English Literature Part 45

English Literature -

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[=a], as in fate; [)a], as in fat; a, as in arm; [a:], as in all; [a.], as in what; a, as in care

[=e], as in mete; [)e], as in met; e, as in there

[=i], as in ice; [)i], as in it; , as in machine

[=o], as in old; [)o], as in not; [o:], as in move; [.o], as in son; o, as in horse; [=oo] as in food; [)oo], as in foot

[=u], as in use; [)u], as in up; , as in fur; [:u], as in rule; [.u], as in pull

[=y], as in fly; [)y], as in baby

c, as in call; c, as in mice; ch, as in child; [-c]h, as in school

g, as in go; [.g], as in cage

s, as in saw; [s=], as in is

th, as in thin; th, as in then

x, as in vex; [x=], as in exact.

NOTE. t.i.tles of books, poems, essays, etc., are in _italics_.

_Absalom and Achitophel_ ([=a]-chit'o-fel) _Abt Vogler_ (apt v[=o]g'ler) Actors, in early plays; Elizabethan Addison; life; works; hymns; influence; style _Adonais_ (ad-[=o]-n[=a]'is) Aesc (esk) Aidan, St. ([=i]'dan) _Aids to Reflection_ _Alastor_ ([)a]-l[)a]s-tor) _Alchemist, The_ _Alexander's Feast_ Alfred, King; life and times; works _All for Love_ _Alysoun_, or Alisoun (al'[)y]-sown or al'[)y]-zoon), old form of Alice _Amelia_ _American Taxation_, Burke's speech on _An Epistle_ _Anatomy of Melancholy_ _Ancren Riwle_ (angk'ren rol) _Andrea del Sarto_ (an-dr[=a]'ya del sar't[=o]) _Andreas_ Angeln Angles, the Anglo-Norman Period; literature; ballads; lyrics; summary; selections for reading; bibliography; questions on; chronology _Anglo-Saxon Chronicle_ Anglo-Saxon Period; early poetry; springs of poetry; language; Christian writers; source books; summary; selections for reading; bibliography; questions on; chronology Anglo-Saxons; the name; life; language; literature, _see_ Anglo-Saxon Period.

_Annus Mirabilis_ Anselm _Apologia_, Newman's _Apologie for Poetrie_ _Arcadia_ _Areopagitica_ ([)a]r'=[=e]-[)o]p-[)a]-j[)i]t'[)i]-ca) Arnold, Matthew; life; poetry; prose works; characteristics Art, definition of Arthurian romances Artistic period of drama Artistic quality of literature Ascham, Roger a.s.sonance _Astraea Redux_ ([)a]s-tr[=e]'a r[=e]'duks) _Astrophel and Stella_ ([)a]s'tr[=o]-fel) _Atalanta in Calydon_ ([)a]t-[)a]-l[)a]n'ta, k[)a]l'[)i]-d[)o]n) Augustan Age, meaning. _See_ Eighteenth-century literature _Aurora Leigh_ ([a:]-r[=o]'ra l[=e]) Austen, Jane; life; novels; Scott's criticism of

Bacon, Francis; life; works; place and influence Bacon, Roger Ballad, the _Ballads and Sonnets_ _Barchester Towers_ _Bard, The_ _Bard of the Dimbovitza_ (dim-bo-vitz'a), Roumanian folk songs _Battle of Agincourt_ (English, [)a]j'in-k[=o]rt) _Battle of Brunanburh_ _Battle of the Books_ Baxter, Richard Beaumont, Francis (b[=o]'mont) _Becket_ Bede; his history; his account of Caedmon _Bells and Pomegranates_ Benefit of clergy _Beowulf_ (b[=a]'[=o]-wulf), the poem; history; poetical form; ma.n.u.script of Beowulf's Mount Bibliographies, study of literature; Anglo-Saxon Period; Norman; Chaucer; Revival of Learning; Elizabethan; Puritan; Restoration; Eighteenth century; Romanticism; Victorian; general _Bickerstaff Almanac_ _Biographia Literaria_ Blackmore, Richard Blake, William; life; works Blank verse _Blessed Damozel_ _Blot in the 'Scutcheon, A_ Boethius (b[=o]-[=e]'thi-us) Boileau (bwa-l[=o]'), French critic _Boke of the d.u.c.h.esse_ _Book of Martyrs_ _Borough, The_ Boswell, James. _See also_ Johnson Boy actors Breton, Nicholas Bronte, Charlotte and Emily Browne, Thomas; works Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Robert; life; works; obscurity of; as a teacher; compared with Shakespeare; with Tennyson; periods of work; soul studies; place and message _Brut_, Layamon's; quotation from Brutus, alleged founder of Britain Bulwer Lytton Bunyan, John; life; works; his style Burke, Edmund; life; works; a.n.a.lysis of his orations Burney, f.a.n.n.y (Madame D'Arblay) Burns, Robert; life; poetry; Carlyle's essay on Burton, Robert Butler, Samuel Byron; life; works; compared with Scott

Caedmon (k[)a]d'mon), life; works; his _Paraphrase_; school of _Cain_ _Callista_ Calvert, Raisley Camden, William _Campaign, The_ Campion, Thomas _Canterbury Tales_; plan of; prologue; Dryden's criticism of Canynge's coffer Carew, Thomas Carlyle; life; works; style and message Carols, in early plays _Casa Guidi Windows_ (ka'sa gw[=e]'d[=e]) _Castell of Perseverance_ _Castle of Indolence_ _Cata_ Cavalier poets Caxton; specimen of printing Celtic legends _Chanson de Gestes_ _Chanson de Roland_ Chapman, George; his _Homer_; Keats's sonnet on Chatterton, Thomas Chaucer, how to read; life; works; form of his poetry; melody; compared with Spenser Chaucer, Age of: history; writers; summary; selections for reading; bibliography; questions on; chronology Chester plays Cheyne Row _Childe Harold_ _Child's Garden of Verses_ Chocilaicus (k[=o]-kil-[=a]'[=i]-cus) _Christ, The_, of Cynewulf _Christabel_ _Christian Year_ _Christmas Carol, A_ Christ's Hospital, London _Chronicle, The Anglo-Saxon_ Chronicle plays Chronicles, riming Chronology: Anglo-Saxon Period; Norman-French; Age of Chaucer; Revival of Learning; Elizabethan; Puritan; Restoration; Eighteenth Century; Romanticism; Victorian _Citizen of the World_ _Clarissa_ Cla.s.sic and cla.s.sicism Cla.s.sic influence on the drama _Cloister and the Hearth_ Clough, Arthur Hugh _c.o.c.kaygne, Land of_ (k[=o]-k[=a]n') Coleridge; life; works; critiqal writings Collier, Jeremy Collins, William Comedy, definition; first English; of the court _Complete Angler, The_ _Comus, Masque of_ _Conciliation with America_, Burke's speech _Confessions of an English Opium-Eater_ _Consolations of Philosophy_ _Cotter's Night_ Couplet, the Court comedies Covenant of 1643 Coventry plays Cowley, Abraham Cowper, William; life; works Crabbe, George _Cranford_ Crashaw, Richard Critic, meaning of Critical writing, Dryden; Coleridge; in Age of Romanticism; in Victorian Age Criticism, Arnold's definition Cross, John Walter _Crown of Wild Olive_ _Culture and Anarchy_ _Curse of Jfehama_ (k[=e]-ha'ma) _Cursor Mundi_ Cycles, of plays; of romances Cynewulf (kin'[)e]-wulf), 36-38 _Cynthia's Revels_ (sin'thi-a)

Daniel, Samuel _Daniel Deronda_ D'Arblay, Madame (f.a.n.n.y Burney) Darwin and _Darwinism_ Death, Raleigh's apostrophe to _Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire_ _Defense of Poesie_ _Defensio pro Populo Anglicano_ Defoe; life; works Dekker, Thomas _Delia_ Democracy and Romanticism; in Victorian Age _Dear's Lament_ De Quincey; life; works; style _De Sapientia Veterum_ _Deserted Village, The_ _Dethe of Blanche the d.u.c.h.esse_ _Diary_, Evelyn's; Pepys's; selections from d.i.c.kens; life; works; general plan of novels; his characters; his public; limitations _Dictionary_, Johnson's _Discoverie of Guiana_ (g[=e]-a'na) _Divina Commedia_ (d[=e]-v[=e]'na kom-m[=a]'d[=e]-a) _Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde_ Domestic drama Donne, John his poetry Dotheboys Hall (do-the-boys) Drama, in Elizabethan Age origin, periods of, miracle and mystery plays, interludes, cla.s.sical influence on, unities, the English, types of, decline of.

_See also_ Elizabethan Age, Shakespeare, Jonson, Marlowe, etc.

Dramatic unities Dramatists, methods of _See_ Shakespeare, Marlowe, etc.

_Drapier's Letters_ Drayton, Michael _Dream of Gerontius, The_ (j[)e]-r[)o]n'sh[)i]-us) Dryden life, works, influence, criticism of _Canterbury Tales_ _d.u.c.h.ess of Malfi_ (mal'f[=e]) _Dunciad, The_ (dun's[)i]-ad)

Ealhild, queen ([=e]-al'hild) _Earthly Paradise_ _Eastward Ho_!

Economic conditions, in Age of Romanticism Edgeworth, Maria _Edward II_ _Egoist, The_ Eighteenth-Century Literature: history of the period, literary characteristics, the Cla.s.sic Age, Augustan writers, romantic revival, the first novelists, summary, selections for reading, bibliography, questions, chronology, _Eikon Basilike_ ([=i]'kon b[)a]-sil'[)i]-k[=e]) Eikonoklastes ([=i]-kon-[=o]-klas't[=e]z) _Elegy_, Gray's _Elene_ Elizabethan Age history, non-dramatic poets, first dramatists, Shakespeare's predecessors, Shakespeare, Shakespeare's contemporaries and successors, prose writers, summary, selections, bibliography, questions, chronology _Endymion_ _English Bards and Scotch Reviewers_ _English Humorists_ _English Idyls_ Eormanric ([=e]-or'man-ric) _Epicaene_ ([)e]p'[=i]-sen), or _The Silent Woman_ _Epithalamium_ ([)e]p-[)i]-th[=a]-l[=a]'m[)i]-um) Erasmus _Essay concerning Human Understanding_ _Essay of Dramatic Poesy_ _Essay on Burns_ _Essay on Criticism_ _Essay on Man_ _Essay on Milton_ _Essays_, Addison's, Bacon's _Essays in Criticism_ _Essays of Elia_ ([=e]'l[)i]-a) _Ethics of the Dust_ _Euphues_ and euphuism ([=u]'f[=u]-[=e]z) Evans, Mary Ann. _See_ George Eliot Evelyn, John _Everlasting No_, and _Yea, The_ _Every Man in His Humour_ _Everyman_ _Excursion, The_ _Exeter Book_

Faber, Frederick _Fables_, Dryden's _Faery Queen_ _Fall of Princes_ _Faust_ (foust), _Faustus_ (fas'tus) _Ferrex and Porrex_ Fielding, novels, characteristics _Fight at Finnsburgh_ _Fingal_ (fing'gal) First-folio Shakespeare Fletcher, Giles Fletcher, John Ford, John Formalism _Four Georges, The_ Foxe, John _Fragments of Ancient Poetry_ French influence in Restoration literature French language in England French Revolution, influence of _French Revolution_, Carlyle's Fuller, Thomas

_Gammer Gurton's Needle_ Gaskell, Mrs. Elizabeth _Gawain and the Green Knight_ (ga'-w[=a]n) Gawain cycle of romances, 57 _Gebir_ (g[=a]-b[=e]r') Geoffrey of Monmouth (jef'r[)i]) George Eliot; life; works; characteristics; as a moralist Gest (_or_ jest) books _Geste of Robin Hood_ Gibbon, his history _Gifts of G.o.d, The_ Girondists (j[)i]-ron'dists) Gleemen, _or_ minstrels Goldsmith; life; works _Good Counsel_ _Gorboduc_ (gor'b[=o]-duk) _Gorgeous Gallery_ Gower _Grace Abounding_ Gray, Thomas; life; works _Greatest English Poets_ Greene, Robert Gregory, Pope Grendel; story of; mother of Grubb Street _Gulliver's Travels_ _Gull's Hornbook_

Hakluyt, Richard (h[)a]k'loot) Hallam, his criticism of Bacon Hardy, Thomas Hastings, battle of Hathaway, Anne Hazlitt, William Hengist (h[)e]ng'gist) _Henry Esmond_ Herbert, George; life; poetry of _Hero and Leander_ _Heroes and Hero Wors.h.i.+p_ Heroic couplet _Heroic Stanzas_ Herrick, Robert _Hesperides and n.o.ble Numbers_ (h[)e]s-p[)e]r'[)i]-d[=e]z) Heywood, John Heywood, Thomas Hilda, abbess Hildgund (hild'gund) Historical novel _History, of England_, Macaulay's; _of Frederick the Great_, Carlyle's; _of Henry VIII_, Bacon's; _of the Reformation in Scotland_, Knox's; _of the Wortd_, Raleigh's Hnaef (n[e=]f) Hobbes, Thomas Holofernes (hol-[=o]-fer'n[=e]z) in _Judith_ _Holy and Profane State_ _Holy Living_ _Holy War_ _Homer_, Chapman's; Dryden's; Pope's; Cowper's Hooker, Richard Hooker, Thomas _Hours in a Library_ _Hours of Idleness_ _House of Fame_ _House of Life_ Hrothgar (r[)o]th'gar) _Hudibras_ (h[=u]'d[)i]-bras) Humanism _Humphrey Clinker_ Hunt, Leigh _Husband's Message_ Huxley, Hygelac (h[=i]-j[=e]'lak) Hymn book, first English _Hymn to Intellectual Beauty_ _Hymns_, Addison's; Cowper's _Hypatia_ (h[=i]-p[=a]'s.h.i.+a) _Hyperion_ (h[=i]-p[=e]'r[)i]-on)

Idealism of Victorian Age Ideals Idols, of Bacon _Idylls of the King_ _Il Penseroso_ (il pen-s[)e]-r[=o]'s[=o]) _Iliad_, Pope's translation; Chapman's; Dryden's _Imaginary Conversations_ _Impeachment of Warren Hastings_ _In Memoriam_ _Instauratio Magna_ (in-sta-r[=a]'s.h.i.+-o) Interludes _Intimations of Immortality_

Jacobean poets _Jane Eyre_ (ar) Jeffrey, Francis Jest (_or_ gest) books _Jew of Malta_ _John Gilpin_ Johnson, Samuel; life; works; his conversations; Boswell's _Life of Johnson_ _Jonathan Wild_ Jonson, Ben; life; works _Joseph Andrews_ _Journal of the Plague Year_ _Journal to Stella_ _Judith_ _Juliana_

Keats; life; works; place in literature Kilmarnock Burns, the _Kings' Treasuries_ Kingsley, Charles _Knight's Tale, The_ Knox, John _Kubla Khan_ (kob'la kan) Kyd, Thomas

_L'Allegro_ (lal-[=a]'gr[=o]) _Lady of the Lake_ Lake poets, the Lamb, Charles; life; works; style Lamb, Mary _Lamia_ (l[=a]'mi-a) _Land of c.o.c.kaygne_ (k[)o]-kan') _Land of Dreams_ Landor, Walter Savage; life; works Langland, William Language, our first speech; dual character of; Teutonic origin _Last Days of Pompeii_ (pom-p[=a]'y[=e]) Law, Hooker's idea of _Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity,_ _Lay Sermons_ Layamon _Lays of Ancient Rome_ _Lead, Kindly Light_ _Lectures on Shakespeare_ _Legends of Goode Wimmen_ _Leviathan_ Lewes, George Henry _Liberty of Prophesying_ Life, compared to a sea voyage _Life of Johnson_ _Life of Savage_ Lindsay, David Literary Club, the Literary criticism. _See also_ Critical writing.

_Literary Reminiscences_ Literature, definition; qualities; tests; object in studying; importance; Goethe's definition; spirit of modern _Literature and Dogma_ _Lives_, Plutarch's; Walton's _Lives of the Poets_ Locke, John Lockhart, John _Lorna Doone_ _Lost Leader, The_ Lovelace, Richard _Lycidas_ (lis'[)i]-das) Lydgate, John Lyly, John (lil'[)i]) _Lyra Apostolica_ _Lyrical Ballads_ Lytton, Edward Bulwer

Macaulay; life; works; characteristics Macpherson, James (mak-fer'son) Magazines, the modern _Maldon, The Battle of_ Malory _Mandeville's Travels_ _Manfred_ Marlowe; life; works; and Milton; and Shakespeare _Marmion_ Marvell, Andrew Ma.s.singer, Philip Matter of France, Rome, and Britain Melodrama _Memoirs of a Cavalier_ Meredith, George _Merlin and the Gleam_ Metaphysical poets Metrical romances Middleton, Thomas _Miles Gloriosus_ (m[=e]'les gl[=o]-r[)i]-[=o]'s[u:]s) _Mill on the Floss_ Milton; life; early or Horton poems; prose works; later poetry; and Shakespeare; Wordsworth's sonnet on _Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border_ Miracle plays _Mirror for Magistrates_ _Mr. Badman, Life and Death of_ Modern literature, spirit of _Modern Painters_ _Modest Proposal, A_ _Moral Epistles_ Moral period of the drama Moral purpose in Victorian literature Morality plays More, Hannah More, Thomas Morris, William _Morte d'Arthur_ (mort dar'ther) _Mother Hubbard's Tale_ _Muleykeh_ (m[=u]-l[=a]'k[)a]) _My Last d.u.c.h.ess_ _Mysteries of Udolpho, The_ ([=u]-dol'f[=o]) Mystery plays

_New Atalantis_ _Newcomes, The_ Newman, Cardinal; life; prose works; poems; style Newspapers, the first _Nibelungenlied_ (n[=e]'b[)e]-lung-en-l[=e]d) _Noah, Play of_ Norman Conquest Norman pageantry Norman period. _See_ Anglo-Norman Normans; union with Saxons; literature of North, Christopher (John Wilson) North, Thomas Northanger Abbey (north'[=a]n-jer) _Northern Antiquities_ Northumbrian literature; decline of; how saved Novel, meaning and history; precursors of; discovery of modern Novelists, the first English.

_See_ Scott, d.i.c.kens, etc.

_Novum Organum_ (or'g[)a]-num)

_Ode on the Morning of Christ's Nativity_ _Ode to Dejection_ _Ode to the West Wind_ Odes, Pindaric _Odyssey_, Pope's; Chapman's; Dryden's _Old Fortunatus_ (for-t[=u]-n[=a]'tus) _Oliver Cromwell_, Carlyle's _Oliver Twist_ _Origin of Species_ _Orlando Furioso_ (or-lan'd[=o] foo-r[=e]-[=o]'s[=o]) Orm, _or_ Orme; his _Ormulum_ Orosius ([=o]-r[=o]'si-us), his history Ossian (osh'ian) and Ossianic poems _Owl and Nightingale, The_ Oxford movement

_P's, The Four_ _Palamon and Arcite_ (pal'a-mon, ar'-s[=i]te) _Pamela_ (pam'e-la) Pantisocracy (pan-t[=i]-sok'r[=a]-se), of Coleridge, Southey, etc.

_Paradise Lost_ _Paradise Regained_ _Paradyse of Daynty Devises_ _Paraphrase_, of Caedmon _Parish Register, The_ _Pauline_ _Pearl, The_ _Pelham_ _Pendennis_ Pepys, Samuel (pep'is, peeps, pips) Percy, Thomas _Peregrine Pickle_ (per'e-grin) _Pericles and Aspasia_ (per'i-kl[=e]z, as-p[=a]'s.h.i.+-a) Philistines, the _Phoenix_ (f[=e]'nix) _Pickwick Papers_ _Piers Plowman_ (peers) _Pilgrim's Progress_ Pindaric odes (pin-dar'ic) _Pippa Pa.s.ses_ _Plain Man's Pathway to Heaven_ Plutarch's _Lives_ _Poems by Two Brothers_ _Poetaster, The_ _Polyolbion_ (pol-[)i]-ol'b[)i]-on) Pope, Alexander; life; works Porter, Jane _Practice of Piety_ _Praeterita_ (pr[=e]-ter'[)i]-ta) _Praise of Folly_ _Prelude, The_ _Pre-Raphaelites_ (ra'f[=a]-el-ites) _Pride and Prejudice_ _Princess, The_ _Prometheus Unbound_ (pr[=o]-m[=e]'th[=u]s) Prose development in eighteenth century Pseudo-cla.s.sicism (s[=u]'d[=o]) Purchas, Samuel; _Purchas His Pilgrimes_ Puritan Age: history; literary characteristics; poets; prose writers; compared with Elizabethan; summary; selections for reading; bibliography, questions; chronology Puritan movement Puritans, wrong ideas of

Queen Mab, in _Romeo and Juliet_ _Queen's Gardens_

_Rabbi Ben Ezra_ Radcliffe, Mrs. Anne Raleigh, Walter _Ralph Royster Doyster_ _Rambler_ essays _Rape of the Lock_ Reade, Charles Realism _Recluse, The_ _Reflections on the French Revolution_ _Religio Laici_ _Religio Medici_ Religious period of the drama _Reliques of Ancient English Poetry_ _Reminiscences_, Carlyle's _Remorse_ Renaissance, the (re-n[=a]'sans, r[=e]'n[=a]s-sans, etc.) Restoration Period: history; literary characteristics; writers; summary; selections for reading; bibliography; questions; chronology Revival of Learning Period: history; literature; summary; selections for reading; bibliography; questions; chronology _Revolt of Islam_ Revolution, French; of 1688; age of Richardson, Samuel; novels of _Rights of Man_ _Rime of the Ancient Alariner_ Rime Royal _Ring and the Book, The_ _Robin Hood_ _Robinson Crusoe_ _Roderick_ _Roderick Random_ Romance; Greek Romances Romance languages _Romance of the Rose_ Romantic comedy and tragedy Romantic enthusiasm Romantic poetry Romanticism, Age of; history; literary characteristics; poets; prose writers; summary; selections for reading; bibliography; questions; chronology Romanticism, meaning _Romola_ _Rosalynde_ Rossetti, Christina (ros-set't[=e]) Rossetti, Dante Gabriel _Rowley Papers_ Royal Society Runes Ruskin; life; works; characteristics; message

Sackville, Thomas _St. Catherine, Play of_ St. George's Guild _Saints' Everlasting Rest_ _Samson Agonistes_ (ag-o-nis't[=e]z) _Sartor Resartus_ (sar'tor re-sar'tus) Satire; of Swift; of Thackeray Saxon. _See_ Anglo-Saxon _School of Shooting_ Science, in Victorian Age Scop, _or_ poet (skop) Scott, Walter; life; poetry; novels; criticism of Jane Austen _Scottish Chiefs_ Scyld (skild), story of Sea, names of, in Anglo-Saxon, 25 _Seafarer, The_ _Seasons, The_ Selections for reading: Anglo-Saxon period; Norman; Chaucer; Revival of Learning; Elizabethan; Puritan; Restoration; Eighteenth Century; Romanticism; Victorian _Sentimental Journey_ _Sesame and Lilies_ (ses'a-m[=e]) Shakespeare; life; works; four periods; sources of plays; cla.s.sification of plays; doubtful plays; poems; place and influence _She Stoops to Conquer_ Sh.e.l.ley; life; works; compared with Wordsworth _Shepherds' Book_ _Shepherd's Calendar_ s.h.i.+rley, James _Shoemaker's Holiday, The_ _Short View of the English Stage_ Sidney, Philip _Sigurd the Volsung_ _Silas Marner_ _Silent Woman, The_ _Sir Charles Grandison_ Skelton, John _Sketches by Boz_ Smollett, Tobias Social development in eighteenth century _Sohrab and Rustum_ (soo'rhab, _or_ s[=o]'hrab) _Songs of Innocence_, and _Songs of Experience_ Sonnet, introduction of _Sonnets_, of Shakespeare; of Milton _Sonnets from the Portuguese_ Southey; works _Spanish Gypsy_ _Spanish Tragedy_ _Specimens of English Dramatic Poets_ _Spectator, The_ Spenser; life; works; characteristics; compared with Chaucer Spenserian poets Spenserian stanza Stage, in early plays; Elizabethan Steele, Richard Stephen, Leslie Sterne, Lawrence Stevenson, Robert Louis Style, a test of literature Suckling, John Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of _Swan, The_ Swift; life; works; satire; characteristics Swinburne _Sylva_ Symonds, John Addington

Tabard Inn _Tale of a Tub_ _Tale of Two Cities_ _Tales from Shakespeare_ _Tales in Verse_ _Tales of the Hall_ _Tam o' Shanter_ _Tamburlaine_ (tam'bur-lane) _Task, The_ _Tatler, The_ Taylor, Jeremy _Temora_ (te-m[=o]'ra) _Tempest, The_ _Temple, The_ Tennyson; life; works; characteristics; message _Tenure of Kings and Magistrates_ _Terra_ Tests of literature Teufelsdroeckh (toy'felz-droek) Thackeray; life; works; characteristics; style; and d.i.c.kens _Thaddeus of Warsaw_ _Thalaba_ (tal-a'ba) Theater, the first Thomson, James _Thyrsis_ (ther'sis) _Timber_ _Tintern Abbey_ _Tirocinium_ (t[=i]-r[=o]-sin'[)i]-um), _or A Review of Schools_ _Tom Jones_ Tories and Whigs _Tottel's Miscellany_ Townley plays _Toxophilus_ (tok-sof'[)i]-lus) Tractarian movement _Tracts for the Times_ Tragedy, definition, of blood Transition poets _Traveler, The_ _Treasure Island_ _Treatises on Government_ _Tristram Shandy_ _Troilus and Cressida_ (tr[=o]'[)i]-lus, kres'-[)i]-da) Trollope, Anthony Troyes, Treaty of _Truth_, or _Good Counsel_ Tyndale, William (tin'dal)

Udall, Nicholas ([=u]'dal) _Udolpho_ ([=u]-dol'f[=o]) _Unfortunate Traveller, The_ Universality, a test of literature University wits _Unto This Last_ _Utopia_

_Vanity Fair_ _Vanity of Human Wishes_ Vaughan, Henry _Vercelli Book_ _Vicar of Wakefield_ Vice, the, in old plays Victorian Age, history, literary characteristics, poets, novelists, essayists, etc., spirit of, summary, selections for reading, bibliography, questions, chronology _View of the State of Ireland_ _Village, The_ _Vision of the Rood_ _Volpone_ (vol-p[=o]'ne) _Voyages_, Hakluyt's

Wakefield plays _Waldere_ (val-d[=a]'re, _or_ val'dare) Waller, Edmund Walton, Izaak _Waverley_ _Wealth of Nations_ _Weather, The_, play of Webster, John Wedmore, Treaty of _Westward Ho_ Whigs and Tories Whitby (hwit'b[)i]) _Widsith_ (vid'sith) Wiglaf (vig'laf) Wilson, John (Christopher North), Wither, George Women, in literature Wordsworth, life, poetry, poems of nature, poems of life, last works Wordsworth, Dorothy _Worthies of England_ _Wuthering Heights_ (wuth'er-ing) Wyatt (w[=i]'at), Thomas Wyclif (wik'lif) Wyrd (vird), or fate

York plays

Footnote 1: From _The Bard of the Dimbovitza_, First Series, p. 73.

Footnote 2: There is a mystery about this old hero which stirs our imagination, but which is never explained. It refers, probably, to some legend of the Anglo-Saxons which we have supplied from other sources, aided by some vague suggestions and glimpses of the past in the poem itself.

Footnote 3: This is not the Beowulf who is hero of the poem.

Footnote 4: _Beowulf_, ll. 26-50, a free rendering to suggest the alliteration of the original.

Footnote 5: Grendel, of the Eoten (giant) race, the death shadow, the mark stalker, the shadow ganger, is also variously called G.o.d's foe, fiend of h.e.l.l, Cain's brood, etc. It need hardly be explained that the latter terms are additions to the original poem, made, probably, by monks who copied the ma.n.u.script. A belief in Wyrd, the mighty power controlling the destinies of men, is the chief religious motive of the epic. In line 1056 we find a curious blending of pagan and Christian belief, where Wyrd is withstood by the "wise G.o.d."

Footnote 6: Summary of ll. 710-727. We have not indicated in our translation (or in quotations from Garnett, Morley, Brooke, etc.) where parts of the text are omitted.

Footnote 7: Grendel's mother belongs also to the Eoten (giant) race. She is called _brimwylf_ (sea wolf), _merewif_ (sea woman), _grundwyrgen_ (bottom master), etc.

Footnote 8: From Garnett's _Beowulf_, ll. 1384-1394.

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