The History of Roman Literature Part 69

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[49] _E.g._ Pallentem Famam, ch. 13. The expression--Augustus eloquentiam sient cetera _pacaverat_; and that so admirably paraphrased by Pitt (ch.

36), Magna eloquentia, sicat flamma, materia alitur et motibus excitatur et urendo clarescit.

[50] Ch. 3.

[51] Esp. ch. 10, 11.

[52] Notably the history of the Jews. Hist. v.

[53] Ann. iv. 32.

[54] De Bury, _Les Femmes de l'Empire_.


[1] For an excellent account of this inconstant prince see his biography by Aelius Spartia.n.u.s, who preserves other poems of his.

[2] Cf. Dom. 12, Interfuisse me _adolescentulum_ memini c.u.m inspiceretur senex (a Domitiano). From Gram. 4, Ner. 57, as compared with this, we should infer that he was about fifteen in the year 90.

[3] Ep. i. 18.

[4] Ep. iii. 8.

[5] Paneg. Traj. 95.

[6] Ep. i. 24.

[7] _E.g._ Fronto writing under Antoninus mentions him as still living.

[8] Hist. Var. 6, 874-896 (Roth).

[9] De Spect. 5.

[10] _Ad Aen._ 7, 612: Tria suntgenera trabearum; nuum diis sacratum, quod est tantum de purpura; aliud regum, quod est purpureum, habet tanem alb.u.m aliquid; tertium augurale de purpura et cocco. The other pa.s.sage (_Ad Aen._ 2, 683) describes the different priestly caps, the _apex_, the _tubulus_, and the _galerus_.

[11] Etym. 18, 2, 3.

[12] Perhaps the word _Stemma_ should be supplied before _syngenikon_.

[13] In one MS. is appended to Suetonius's works a list of grammatical observations called _Differentiae sermonum Remmi Palaemonis ex libro Suetoni Tranquilli qui inscribitur Pratum_. Roth prints these, but does not believe them genuine.

[14] It will be found _Ner._ 47-49.

[15] Qualis artifex pereo.

[16] Many of these e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.ns are in Greek. On this see note i. p. 37.

[17] Usually (from the Cod. Bamberg.) Julius Florus; but Mommsen considers this a corruption.

[18] Riese, _Anthol. Lat._ p. 168-70; ib. No. 87, p. 101. Some have ascribed the _Pervigilium Veneris_ to him.

[19] ii. 1.

[20] See back page 331.

[22] Dio. xl. 5, 20.

[23] For these writers, see Teuff. -- 345.

[24] i. 4, 1.

[25] He speaks of having learnt from him _to epistasthai oti hae turannikae baskania kai poikilia kai hypokrisis kai oti os epipan oi kaloumenoi outoi par aemin Eupatridai astorgoteroi pos eisin_.

[26] Paneg. Constant. 14.

[27] Sat. V. 1.

[28] _Sicc.u.m_. This shows more than we should have expected from Macrobius.

[29] Ep. ad M. Caes ii. 1.

[30] In complaining of fate, he suddenly breaks off with the words: _Fata a fando appellata aiunt; hoccine est recte fari?_ -- 7.

[31] On this see a fuller account, pp. 478, 474.

[32] Some of the more interesting chapters in his work may be referred to:--On religion, i. 7; iv. 9; iv. 11; v. 12; vi. 1. On law, iv. 3; iv. 4; iv. 5; v. 19; vii. 15; x. 20. On Virgil, i. 23; ii. 3; ii. 4; v. 8; vi. 6; vii. 12; vii. 20; ix. 9; x. 16; xiii. 1; xiii. 20. On Sall.u.s.t, i. 15; ii.

27; iii. 1; iv. 15; x. 20. On Ennius, iv. 7; vii. 2; xi. 4; xviii. 5.

[33] And those often rare ones, as _solitavisse_.

[34] _E.g._ in vii. 17, where he poses a grammarian as to the signification of _obnoxius_. Compare also xiv. 5, on the vocative of _egregius_.

[35] See xiv. 6.

[36] See iv. 9.

[37] See esp. xix. 9.

[38] _E.g._ iv. 1.

[39] Especially iv. 7; v. 21; vii. 7, 9, 11; xvi. 14; xviii. 8, 9.

[40] xviii. 5.

[41] Civ. Dei. ix. 4.

[42] Teuffel, -- 356.

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