The Old English Herbals Part 27

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Black-letter 4to.

1530. (approximate date a.s.signed in the catalogue of the British Museum). A boke of the propertyes of herbes the whiche is called an Herbal [~cross pattee~]

_Colophon._ Imprynted at London in Fletestrete at the sygne of the George by me Robert Red- man [.'.] [~cross pattee~] Black-letter 8vo.

1532-1537 (approximate date a.s.signed by Mr. H. M. Barlow).

"'A boke of the propertyes of herbes the which is called an Herbal.' Contains k{4}. 'At the end, Imprynted at London by me John Skot dwellynge in Fauster Lane.' This over his device which is his cypher on a s.h.i.+eld, hung on a rose-tree, flowering above the s.h.i.+eld, supported by two griffins: at the bottom is a dog nearly couchant; I. S., the initials of his name, one on each side of the trunk of the tree. In the collection of Mr. Alchorne. Twelves."

The above is quoted from Herbert's edition of Ames, 1785. No copy of the work can now be found in any of the chief British libraries. Mr. Gordon Duff in his list of books printed by John Skot mentions "The Book of Herbes. 12mo.


The following editions printed by Robert Wyer are all undated. The dates a.s.signed in the British Museum Catalogue are 1530, 1535, 1540.

-- If A newe Her- ball of Macer, Translated out of La- ten in to Englysshe.

_Colophon._ -- Imprynted by me Robert wyer, dwellynge in saint Martyns pa ryshe, at the sygne of saynt John Euangelyst besyde Charyn ge Crosse. [~cross pattee~] Secretary type, 8vo.

-- Hereafter folo weth the know- ledge, proper ties, and the vertues of Herbes.

_Colophon._ -- Imprynted by me Robert Wyer, dwellynge in saynt Martyns pa- rysshe, at the sygne of saynt John Euangelyst, besyde Charyn ge Crosse. [~cross pattee~]

Secretary type 8vo.

Macers Herbal Practy- syd by Doctor Lynacro Translated out of laten, into Englysshe, which shewynge theyr Ope- raycions & Vertues, set in the margent of this Boke, to the extent you myght knowe theyr Ver- tues.

_Colophon._ Imprynted by me Robert wyer dwellynge in seynt Martyns Pa- rysshe at the sygne of seynt Iohn Euangelyst, besyde Charyn- ge Crosse. Black-letter 8vo.

The only known copies of the two following editions are in the Bodleian Library.

1541. A boke of the propertyes of herbes the whiche is called an Har bal, MD. XLI.

_Colophon._ -- Imprynted at London in Paules Churchyearde, at the Sygne of the may- dens head by Tho- mas Petyt.

M.D.X.(I.) Black-letter 8vo.

1546. A boke of the propertyes of herbes the whiche is called an Herbal.

_Colophon._ Imprinted at London in Fletstrete at the sygne of the George nexte to seynt Dunstones churche by me Wyllyam Myddylton in the yere of our Lorde M.CCCCC.XLVI. The thyrde day of July Black-letter 8vo.

1548 (date a.s.signed in the catalogue of the library of the Manchester Medical Society. Only known copy.) -- A boke of the propertes of herbes the which is cal led an her bal. [~cross pattee~]

_Colophon._ Imprynted at London by Johan Waley, dwellynge in Foster Lane. Black-letter 8vo.

1550 (date a.s.signed in the British Museum Catalogue). A boke of the properties of Herbes called an her- ball, whereunto is added the tyme y{e} herbes, floures and Sedes shoulde be gathered to be kept the whole ye- re, with the vertue of y{e} Herbes whe they are stylled. Also a generall rule of al manner of Herbes drawen out of an auncient boke of Physycke by W. C.

_Colophon._ Imprinted at London by Wyllyam Copland. Black-letter 8vo.

1552 (date a.s.signed in the British Museum Catalogue). A boke of the propreties of Herbes called an her ball, whereunto is added the time y{e} herbes, floures and Sedes shold be gathered to be kept the whole yere wyth the vertue of y{e} Her- bes when they are stilled. Al- so a generall rule of all ma- ner of Herbes drawen out of an auncyent booke of Phisyck by W. C.

_Colophon._ -- Imprynted at London in the Flete strete at the sygne of the Rose Garland by me Wyllyam Copland. for John Wyght . Black-letter 8vo.

The two following editions published by Anthony Kitson and Richard Kele may be ascribed to Copland's press. No copies exist in the chief British libraries. The t.i.tles are quoted from Ames.

"A booke of the properties of Herbes, called an Herball.

Whereunto is added the tyme that Herbes, Floures and Seedes should bee gathered to bee kept the whole yeare, wyth the vertue of the Herbes when they are stylled. Also a generall rule of all maner of Herbs, drawen out of an auncient booke of Physicke by W. C. _Walter Carey._ Contains besides X{4} in eights. For him."

1550 (date a.s.signed by Mr. Gordon Duff, but in Ames 1552).

"The book of the properties of herbes, called an herball, etc., drawn out of an ancient book of phisyck by W. C."

1550. A lytel herball of the properties of her- bes newely amended & corrected, with certayne addicions at the ende of the boke, declaryng what herbes hath influence of certaine Sterres and constellations, wherby may be chosen the beast & most luckye tymes and dayes of their mini- stracion, accordynge to the Moone being in the sig- nes of heauen, the which is dayly appoynted in the Almanacke, made & gathered in the yere of our Lorde G.o.d M.D.L. the xii day of Fe- bruary by Anthonye Askham Phi- sycyon.

_Colophon._ Imprinted at London in Flete- strete at the signe of the George nexte to Saynte Dunstones Churche by Wylly- am Powell. In the yeare of oure Lorde M.D.L. the twelfe day of Marche. Black-letter 8vo.

1550 A litle Her- ball of the properties of Herbes, newly amended & corrected, wyth certayne Additions at the ende of the boke, declaring what Herbes hath influence of certain Sterres and constellations, whereby maye be chosen the best & most lucky tymes & dayes of their mini- stracion, according to the Moone beyng in the signes of heaue the which is daily appoi ted in the Almanacke, made and gathe- red in the yeare of our Lorde G.o.d. M.D.L. the xii daye of Febru ary by Anthony Askha Physycyon

_Colophon._ Imprynted at London, in Paule's churchyarde, at the signe of the Swanne, by Ihon Kynge. Black-letter 8{vo}.

1555-1561 (approximate date a.s.signed by Mr. H. M. Barlow).

-- A boke of the propreties of Herbes called an her ball, whereunto is added the time y{e} herbes, floures and Sedes shold be gathered to be kept the whole yere, with the vertue of y{e} Her bes when they are stilled. Al- so a general rule of al ma- ner of Herbes drawen out of an auncient boke of Phisyck by W. C.

_Colophon._ -- Imprinted at London by Iohn kynge, for Abraham Wely . Black-letter 8{vo}.

_The Grete Herball._

1516. The Grete Herball. Imprented at London in Southwark by me Peter Treveris. MD XVI. the xx day of June.

(Mentioned by Ames. No copy of this edition in any of the chief British libraries and no other record of it.)

1525(?). The Grete herball, which is translated out ye Frensshe into Englysshe. With the Mark of Peter Treveris.


(Mentioned by Hazlitt, who ascribes the date 1525-6. There is no other record of this edition.)

1527. The grete herball. MDXXVII. 18 April.

(Mentioned by Ames as having been printed by Treveris for Laurence Andrew. No copy of this edition in any of the chief British libraries and no other record of it.)

1526. The grete herball whiche geueth parfyt knowlege and under- standyng of all maner of herbes & there gracyous vertues whiche G.o.d hath ordeyned for our prosperous welfare and helth, for they hele & cure all maner of dyseases and sekenesses that fall or mysfortune to all maner of creatoures of G.o.d created, practysed by many expert and wyse maysters, as Auicenna and other &c. Also it geueth full parfyte understandynge of the booke lately pryn ted by me (Peter treueris) named the n.o.ble experiens of the vertuous hand warke of Surgery.

_Colophon._ -- Imprentyd at London in South- warke by me peter Treueris, dwel- lynge in the sygne of the wodows. In the yere of our Lorde G.o.d. M.D. XXVI. the xxvii day of July. Black-letter folio.

1529. Second edition of the above also printed by Treveris.

Wording of the t.i.tle is the same.

_Colophon_ differs from the first edition in that it does not contain the printer's address.

-- Imprynted at London in South warke by me Peter Treueris.

In the yere of our Lorde G.o.d. M.D.XXIX. the xvii day of Marce. Black-letter folio.

1539. The great herball newly corrected. The contents of this boke. A table after the Latyn names of all herbes, A table after the Englyshe names of all herbes. The propertees and qualytes of all thynges in this booke, The descrypcyon of urynes, how a man shall haue trewe knowledge of all seke- nesses. An exposycyon of the wordes obscure and not well knowen. A table, quyckly to fynde Remedyes for all dyseases. G.o.d saue the Kynge. Londine in Edibus Thome Gybson. Anno M.D.x.x.xIX.

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