The Foundations of Science: Science and Hypothesis, The Value of Science Science and Method Part 3

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No theorem could be new if no new axiom intervened in its demonstration; reasoning could give us only the immediately evident verities borrowed from direct intuition; it would be only an intermediary parasite, and therefore should we not have good reason to ask whether the whole syllogistic apparatus did not serve solely to disguise our borrowing?

The contradiction will strike us the more if we open any book on mathematics; on every page the author will announce his intention of generalizing some proposition already known. Does the mathematical method proceed from the particular to the general, and, if so, how then can it be called deductive?

If finally the science of number were purely a.n.a.lytic, or could be a.n.a.lytically derived from a small number of synthetic judgments, it seems that a mind sufficiently powerful could at a glance perceive all its truths; nay more, we might even hope that some day one would invent to express them a language sufficiently simple to have them appear self-evident to an ordinary intelligence.

If we refuse to admit these consequences, it must be conceded that mathematical reasoning has of itself a sort of creative virtue and consequently differs from the syllogism.

The difference must even be profound. We shall not, for example, find the key to the mystery in the frequent use of that rule according to which one and the same uniform operation applied to two equal numbers will give identical results.

All these modes of reasoning, whether or not they be reducible to the syllogism properly so called, retain the a.n.a.lytic character, and just because of that are powerless.


The discussion is old; Leibnitz tried to prove 2 and 2 make 4; let us look a moment at his demonstration.

I will suppose the number 1 defined and also the operation _x_ + 1 which consists in adding unity to a given number _x_.

These definitions, whatever they be, do not enter into the course of the reasoning.

I define then the numbers 2, 3 and 4 by the equalities

(1) 1 + 1 = 2; (2) 2 + 1 = 3; (3) 3 + 1 = 4.

In the same way, I define the operation _x_ + 2 by the relation:

(4) _x_ + 2 = (_x_ + 1) + 1.

That presupposed, we have

2 + 1 + 1 = 3 + 1 (Definition 2), 3 + 1 = 4 (Definition 3), 2 + 2 = (2 + 1) + 1 (Definition 4),


2 + 2 = 4 Q.E.D.

It can not be denied that this reasoning is purely a.n.a.lytic. But ask any mathematician: 'That is not a demonstration properly so called,' he will say to you: 'that is a verification.' We have confined ourselves to comparing two purely conventional definitions and have ascertained their ident.i.ty; we have learned nothing new. _Verification_ differs from true demonstration precisely because it is purely a.n.a.lytic and because it is sterile. It is sterile because the conclusion is nothing but the premises translated into another language. On the contrary, true demonstration is fruitful because the conclusion here is in a sense more general than the premises.

The equality 2 + 2 = 4 is thus susceptible of a verification only because it is particular. Every particular enunciation in mathematics can always be verified in this same way. But if mathematics could be reduced to a series of such verifications, it would not be a science. So a chess-player, for example, does not create a science in winning a game. There is no science apart from the general.

It may even be said the very object of the exact sciences is to spare us these direct verifications.


Let us, therefore, see the geometer at work and seek to catch his process.

The task is not without difficulty; it does not suffice to open a work at random and a.n.a.lyze any demonstration in it.

We must first exclude geometry, where the question is complicated by arduous problems relative to the role of the postulates, to the nature and the origin of the notion of s.p.a.ce. For a.n.a.logous reasons we can not turn to the infinitesimal a.n.a.lysis. We must seek mathematical thought where it has remained pure, that is, in arithmetic.

A choice still is necessary; in the higher parts of the theory of numbers, the primitive mathematical notions have already undergone an elaboration so profound that it becomes difficult to a.n.a.lyze them.

It is, therefore, at the beginning of arithmetic that we must expect to find the explanation we seek, but it happens that precisely in the demonstration of the most elementary theorems the authors of the cla.s.sic treatises have shown the least precision and rigor. We must not impute this to them as a crime; they have yielded to a necessity; beginners are not prepared for real mathematical rigor; they would see in it only useless and irksome subtleties; it would be a waste of time to try prematurely to make them more exacting; they must pa.s.s over rapidly, but without skipping stations, the road traversed slowly by the founders of the science.

Why is so long a preparation necessary to become habituated to this perfect rigor, which, it would seem, should naturally impress itself upon all good minds? This is a logical and psychological problem well worthy of study.

But we shall not take it up; it is foreign to our purpose; all I wish to insist on is that, not to fail of our purpose, we must recast the demonstrations of the most elementary theorems and give them, not the crude form in which they are left, so as not to hara.s.s beginners, but the form that will satisfy a skilled geometer.

DEFINITION OF ADDITION.--I suppose already defined the operation _x_ + 1, which consists in adding the number 1 to a given number _x_.

This definition, whatever it be, does not enter into our subsequent reasoning.

We now have to define the operation _x_ + _a_, which consists in adding the number _a_ to a given number _x_.

Supposing we have defined the operation

_x_ + (_a_ - 1),

the operation _x_ + _a_ will be defined by the equality

(1) _x_ + _a_ = [_x_ + (_a_ - 1)] + 1.

We shall know then what _x + a_ is when we know what _x_ + (_a_ - 1) is, and as I have supposed that to start with we knew what _x_ + 1 is, we can define successively and 'by recurrence' the operations _x_ + 2, _x_ + 3, etc.

This definition deserves a moment's attention; it is of a particular nature which already distinguishes it from the purely logical definition; the equality (1) contains an infinity of distinct definitions, each having a meaning only when one knows the preceding.

PROPERTIES OF ADDITION.--_a.s.sociativity._--I say that

_a_ + (_b_ + _c_) = (_a_ + _b_) + _c_.

In fact the theorem is true for _c_ = 1; it is then written

_a_ + (_b_ + 1) = (_a_ + _b_) + 1,

which, apart from the difference of notation, is nothing but the equality (1), by which I have just defined addition.

Supposing the theorem true for _c_ = [gamma], I say it will be true for _c_ = [gamma] + 1.

In fact, supposing

(_a_ + _b_) + [gamma] = _a_ + (_b_ + [gamma]),

it follows that

[(_a_ + _b_) + [gamma]] + 1 = [_a_ + (_b_ + [gamma])] + 1

or by definition (1)

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