The Old English Herbals Part 33

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_Albertus Magnus._

1478. Albertus Magnus. Liber aggregationis seu liber secretorum. Alberti Magni de virtutibus herbarum animalium et mirabilis mundi. (_Colophon_) per Johannem de Annunciata de Augusta.

1500. Edition printed at Rouen by Thomas Laisne.

(This book claims Albertus Magnus as its author, but is wholly unworthy of that great scholar.)

_Herbarium Apuleii Platonici._

1480 (_circ._). Incipit Herbarium Apuleii Platonici ad Marc.u.m Agrippam. Printed at Rome by Philippus de Lignamine, courtier and physician to Sixtus IV. First impression dedicated to Cardinal de Gonzaga. Second impression to Cardinal de Ruvere. The copy in the British Museum has the Ruvere dedication.

America: Library of Mrs. J. Montgomery Sears, Boston.

_The Latin Herbarius._

1484. Herbarius Maguntie impressus. Anno [et] CLx.x.xIV.

Printed at Mainz by Peter Schoffer.

(This is the book sometimes spoken of as Aggregator, but this word was never used as the actual t.i.tle in any edition.

The work is a Compilation from mediaeval writers and consists of homely herbal remedies. The figures of plants are pleasing and decorative. The copy in the British Museum is not perfect, but there is a perfect copy in the Kew Library.)

America: Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.

1485. Herbarius Pataviae impressus Anno domi [et] cetera Lx.x.xV. Printed at Pa.s.sau by Conrad Stahel.

(This edition is sometimes known as Aggregator Patavinus.)

America: John Crerar Library, Chicago.

1486. Another edition printed at Pa.s.sau.

Undated editions. There are several in the British Museum.

It is believed that one of them belonged to Sir Thomas More.

America: J. P. Morgan Library, New York.

1484. (_Flemish translation._) Flemish translation printed by John Veldener Kiulenborg.

1500. Edition evidently a reprint of above printed by W.

Osterman at Antwerp.

America: Hawkins Collection, Annmary Brown Memorial, Providence.

(_Italian editions._)

1491. Edition printed at Vicenza by Leonard of Basel and William of Pavia.

America: Boston Medical Library, Boston.

1499. Edition printed at Venice by Simon of Pavia.

America: Surgeon-General's Library, Was.h.i.+ngton.

1502. Edition printed at Venice by Christ. de Pensa.

1509. Edition printed at Venice by W. Rubeum et Bernardinum Fratres Vercellenses.

1534. (_Italian translation._) Herbolario Volgare nel quale le virtu de la herbe, etc., con alcune belle aggionte noua mete de latino in Volgare tradulto. Printed at Venice.

Subsequent editions, 1536, 1539, 1540.

(In the Italian editions and translations the book is erroneously attributed to Arnold de Nova Villa, whose name is mentioned on the t.i.tle-page with that of Avicenna. This error is pointed out in the British Museum Catalogue.)

1485 (_circ._) (_French edition._) Printed at Paris by Jean Bonhomme.

_Herbarius zu teutsch._

1485. Herbarius zu Teutsch. Printed at Mainz by Peter Schoffer.

America: Surgeon-General's Library, Was.h.i.+ngton, and library of Mrs. Montgomery Sears, Boston.

The ill.u.s.trations in this herbal are evidently drawn from nature, and are generally held to be only surpa.s.sed by those in the herbals of Brunfels and Fuchs. The preface is singularly beautiful. Though the preface enjoins the name "Ortus Sanitatis, in German, a Garden of Health," the t.i.tle in this and subsequent editions is Herbarius zu teutsch.

1485 (a few months later than the above). Pirated edition printed at Augsburg, probably by Schonsperger. It is interesting to note that in this edition a pine cone, the badge of Augsburg, appears on the t.i.tle-page. Figures of plants are very inferior to those in the first edition.

1486. Edition printed at Augsburg by Schonsperger.

Subsequent editions, 1487 (?), 1488, 1493, 1496, 1499, 1502.

There are several undated editions.

America: Copy of edition printed in 1493 in Library of the College of Physicians, Philadelphia.


1485 (_circ._) Arbolayre contenat la qualitey et virtus proprietey des herbes gomes et simeces extraite de plusiers tratiers de medicine coment davicene de rasis de constatin de ysaac et plateaire selon le conu usaige bien correct.

(Supposed to have been printed by M. Husz at Lyons. It is believed that there are now only two copies of this book extant. One is in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. The other was sold in London, March 23, 1898.)

_Le Grand Herbier._

Before 1526. Le Grand Herbier en Francoys, contenant les qualites vertus et proprietes des herbes, arbres gommes.

Printed at Paris by Pierre Sergent.

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