Beethoven: A Memoir Part 18

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130. _Quartet_ for two violins, viola, and violoncello, in B flat; ded. to Prince Galitzin; composed 1825.

131. _Quartet_ fr two violins, viola, and violoncello, in C sharp minor; ded. to the Baron von Stutterheim; composed 1826.

132. _Quartet_ for two violins, viola, and violoncello, in A minor; ded. to Prince Galitzin; composed 1825.

133. _Grand Fugue_ for two violins, viola, and violoncello, in B flat; ded. to the Cardinal Archduke Rudolph; composed 1825.

134. _Grand Fugue_ (Op. 133 arranged for piano for four hands).

135. _Quartet_ (the sixteenth) for two violins, viola, and 'cello, in F major; ded. to Herrn Wolfmeier; composed 1826.

136. "_Der Glorreiche Augenblick_," cantata for four voices and orchestra; text by Dr. Weissenbach; ded. to Franz I., Emperor of Austria, Nicholas I., Emperor of Russia, and Frederick William III., King of Prussia; composed 1814.

137. _Fugue_ for two violins, two violas, and 'cello, in D major; composed 1817.

138. _Ouverture caracterisstique_; "_Leonora_" No. 1, in C major.


No. 1_a_. _Twelve Variations_ for piano and violin, in F major; Theme: "_Se vuol ballare_," from Mozart's "_Figaro_;" ded. to Eleanore von Breuning; pub. 1793.

1_b_. _Thirteen Variations_ for piano, in A major; Theme: "_Es war einmal ein alter Mann_;" pub. 1794.

2. _Nine Variations_ for piano, in A major; Theme: "_Quant e piu bello_;" pub. 1796.

3_a_. _Six Variations_ for piano; Theme: "_Nel cor piu non mi sento_;"

composed 1795.

3_b_. _Two Minuets_ for piano, for four hands.

4. _Twelve Variations_ for piano, in C major; Theme: "_Menuet a la Vigano_;" pub. 1796.

5_a_. _Twelve Variations_ for piano, in A major; Theme from the ballet of the "_Waldmadchen_;" pub. 1797.

5_b_. _Twelve Variations_ for piano and violoncello, in G major; Theme: "_See, the Conquering Hero comes!_" pub. 1804.

6. _Twelve Variations_ for piano and violoncello, in F major. (_See_ Op. 66.)

7. _Eight Variations_ for piano in C major; Theme from Gretry's "_Richard Coeur de Lion_;" pub. 1798.

8. _Ten Variations_ for piano in B flat major; Theme: "_La stessa, la stessissima_;" pub. 1799.

9. _Seven Variations_ for piano, in F major; Theme: "_Kind willst du ruhig schlafen_;" pub. 1799.

10_a_. _Eight Variations_ for piano, in F major; Theme: "_Tandeln and Scherzen_;" composed 1799.

10_b_. _Seven Variations_ for piano and violoncello, in E flat; Theme from the "_Magic Flute_;" composed 1801 (?).

11. _Six very easy Variations_ on an original Theme; composed 1801.

12. _Six easy Variations_ for piano or harp, in F major; Theme: "_Air suisse_;" pub. 1799 (?).

13. _Twenty-four Variations_ for piano, in D major, on a Theme by Righini; composed about 1790.

14-23. _Wanting._

24. "_Der Wachtelschlag_," for voice and piano; words by Sauter; pub.


25. _Seven Variations_ for piano, in C major; Theme: "_G.o.d save the King_;" pub. 1804.

26. _Five Variations_ (favourite) for piano, in D major; Theme: "_Rule, Britannia_;" pub. 1804.

27. _Six Variations_ for piano, for four hands, in D major, on an original Theme; composed 1800.

28. _Minuet_ for piano.

29. _Prelude_ for piano, in F minor; pub. 1805.

30, 31. _Wanting._

32. "_To Hope_," by Tiedge (_see_ Op. 94).

33, 34. _Wanting._

35. _Andante_ for piano in F major (originally in the Sonata, Op. 53), composed 1803 (?).

36. _Thirty-two Variations_ for piano, in C minor, on an original Theme; pub. 1807.

37. _Wanting._

38. "_Die Sehnsucht_:" four Melodies for voice and piano; text by Goethe; pub. 1810.



_a._ _Trio_ for piano, violin, and violoncello (in one movement), in B flat; ded. to "my little friend, Maximiliana Brentano, for her encouragement in pianoforte playing;" composed 1812.

_b._ _Rondo_ for piano and violin, in G major; pub. 1800.

_c._ _Andante_ for piano, in G.

_d._ _Sonata_ for piano, in C major (_incomplete_); composed 1796.

_e._ _Two easy Sonatinas_ for piano, in G major and F major; composed in Bonn.

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