A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 13

A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 -

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[Sidenote: Sege of Berwyk.]

[Sidenote: The yeldyng of the castell of Berewyk and the town.]

The same yere kyng Edward beseged the town and the castell of Berewyk: and upon seynt Margeretes even the Scottes in wondyr grete noumbre comen for to remove the sege, with whom the kyng faughte and discomfyted them: and there were sclayn of the Scottes viij erles and a m^{l} and ccc knyghtes and squyers, and of footfolke mo thanne x.x.xv m^{l}; and of Englysshmen there were dede a knyght and a squyere and xij footfolke. And so upon seynt Margarete day the town and the castell were yolde to the kyng, in the yere of oure lord a m^{l}cccx.x.xj.


John Preston, m'. Nicholl Pyk. Anno vij^{mo}.

John Housbonde.

Also in the same yere the kyng Edward sclough many Scottes, and he recovered the castell of Kilbrigge.

John Pounteney, m'. John Hamond. A^{o}. viij^{to}.

Will' Hansard.

[Sidenote: The kyng of Scotland did homage: and allso the duke of Bretayn.]

In this yere the kyng of Scotlond come into Engelond to the newe castell upon Tyne: and aboughte the feste of the Nativite of seynt John baptiste, there he dede homage to kyng Edward. The same yere the duke of Bretayne dede homage also to the kyng for the counte of Richemond.

Reynald at the Conduyt, m'. John Kyngeston. A^{o}. ix^{o}.

Walt' Turk.

[Sidenote: A gret moreyn of men and of bestes.]

[Sidenote: xl _s._ j quart whete.]

This same yere was a gret moreyn of beestes and of men also, and gret habundance of reyne, where thorugh there was so gret derthe of corne that a quarter of whete was worth xl _s._


Id'm maior. Walt' Moordon. Anno x^{mo}.

Ric' Upton.

In this yere the Scottes offendeden ayeyne: and the kinge wente over the Scottyssh see and werred upon the Scottes, and overcame them myghtyly, at whiche tyme the erle of Morre was taken.

John Pounteneye, m'. Will' Bikkesworth. A^{o}. xj^{mo}.

John Northale.

[Sidenote: Stella comata.]

[Sidenote: j q'rt' of whete ij _s_; and a fat oxe for di' marc; and vj pegons for a peny.]

This same yere, in the monthe of Juyne and July, in diverses parties of hevene appered stella co'mata. Also in this yere was gret plente of vitaile, that a quarter of whete was sold at London for ij _s_; and a fat oxe for vj _s._ viij_d_; and vj pegons for a peny: but natheles it was ful gret scarste of money. Also this yere deyde S^{r}. John of Eltham.

Herry Darcy, m'. Walt' Neel. Anno xij^{mo}.

Nicholl Grave.

[Sidenote: The counte of Cornwayle was made a d.u.c.h.e.]

[Sidenote: Sergeaunts of the maire and the schirreves of London schulde b're maces of silv'.]

In this yere kyng Edward made of the counte of Cornwayle a d.u.c.h.e, which he yaf to Edward his firste begetyn sone, withe the erledom of Chestre. Also, the kyng graunted that the seriaunts bothe of the meire and the schirreves of London schulde beren before the maire and the schirreves of London maces of silver and over gilte, withe the kynges armes.

Id'm maior. Will' Pomfreyt. Anno xiij^{o}.

Hugo Marleberer.

In this yere the kyng and the quene seyled to Braban; and at the town of Andewarp the quene chylded S^{r}. Leonell. And this same yere in Braban the kyng made first cleyme to the crowne of Fraunce.


Andr' Aubrey, m'. Will' Thorney. Anno xiiij^{mo}.

Rog' Forsham.

[Sidenote: A p'lement at London.]

[Sidenote: The kyng asked moche good for his werres.]

[Sidenote: The coyne of the n.o.ble, half n.o.ble, and ferthyng.]

This same yere the kyng held his parlement at London; and he axed to begynne hise werres the fyfthe part of alle the moeble goodes of Engelond, and the custume of wolles, and the ix schef of every manere of corn, the which was graunted. And in this yere the kyng changed hise armys: and also the kyng made the coyne of goold; that is for to seyne the n.o.ble, the half n.o.ble, and the ferthyng. And this yere was called the firste yere oft oure kyng of the regne of Fraunce.

Id'm maior. Adam Lucas. Anno xv^{o}.

Barth'us Mareys.

[Sidenote: The bataill of Scluse.]

[Sidenote: The comaundement of the Emp'o^{r} of Tartary.]

This same yere the kyng faught with the Frensshmen at Scluse, where there were sclayn of Frensshmen x.x.x m^{l}; and the kyng toke and scomfyted at the sayd bataill of Scluse cccx schippes. And in this yere the kyng began the bataill of Torneye, and the town of seynt Amandys was distroied. And in the same yere, on seynt Andrewes even, kyng Edward come fro beyonde the see be nyghte to the tour of London, and there tok manye lordes and peres of the reaume and putte them into preson. And in this yere of kyng Edward began the firste yere of his regne of the kyngdom of Fraunce. Also in this yere of oure lord a m ccc xl^{ti}, there was sente out a maundement fro the emperor of Tartarye into alle hise londes and kyngdomes, that every man schulde use what lawe and beleve that he wolde, be so that he schulde worschep non idoles but only everelyvynge G.o.d.


John Oxenford maior p' Ric' Berkyng. A^{o}. xvj^{o}.

p'te a^{i}. et Simon John Rokesley.

Fraunceys p' alia p'te.

In this yere the kyng lefte the sege of Turney.[58]

[Footnote 58: _See note_ M.]

Simon Fraunceys, m'. John Lovekyn. A^{o}. xvij^{o}.

Ric' Kelsyngby.

[Sidenote: T're motus magnus.]

In this yere was a gret turnement at Dunstaple of alle the chivalrye and gentyles of Engelond. And in this yere was a gret erthequake.

John Hamond, m'. John Syward. A^{o}. xviij^{o}.

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