The Old English Herbals Part 34

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_Ortus Sanitatis._

1491. Ortus Sanitatis. Printed at Mainz by Jacob Meydenbach.

(This is often regarded as a Latin translation of the Herbarius zu teutsch, but it is much larger and owes very little to that work. The woodcuts are copied from the Herbarius zu teutsch, but they are inferior.)

America: Surgeon-General's Library, Was.h.i.+ngton; John Crerar Library, Chicago; Arnold Arboretum, Boston; Mrs. J.

Montgomery Sears Library, Boston; and J. P. Morgan Library, New York.

1511. Edition printed at Venice.

There are several undated editions.

America: Library of Congress, Was.h.i.+ngton; Arnold Arboretum, Boston; Surgeon-General's Library, Was.h.i.+ngton; Dr. G. F.

Kunz's Library, New York.

1500 (_circ._) (_French translation._) Ortus Sanitatis translate de Latin en francois. Printed at Paris by A.


(The copy in the British Museum belonged to Henry VII.)

1539 (?) Edition printed at Paris by Philippe le Noir with the t.i.tle "Le Jardin de Sante translate de latin en francoys nouvellement Imprime a Paris. On les vend a Paris en la rue sainct Jacques a lenseigne de la Rose blanche couronnee.

(_Colophon_) Imprime a Paris par Philippe le noir."

_Aemilius Macer._

1491 (?). Macer floridus De viribus herbarum. Printed at Paris.

1500 (?). Another edition. (Paris?)

1506. Herbarum varias [qui] vis cognoscere vires Macer adest: disce quo duca doct'eris. (_Colophon_) Impressus Parisius per magistrum Johannem Ieune. Pro Magistro Petro Bacquelier. 1506.

1588. (_French translation._) Les fleurs du livre des vertus des herbes, compose jadis en vers Latins par Macer Floride.

Le tout mis en Francois par M. Lucas Tremblay, Parisien ...


_Jerome of Brunswick._

1500. Liber de arte distillandi de Simplicibus. Johannes Grueninger, Stra.s.sburg. 1500.

(_English translation._) See Bibliography of English Herbals.

_Johann Czerny._

1517. Kineha lekarska kteraz slowe herbarz. Hieronymous Holtzel. Nurnberg. 1517.

_Otto von Brunfels._

1530. Herbarum vivae eicones ad nature imitationem, suma c.u.m diligentia et artificis effigiate.... Argentorati apud Ioannem Schottum.

Subsequent editions, 1530, 1531, 1532, 1536, 1537.

(The ill.u.s.trations in this herbal are much superior to the text, which is based chiefly on the writings of the Italian herbalists. Brunfels was a Carthusian monk who turned Protestant. Jacob Theodor (Tabernaemonta.n.u.s) was a pupil of Brunfels.)

_Eucharius Rhodion._

1533. Kreutterbuch von allem Erdtgewachs Anfenglich von Doctor Johan Cuba zusamen bracht Jetzt widerum new Corrigert.... Mit warer Abconterfeitung aller Kreuter.... Zu Franckfurt am Meyn, Bei Christian Egenolph. 1533.

(The above was not an original work, but merely a revised and improved edition of the German Herbarius. The ill.u.s.trations are copies of those in Brunfels's herbal.)

_Iean Ruel._

1536. De Nature stirpium libri tres, Ioanne Ruellio auth.o.r.e.... Parisiis Ex officina Simonis Colinaei. 1536.

(Jean Ruel was a physician and a professor in the University of Paris.)

_Leonhard Fuchs._

1542. De historia stirpium effectis & expressis Leonharto Fuchsio.... Basileae, in officina Isingriniana. Anno Christi 1542.

Subsequent editions, 1546, 1547, 1549, 1551, 1555.

1543. (_German translation._) New Kreuterbuch....

Bedruckt zu Basell durch Michael Isingrin.

1557. (_Spanish translation._) Historia de yeruas y plantas de Leonardo Fuchsio.... En Anvers por los herederos de Arnald Byrcman.

_Conrad Gesner._

1542. Catalogus plantarum.... Auth.o.r.e Conrado Gesnero....

Tiguri apud Christoph Froschouerum.

(Gesner's most important work--a general history of plants--was never published, for he died of plague before it was finished. The ill.u.s.trations he had collected were published by Christopher Jacob Trew 150 years later.)

_Hieronymus Bock._

1546. Kreuter Buch. Darin Underscheid Wurckung und Namen der Kreuter so in Deutschen Landen Wachsen. Wendel Ribel.


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