History of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan Part 9

History of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan -

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1 Ne-ge-au-yaw-naw-baw Ne-ge-au-me-naw-baw 2 Ke-ge-au-yaw-naw-baw Ke-ge-au-me-naw-baw 3 Ke-au-yaw-baw Ke-au-yaw-baw-neg

Future Tense--I shall or will be, etc.

1 Ne-gaw-au-yaw Ne-gaw-au-yaw-me 2 Ke-gaw-au-yaw Ke-gaw-au-yawm 3 Taw-au-yaw Taw-au-yaw-wag


Present Tense--I may or can be, etc.

1 Ko-maw ne-taw-au-yaw Ko-maw ne-taw-au-yaw-me 2 Ko-maw ke-taw-au-yaw Ko-maw ke-taw-au-yawm 3 Ko-maw tau-yaw Ko-maw taw-au-yo-wog

Imperfect Tense--I might be, etc.

1 Ko-maw ne-ge-au-yaw Ko-maw ne-ge-au-yaw-me 2 Ko-maw ke-ge-au-yaw Ko-maw ke-ge-au-yom 3 Ko-maw ke-au-yaw Ko-maw ke-au-yaw-wog

Perfect Tense--I may have been, etc.

1 Au-zhe-gwau ne-tau-ge-au-yaw Au-zhe-gwau ne-tau-ge-au-yaw-me 2 Au-zhe-gwau ke-tau-ge-au-yaw Au-zhe-gwau ke-tau-ge-au-yawm 3 Au-zhe-gwan tau-ge-au-yaw Au-zhe-gwau tau-ge-au-yaw-og

Pluperfect Tense--I might have been, etc.

1 Ko-maw au-yaw-yom-baw Ko maw au-yaw-wong-ge-baw 2 Ko-maw ke-au-yaw-yom-baw Ko-maw au-yaw-ye-go-baw 3 Ko-maw au-yaw-go-baw-nay Ko-maw au-yaw-wo-go-baw-nay


Present Tense--If I be, etc.

1 Tchish-pin au-yaw-yaw Tchish-pin au-yaw-wong 2 Tchish-pin au-yaw-yon Tchish-pin au-yaw-yeg 3 Tchish-pin au-yawd Tchish-pin au-yaw-wod

Imperfect Tense--If I were, etc, 1 Tchish-pin ke-au-yaw-yaw Tchish-pin ke-au-yaw-wong 2 Tchish-pin ke-au-yaw-yon Tchish-pin ke-au-yaw-yeg 3 Tchish-pin ke-au-yawd Tchish-pin ke-au-yaw-wod

Perfect Tense--If I have been, etc.

1 Tchish-pin au-zhe-gaw ke-au-yaw-yaw 2 Tchish-pin au-zhe-gaw ke-au-yaw-yon 3 Tchish-pin au-zhe-gwa ke-au-yawd Tchish-pin au-zhe-gwa ke-aw-yaw-wog Tchish-pin au-zhe-gwa ke-au-yaw-yeg Tchish-pin au-zhe-gwa ke-au-yaw-wod [The syllable "gwa" is often omitted, merely saying, "au-zhe."].

Pluperfect Tense--If I had been, etc.

1 Au-zhe ke-au-yaw-yaw-baw Au-zhe ke-au-yaw-wong-o-baw 2 Au-zhe ke-au-yaw-yawm-baw Au-zhe ke-au-yaw-ye-go-baw 3 Au-zhe ke-au-yaw-paw Au-zhe ke-au-yaw-wau-paw

Future Tense--If I shall or will be, etc.

1 Tchish-pin we-au-yaw-yaw Tchish-pin we-au-yaw-wong 2 Tchish-pin we-au-yaw-yon Tchish-pin we-au-yaw-yeg 3 Tchish-pin we-au-yawd Tchish-pin we-au-yaw-wod

IMPERATIVE MOOD--Be thou, Do you be.

2 Au-yawm Au-yawg

INFINITIVE MOOD--To be, To have been.

Present--Tchi-au-yong Perfect--Au-zhe tchi-ke-au-yong

PARTICIPLES--Being, Been, Having been.

Au-zhaw-yong Tchi-ge-au-yong Au-zhe-gwaw tchi-ge-au-yong

_Synopsis of the Verb To See._

I see, Ne-wob.

I saw, Ne-ge-wob.

I have seen, Au-zhe-gwaw ne-ge-wob.

I had seen, Ne-ge-wob-naw-baw I shall see, Ne-gaw-wob.

I shall have seen, Au-zhe-ge-wob.

I may see, Ko-maw ne-taw-wob.

I might see, Ko-maw ne-ge-wob.

I may-have seen, Au-zhe-gwaw ne-taw-ge-wob.

I might have seen, Ko-maw wob-yawm-baw.

If I see, Tchish-pin wob-yon.

If I saw, Tchish-pin ke-wob-yon-baw.

If I have seen, Tchish-pin au-zhe-gwa wob-yon.

If I had seen, Tchish-pin ke-wob yon-baw.

If I shall see, Tchish-pin we-wob-yon.

If I shall have seen, Tchish-pin we-wob-yon-baw.

See thou, Wob-ben.

To see, Tchi-wob-bing.

To have seen, Tchi-ge-wob-bing.

Seeing, Au-wob-bing.

Having seen, Au-zhe-gwaw au-ge-wob-biog.

Having been seen, Au-ge-wob-bing-e-baw.

I am seen, Ne-wob-me-go.

I was seen, Ne-ge-wob-me-go; I have been seen, Au-zhe ne-ge-wob-me-go.

I had been seen, Ne-ge-wob-me-go-naw-baw.

I shall be seen, Ne-gaw-wob-me-go.

I shall have been seen, She-gwa-we-wob-me-go-yon.

I may be seen, Ko-maw wob-me-go-yon.

I might be seen, Ko-maw ke-wob-me-go-yon.

I may have been seen, Ko-maw au-zhe ke-wob-me-go-yon.

I might have been seen, Ko-maw au-zhe ke-wob-me-go-yon-baw.

If I be seen, Tchish-pin wob-em-go-yon.

If I have been seen, Tchish-pin au-zhe ke-wob-me-go-yon.

If I had been seen, Tchish-pin ke-wob-me-go-yon-baw.

If I shall be seen, Tchish-pin we-wob-me-go-yon.

If I shall have been seen, Tchish-pin she-gwa-we-wob-me-go-yon.

I see myself, Ne-wau-baw-dis.

I saw myself, Ne-ge-wau-baw-dis.

I shall see myself, Ne-gaw-wau-baw-dis.

I may see myself, Ko-maw ne-daw-wau-baw-dis.

See thyself, Wau-baw-de-son.

To see thyself, Tchi-wob-on-di-song.


Adverbs: When, au-pe, au-ne-nish; where, au-ne-pe, au-ne-zhaw; there, e-wo-te, au-zhe-we. [The significance of the double forms is not clear; and comparison, as with Adjectives, seems to be by different words.-- ED.]

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