A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 12

A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 -

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Nicholl Faryndon, m'. Adam Salesbury. Anno xvij^{o}.

goldsmyth. John Oxenford.

This yere the quene wente into Fraunce; and after wente S^{r}. Edward the kynges sone to his modir into Fraunce; and the kyng of Fraunce made hym duke of Guyon: wherfore kyng Edward was wroth with quene Isabell his wyf, and with Edward hys sone; and thorugh counseill of the Spensers the kyng dede exile the quene his wyf and Edward his sone, and tok into hys handes alle there landes and lordschippes that they hadden in Engelond.

Hamo Chikewell, m'. Benet Fulham. Anno xviij^{o}.

drap'. John de Causton.

[Sidenote: A mariage betwen the kynges sone Edward and the erles dought' of Henowde.]

In this yere quene Isabell and Edward hire sone beynge in Fraunce, and knowyng the malyce of the kyng, thorugh entis.e.m.e.nt of the Spensers, sente for the lordes and gentiles that were exiled out of Engelond for Thomas cause of Lancastre, that is to sey, S^{r}. Roger Mortymer, S^{r}. William Trussell, S^{r}. John Cromwell, and manye othere, whiche alle togideres ordeyned to make a maryage betwen Edward the kynges sone and the erles doughter of Henowde. And whan that maryage was acorded to be mad, the erle of Henawde graunted to quene Isabell and to Edward here sone, and to othere lordes of there companye, to brynge them with strong pouere into Englond. And whanne tydynges thereof comen to the kyng Edward, he and the Spensers made moche sorwe, and ordeyned to kepe the see cost, and withstanden them that they schulde nought londen. And at the fest of the decollacion of seynt John Baptyst, the citezeins of London sente to the kyng to Porchestre an C men of armes: and the kyng lete do crye thorugh every good market of Engelond, that whoso myghte take S^{r}. Roger Mortymer, he schulde have an c^{li} for his trawaile. And the Wednesday nest before the fest of seynt Migh.e.l.l, whiche was thanne the Monday, the quene and Edward hire sone, Sire Roger Mortymer, the erles brother of Henawde, and othere grete in there companye, arryved at Orewelle in Ess.e.x, faste be Herewych: and whanne they were landed the contre alle aboughte fel to them be there owne fre wylle. And the quene and S^{r}.

Edward hire sone senten a lettre to the maire and the comonalte of London, requyryng them that they schulde be helpynge to them in the quarell and cause that the quene and Edward hire sone, heir of the ream of Engelond, hadde begonne; that is for to seye, for to distroye the traytours and enemyes of the sayd reaume. But non ansuere was sente ayeyne, for doughte of the kyng and of the too Spensers, the fadyr and the sone, at that tyme weren in the citee of London, with manye othere lordes with them. And forasmoche as non answere was sent ayeyn fro the meire and the comons of London of the said lettre, the quene and Edward here sone senten another lettre therupon, with hangynge seall, to the citee of London, whiche lettre, in the dawnyng of the day was takked upon the newe crosse in Chepe; and manye copies of the same lettre were takked upon wyndous, dores, and othere open places in the citee of London, that alle men myghte rede them that wenten be the weye: and this was done on seynt Denys day, that is to seye the ix day of Octobre.[47] And as the kyng was at his mete, tydynges comen to hym therof: and anoon the kyng, the Spensers bothe the fadir and the sone, the erle of Arundell, and maister Walter Baldok, fledden into Walys; and the kyng lefte maister Walter Stapilton bisshop of Excestre to have the governaunce of the citee of London; whiche bysshop axed to have the keyes and governaunce of the citee be vertu of the comission: where thorugh debate aroos betwen hym and the citee, so that he was taken and lad to the standard in Chepe, and his hede was there smyten of, and his hede sette in his right hand: and too of hyse squyers were beheded the same tyme, that is to sey the xiiij day of Octobre, the yere of oure lord a m^{l}cccxxvj^{ti}.

[Footnote 47: _See note_ K.]


Id'm maior p' p'te a' Gilbert Moredon. A^{o}. xix^{o}.

Ric' Beteyn p' residuo. John Cotton.

In this yere the kyng and bothe Spensers, Robert Baldok chaunceler, and the erle of Arundell, were taken in the hilles of Walys, and the kyng was put into sauf warde; but S^{r}. Hugh Spenser wolde never after that he was taken eten mete, wherfore at Hereford he was drawen, hanged, beheded and quartered: and then was the sone of S^{r}. Hugh Spenser the fadyr was drawen,[48] hanged and beheded at Bristoll. Also in this yere, be the a.s.sent of alle the lordes of Engelond spirituelx and temperelx, and be alle the comonalte of the reaume, be fre eleccion of them alle, and resyngnacion of kyng Edward the fadyr, Sire Edward his sone was chosen kyng of Engelond.[49]

[Footnote 48: "and Sir Hugh Spencer the father was drawen," &c. _in the Cotton MS._]

[Footnote 49: "the yere of his age xv."--_Ibid._]


[Footnote 50: "et anno etatis sue xiiij" _is omitted in the Cotton MS._]


Ric'us Betayn, maior, Ric' Rotyng. A^{o}. p'mo.

goldsmyth. Rog' Chauntecler.

[Sidenote: Too mones and too popes.]

[Sidenote: Southwerk was graunted to ferme. ]

[Sidenote: The foundacion of Garlykhithe chirch.]

In this yere were seyn in the firmament too mones, and in this yere were too popes. Also in this yere, the vj day of March, the kyng confermed the lettres and the fraunchises of London. Also he graunted that the meire schulde ben on of the justices at Newgate. Also he graunted to the schirreves of London and Midd' the ferme of the schirrevehode for ccc^{li} be yere, as it was in old tyme. Also he graunted that the schirreves of London ne the citezens schulde nought be charged with men that fledden to holy chirche, ne they schulde not be constreyned to gone out of the citee of London to eny werre. Also the same tyme the kyng graunted that the liberties and fraunchises of London schulde nought after that tyme for no cause be taken into the kynges hond: and the same tyme Suthwerk was graunted to the schirreves of London to have to ferme: also the same yere, after the fest of Pask', the kyng ordeyned an huge oost for to feighte ayens the Scottes; and S^{r}. John of Henaude come into Engelond with[51] men of armes for to helpe the yonge kyng Edward. And the Scottes comen into Engelond and deden muche harme, and distroyden the contreye tyl they comen to the park of Stanhope in Wyrdale, where they helden them in a busshement in the parke. And the kyng besette the park alle aboughte that the Scottes schulde never escaped: but thorugh treson of the Mortymer they escapid everych on, and so the kyng was disceyved. And also in this same yere of oure lord a m^{l}cccxxvj, be treson of Sire Roger Mortymer, kyng Edward[52] was sclayn in the castell of Berkele.[53] Also in this yere, in the[54] conversion of seynt Poul after Cristemesse, the kyng spoused dame Philip' the erles doughter of Henawde at York. Et id'm Ric'us Rothyng' tunc vic' fundavit eccl'iam de Garlykhithe s'c'i Jacobi et dotavit.

[Footnote 51: "V c." _in the Cotton MS._]

[Footnote 52: "the fadir"--_Ibid._]

[Footnote 53: "in the xxj yere of his reigne."--_Ibid._]

[Footnote 54: "even of the"--_Ibid._]


Hamo Chikewell, m'. Herry Darcy. A^{o}. s'c'do.

John Hawteyn.

[Sidenote: Scottes wer discharged of their homage:]

[Sidenote: with the blakke crosse.]

This yere, in the feste of Pentecost, the kyng helde his parlement at North'; at whiche parlement, thorugh counseill of the Mortymer, the kyng of yonge age and withinne age accorded with the Scottes, and foryaf and relesed them al the homage and feautee that they oughte to do to the crown of Engelond be chartre ensealed and an endenture, in whiche were conteyned alle the homages and feautes that the kyng of Scotlond and the lordes of the same lond schulde do to the kyng of Engelond, which was ensealed with alle the seales of alle the grete lordes of Scotlond spirituelx and temporelx, and other chartres and remembraunces that kyng Edward and hise barons hadde of right in the lond of Scotlond; which alle, thorugh counseille of quene Isabell the kynges modir, and S^{r}. Roger Mortymer, were delyvered to the Scottes with the blak crosse of Scotlond, the whiche goode kyng Edward the kynges ayell[55] hadde conquered in Scotlond and broughte it fro the abbeye of Stone, whiche was a precious relyke, the whiche was also delyvered to the Scottes: also the kyng, thorugh counseill of his modir and of the Mortymer, relesed and foryaf alle that right that the barons out of Engelond hadden in ony londes of Scotlond of olde conquest.

[Footnote 55: "his grandfather" _in the Cotton MS._]


John Grantham, m'. Simon Fraunceys. A^{o}. iij^{cio}.

Herry Combemartyn.

[Sidenote: A p'lement at Salesby. Rog' Mortemer was made erle of Marche: S^{r}. John Eltham the k' brother erle of Cornewalle.]

[Sidenote: Dyd homage to the kyng of Fraunce.]

This same yere David Bruz the sone of Robert Bruz, be ordynaunce of the kynges modir and of the Mortymer, spousyd at Berewyk dame Johanne of the Tour, the kynges suster, upon Marie Magdaleyn day, in the yere of oure lord a m^{l}cccxxviij: and whanne the maryage was done, the Scottes called here in despyte of Engleyssh men "make pees";[56] but the kyng bar the blame wrongfully. This yere the kyng helde his parlement at Salesbury; and at that parlement Sire Roger Mortymer was mad erle of the March, and S^{r}. John Eltham the kynges brother was also mad erle of Cornwayle. Also this same yere Sire Edmond Wodestoke erle of Kent, the kynges uncle, was beheded at Wynchestre, thorugh procurment of the quene, the kynges modir, and of the Mortymer. Also in this yere the kyng seyled into Fraunce, that is to seye the yere of oure lord a m^{l}cccxxviij, and dede homage to the kyng of Fraunce for the d.u.c.h.erye of Guyene and for the counte of Pountyf.

[Footnote 56: "the countes make peas" _in the Cotton MS._]


Simon Swaynlond, m'. Rob't of Ely. Anno iiij^{to}.

Th' Harewold.

[Sidenote: Prynce Edward was born.]

This yere Edward the firste begeten sone of kyng Edward the thridde was born at Wodstoke, the day of seynt Viti and Modest'.

John Pounteney, m'. Rob't of Ely. A^{o}. v^{to}.

Tho's Harewold.

[Sidenote: S^{r}. Rog' Mortim' was hanged.]

In this yere Edward Bailloil, the sone of John Bailloil sumtyme kyng of Scotlond, come into Engelond chalangynge his right heritage of the kyngdom of Scotlond, and arreyved at Dounfermelyne; where, faste be the abbeye, ii m^{l} Englysshmen scomfited and xl m^{l} Scottes.[57]

In the same yere Sire Roger Mortymer was hanged upon a theves galowes, on seynt Andrew even, in the yer of oure lord a m^{l}cccx.x.x^{ti}.

[Footnote 57: _See note_ L.]

Id'm maior. John Mokkyng. Anno vj^{to}.

Andr' Aubrey.

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