The Old English Herbals Part 35

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Subsequent editions, 1539, 1560, 1572, 1577, 1595, 1630.

(The first edition (1539) has no ill.u.s.trations. The ill.u.s.trations in the second edition (1546) are generally supposed to have been copied from Fuchs's Herbal (1542), but many of them are original. Bock's Herbal is remarkable for the accurate descriptions of the plants.)

_Rembert Dodoens._

1554. Kruydeboeck.... Rembert Dodoens Medecijn van der stadt van Mechelen. Ghedruckt Tantwerpen by Jan vander Loe.

Subsequent editions, 1563, 1603, 1608, 1618.

1557. (_French translation._) Histoire des plantes....

Nouvellement traduite de bas Aleman en Francois par Charles de l'Escluse. En Anvers De l'Imprimerie de Jean Loe.

1578. (_English translation._) See Henry Lyte in Bibliography of English Herbals.

1566. Frumentorum, leguminum, pal.u.s.trium et aquatilium herbarum aceorum quae eo pertinent, historia.... Antverpiae Ex officina Christophori Plantini.

Second edition, 1569.

1568. Florum et Coronarium odoratarumque nonnullarum herbarum historia.... Antverpiae Ex officina Christophori Plantini.

1583. Remberti Dodonaei mechliniensis medici Caesarei.

Stirpium historiae pemptades s.e.x sive libri x.x.x.... Antverpiae Ex officina Christophori Plantini.

Second edition, 1616.

_Pierandrea Mattioli._

1563. Neuw Kreuterbuch ... von dem Hochgelerten und weitberumbten Herrn Doctor Petro Andrea Matthiolo....

Gedruckt zu Prag durch Georgen Delantrich von Auentin.

Subsequent editions ("gemehret unnd verfertigt Durch Joachimum Camerarium"), 1590, 1600.

_Antoine Mizauld._

1565. Alexikepus, seu auxiliaris hortus.... Lutetiae Apud Federic.u.m Morellum.

1575. (_German translation._) Artztgartem ... neuwlich verteutschet durch Georgen Benisch von Bartfeld ... zu Basel bey Peter Perna.

_Nicolas Monardes._

1569. Dos libros, el veno que trat a de tod as las cosas que traen de nuestras Indias Occidentales.... Impressos en Sevilla en casa de Hernando Diaz, en la calle de la Sierpe.

1571. Segunda parte del libro de las cosas que se traen de nuestras Indias Occidentales. Sevilla en casa Alonso Escriuano, Impressor.

1574. Primeray segunda y tercera partes de la Historia medicinal de las cosas que se traen de nuestras Indias Occidentales en Medicina.... En Sevilla. En casa de Alonso Escriuano.

Second edition, 1580.

1574. (_Latin translation._) De simplicibus medicamentis ex occidentali India delatis quorum in medicina usus est....

Interprete Carolo Clusio Atrebate. Antverpiae Ex officina Christophori Plantini. Subsequent editions, 1579, 1582, 1605.

1576. (_Italian translation._) Due Libri Dell' Historia de I Semplici, Aromati, et altre cose, che Vengono portate dall'

Indie Orientali, di Don Garzia Dall' Horto ... et due Altri libri parimente di quelle che si portano dall' Indie Occidentali, di Nicolo Monardes, Hora tutti tradotti dalle loro lingue nella nostra Italiana da M. Annibale Briganti.... In Venetia.

Subsequent editions, 1582, 1589, 1605, 1616.

1600. (_Flemish translation._) Beschriivinge van het heerlijcke ende vermaerde Kruydt wa.s.sende in de West Indien aldaer ghenaemt Picielt, ende by den Spaenaerden Tabaco, en van desselve wonderlijcke operatien en Krachtengemaert by D. Monardes Medecijn dez stede Sivillen en overgheset Door Nicolaes Iansz vander Woudt. Tot Rotterdam, By Jan van Waesberghe.

(The t.i.tle-page has a charming ill.u.s.tration of a little Indian boy smoking a long carved pipe, and a figure of the tobacco-plant.)

1619. (_French translation._) Histoire des Drogues.... La seconde composee de deux liures de maistre Nicolas Monard, traictant de ce qui nous est apporte de l'Amerique. Le tout fidellement translate en Francois par Antoine Colin, maistre Apoticaire jure de la ville de Lyon.... A Lyon, au despens de Iean Pillehotte, a l'enseigne du nom de Iesus.

(_English translation._) See John Frampton in Bibliography of English Herbals.

1895. (_German translation of the 1579 Edition._) Die Schrift des Monardes uber die Arzneimittel Americas nach der lateinischen ubertragung des Clusius aus dem Jahre 1579.

ubersetzt und erlaubert von Kurt Stunzner, Dr. med. Mit einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Erich Harnack in Halle a S.

_Bombast von Hohenheim_ (Paracelsus).

1570. [Ettliche Tractatus des hocherfarnen unnd berumbtesten Philippi Theophrasti Paracelsi.... I. Von Naturlichen dingen. II. Beschreibung etlichen Kreutter. III. Von Metallen. IV. Von Mineralen. V. Von Edlen Gesteinen.

Stra.s.sburg. Christian Mullers Erben.]

(The "doctrine of signatures" is usually a.s.sociated with the name of Paracelsus, but the greatest exponent of this theory was Giambattista Porta.)

_Nicolaus Winckler._

1571. Chronica herbarum, florum seminum.... Auth.o.r.e Nicolao Wincklero, Forchemio, Medico Halae.... Augustae Vindelicorum in officina Typographica Michaelis Mangeri.

(The above is an astrological calendar giving the times when herbs should be gathered.)

_Bartholomaus Carrichter._

1575. Kreutterbuch des edlen vn Hochgelehrten Herzen Doctoris Bartholomei Carrichters von Reckingen.... Gedruckt zu Stra.s.sburg an Kornmarck bey Christian Muller.

Subsequent editions, 1577, 1589, 1597, 1615, 1618, 1619, 1625, 1652, 1673, 1739.

(In this Herbal every plant is a.s.signed to one of the signs of the zodiac.)

_Charles de l'Escluse._

1576. Caroli Clusii atrebat. Rariorum aliquot stirpium per Hispanias obseruatarum historia, Libris duobus expressa....

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