Elements of Gaelic Grammar Part 24

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Fogus, } Am fogus; } near.

H-uig' agus uaith; to and fro.

Iolar, } Ioras; } below there, below yonder.

Le leathad; _by a descent_, downwards.

Leis; _along with it_, down a stream, declivity, &c.

Mu 'n cuairt; _by the circuit_, around.

Ri bruthach; _to an ascent_, upwards.

Ris; in an exposed state, bare, uncovered.

Seachad; past, aside.

Sios, a sios; downwards.

Suas, a suas; upwards.

{113} s.h.i.+os; below there, below yonder.

Shuas; above there, above yonder.

Tarsuing; across.

Thairis; over.

Thall; on the other side.

Uthard; above there, above yonder.

Deas[78]; south.

Gu deas; southward.

A deas; from the south.

Iar[79], } Siar; } west.

Gus an aird an iar; westward.

O'n iar; from the west.

Tuath; north.

Gu tuath; northward.

A tuath; from the north.

Ear, Oir, Soir; east.

Gus an aird an ear; eastward.

O'n ear; from the east.

_Adverbs of Manner._

Air achd; in a manner.

Air a' chuthach, } Air boile; } distracted, mad.

Air chall; lost.

Air chir; aright.

Air chor; in a manner.

Air chor eigin; in some manner, somehow.

Air chuairt; sojourning.

Air chuimhne; in remembrance.

Air eigin; with difficulty, scarcely.

Air fogradh; in exile, in a fugitive state.

{114} Air ghleus; in trim.

Air iomadan; adrift.

Air iomroll; astray.

Air iunndrain; amissing.

Air lagh; trimmed for action, as a bow bent, a firelock c.o.c.ked, &c.

Air leth; apart, separately.

Air seacharan; astray.

Air sgeul; found, not lost.

Amhain; only.

Amhuil, } Amhludh; } like as.

Am bidheantas; customarily, habitually.

Am feabhas; convalescent, improving.

An coinnimh a chinn; headlong.

An coinnimh a chuil; backwards.

An deidh, } An geall; } desirous, enamoured.

An nasgaidh; for nothing, gratis.

An tir; in pursuit.

Araon; together.

As an aghaidh; _out of the face_, to the face, outright.

As a cheile; loosened, disjointed.

Car air char; rolling, tumbling over and over.

Cia mar; _as how_, how.

C' arson; _on account of what_, why, wherefore.

C' ionnas; _what manner_, how.

Cha, cho; not.

Comhla[80], mar chomhla, } Cuideachd; } together, in company.

C'uime, for what, why.

Do dheoin, a dheoin; spontaneously, intentionally.

Dh' aindeoin; against one's will.

Do dhth, a dhth; a-wanting.

Do rreadh; really, actually, indeed.

{115} Fa leth; severally, individually.

Gle; very.

Gu beachd; _to observation_, evidently, clearly.

Gu buileach; _to effect_, thoroughly, wholly.

Gu dearbh; _to conviction_, truly, certainly.

Gu deimhin; _to a.s.surance_, a.s.suredly, verily.

Gu leir; altogether.

Gu leor; _to sufficiency_, enough.

Gun amharus; _without doubt_, doubtless.

Gun chaird; _without rest_, incessantly, without hesitation.

Leth mar leth; half and half.

Le cheile; _with each other_, together.

Maraon; _as one_, together, in concert.

Mar an ceudna; in like manner, likewise.

Mar sin; _as that_, in that manner.

Mar so; _as this_, thus.

Mar sud; _as yon_, in yon manner.

Mu seach; in return, alternately.

Na, Nar; let not,--used optatively, or imperatively.

Nach; that not, who not, not?

Ni; not.

Ni h-eadh[81]; it is not so.

Os aird; openly.

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