raysed in good part & improved by y^e sobriety of y^e governm^t, we esteeme much, & are desirous by this & any other seasonable expression of Our favor, as farre as in us lies, to encourage. And soe Wee bid you Farewell. Given at Our Court at Whitehall, the--day of November, in y^e 20^{th} yeare of our Reigne, 1668.

By his Ma^{tie's} Comand.

His Ma^{ty} to S^r W^m. Berkeley & Colony.


To our Trusty and Welbeloved Sir William Berkeley, Kn^t, Our Governour of our Colony of Virginia, to be communicated to y^e Councill of that Our Colony.

I certify that the foregoing is a true and authentic copy taken from the volume above named.

JOHN McDONAGH, Record Agent, July 1st, 1871.




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