The Old English Herbals Part 28

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Black-letter folio.

This edition contains no cuts.

1550. Edition of "The Grete Herball" mentioned in Ames and Pulteney. No copy of this edition in any of the chief British libraries.

1561. The greate Herball, which geueth parfyte knowledge & un- derstandinge of al maner of her bes, and theyr gracious vertues, whiche G.o.d hath ordeyned for our prosperous welfare and health, for they heale and cure all ma- ner of diseases and sekenesses, that fall or mysfortune too all maner of creatures of G.o.d created, practysed by many experte and wyse maysters, as Auicenna, Pandecta, and more other, &c. -- Newlye corrected and dili gently ouersene. In the yeare of our Lord G.o.d.


_Colophon._ Imprynted at London in Paules churcheyarde, at the signe of the Swane, by Jhon Kynge. In the yeare of our Lorde G.o.d. M.D.LXI. Black-letter folio.

_"The vertuose boke Of Distyllacyon of the waters of all maner of Herbes."_

1527. [The vertuose boke of Distyllacyon of the waters of all maner of Herbes / with the figures of the styllatoryes / Fyrst made and compyled by the thyrte yeres study and labour of the most conynge and famous mayster of phisyke / Master Jherom bruynswyke And now newly Translate out of Duyche into Englysshe. Not only to the synguler helpe and profyte of the Surgyens / Physycyens / and Pothecaryes / But also of all maner of people / Parfytely and in dewe tyme and ordre to lerne to dystyll all maner of Herbes / To the Profyte / cure / and Remedy of all maner dysseases and Infirmytees Apparant and not apparant. -- And ye shall understand that the waters be better than the Herbes / as Auicenna testefyeth in his fourthe Conon saynge that all maner medicynes ysed with theyr substance / febleth and maketh aged / and weke.

-- c.u.m gratia et preuilegio regali.

_Colophon._ Imprinted at London in the flete strete by me Laurens Andrewe / in the sygne of the golden Crosse. In the yere of our lorde M.CCCC.XXVII (_sic_) the xvii daye of Apryll.

G.o.ddis grace shall euer endure.

Second edition. t.i.tle identical with above.

_Colophon._ Imprynted at London in the flete strete by me Laurens Andrewe / in the Sygne of the golden Crosse. In the yere of our Lorde MCCCCCXXVII, the xviii daye of Apryll.

-- G.o.ddys grace shall euer endure.]

(This edition, although professedly printed one day later, varies considerably from the preceding.)

_William Turner._

1538. [Libellus de re herbaria novus in quo herbarum aliquot no- mina greca, latina & Anglica habes, vna c.u.m nomini- bus officinarum, in gratiam stu- diose iuuentutis nunc pri- mum in lucem aeditus. Londini apud Ioannem Bydellum Anno dni. 1538.]

1877. [Libellus de re herbaria novus by William Turner, originally published in 1538. Reprinted in facsimile, with notes, modern names, and A Life of the author, by Benjamin Daydon Jackson, F.L.S. Privately printed. London, 1877.]

1544. Historia de Naturis Herbarum Scholiis et Notis Vallata. Printed at Cologne.

(This book is mentioned by b.u.maldus, but is not otherwise known.)

1548. The na mes of herbes in Greke, Latin, Englishe, d.u.c.h.e, and Frenche wyth the commune names that Herbaries and Apoteca ries use, Gathered by Wil- liam Tur ner.

_Colophon._ Imprinted at London by John Day and Wyllyam Setes, dwel- lynge in Sepulchres Parish at the signe of the Resur- rection a litle aboue Hol- bourne Conduite. c.u.m gratia & priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.

1881. The names of Herbes by William Turner, A.D. 1548.

Edited (with an introduction, an index of English names, and an identification of the plants enumerated by Turner) by James Britten, F.L.S. London. Published for the English Dialect Society, by N. Trubner & Co.

1551. A new Her- ball, wherein are conteyned the names of Herbes in Greke, La- tin, Englysh, Duch, Frenche, and in the Potecaries and Herbari- es Latin, with the properties degrees and naturall places of the same, gathered & made by Wylliam Turner, Phisicion unto the Duke of So- mersettes Grace. Imprinted at London by Steven Mierdman. Anno 1551. c.u.m Priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. And they are to be sold in Paules Churchyarde.

_Colophon._ Imprinted at London, By Steuen Myerdman, and they are to be soolde in Paules churchyarde at the sygne of the sprede Egle by John Gybken.

1562. The seconde parte of Vui- liam Turners herball, wherein are conteyned the names of herbes in Greke, Latin, d.u.c.h.e, Frenche, and in the Apothecaries Latin, and somtyme in Italiane, wyth the ver- tues of the same herbes with diuerse confutationes of no small errours, that men of no small learning haue committed in the intreatinge of herbes of late yeares

Imprinted at Collen by Arnold Birckman In the yeare of our Lorde M.D. LXII. c.u.m gratia et Priuilegio Reg. Maiest.

1568. The first and seconde partes of the Herbal of William Turner Doctor in Phisick lately ouersene corrected and enlarged with the Thirde parte / lately gathered / and nowe set oute with the names of the herbes / in Greke Latin / English / d.u.c.h.e / Frenche / and in the Apothecaries and Herbaries Latin / with the properties / degrees / and naturall places of the same.

G.o.d saue the Quene.

Imprinted at Collen by Arnold Birckman / In the yeare of our Lorde M.D. LXVIII.

_Albertus Magnus._

1560 (?). [The boke of secretes of Albartus Mag nus, of the vertues of Herbes, stones and certaine beastes. Also a boke of the same au thor, of the marvaylous thin ges of the world: and of certaine effectes, cau sed of certayne beastes.]

_Williyam Bullein._

1562. -- BVLLEINS Bulwarke of defece againste all Sicknes, Sornes, and woundes, that dooe daily a.s.saulte mankinde, whiche Bulwarke is kepte with Hillarius the Gardiner, Health the Phisician, with their Chyrurgian, to helpe the wounded soldiors. Gathered and pra- ctised fro the moste worthie learn- ned, bothe old and newe: to the greate comforte of mankinde: Doen by Williyam Bulleyn, and ended this Marche, Anno Salutis. 1562 -- Imprinted at London, by Jhon Kyngston.

1579. BVLLEINS Bulwarke of Defence against all Sicknesse, Soarenesse and VVoundes that doe dayly a.s.saulte mankinde: Which Bulwarke is kept with Hilarius the Gardener, and Health the Phisicion, with the Chirurgian, to helpe the Wounded Souldiours. Gathered and practised from the most worthy learned, both olde and new: to the great comfort of Mankinde: by VVilliam Bullein, Doctor of Phi- sicke. 1562. Imprinted At London by Thomas Marshe, dwellinge in Fleete streete neare unto Saincte Dunstanes Chur (_sic_) 1579. Eccle. 38.

Altissimus creauit de terra medicinam, & vir prudens non abhorrebit illam.

_John Maplet._

1567. A greene Forest, or a naturall Historie, Wherein may bee seene first the most sufferaigne Vertues in all the whole kinde of Stones & Mettals: next of Plants, as of Herbes, Trees, & Shrubs, Lastly of Brute Beastes, Foules, Fishes, creeping wormes & Serpents, and that Alphabetically: so that a Table shall not neede. Compiled by John Maplet M.

of Arte, and student in Cambridge: extending hereby y{t} G.o.d might especially be glorified: and the people furdered. Anno 1567. Imprinted at London by Henry Denham, dwelling in Pater-noster Rovve at the Starre. Anno Domini. 1567. June 3.

c.u.m Priuilegio.

(The dedicatory epistle is to the Earl of Suss.e.x, "Justice of the Forrestes & Chases from Trent Southward; and Captaine of the Gentlemen Pensioners, of the house of the Queene our Soueraigne Ladie, Eliz.").

_Pierre Pena and Matthias de l'Obel._

1571. Stirpium Adversaria Nova, perfacilis vestigatio, luculentaque accessio ad Priscorum, presertim Dioscoridis et recentiorum, Materiam Medicam. Quibus propediem accedat altera pars. Qua Coniectaneorum de plantis appendix, De succis medicatis et Metallicis sectio, Antiquae e[t]

nouatae Medicine lectiorum remedioru thesaurus opulentissimus, De Succedaneis libellus, continentur. Authoribus Petro Pena & Mathia de Lobel, Medicis.

_Colophon._ Londini, 1571 Calendis Januariis excudebat prelum Tho- mae Purftii ad Lucretie symbolum. c.u.m gratia Priuilegii.

1605. Petrus Pena & Matthias de L'Obel. Dilvcidae simplicivm medicamenorvm explicationes, & stirpivm adversaria, perfacilis vestigatio, luculentaque accessio ad priscorum, praesertim Dioscoridis & recentiorum materiae medicae solidam cognitionem. Londini 1605.

1654. Matthiae de l'Obel M.D. Botanographi Regii eximii Stirpium Ill.u.s.trationes. Plurimas elaborantes inauditas plantas, subrept.i.tiis Joh: Parkinsoni rapsodiis ex codice MS insalutato sparsim gravatae Ejusdem adjecta sunt ad calcem Theatri Botanici Accurante Guil: How, Anglo. Londini Typis Tho: Warren, Impensis Jos: Kirton, Bibliopolae, in Caemeterio D. Pauli. 1654.

_John Frampton._

1577. Ioyfull Nevves ovt of the newe founde worlde, wherein is declared the rare and singular vertues of diuerse and sundrie Hearbes, Trees, Oyles, Plantes, and Stones, with their applications, as well for Phisicke as Chirurgerie, the saied be- yng well applied bryngeth suche present remedie for all deseases, as maie seme altogether incredible: notwithstandyng by practise founde out, to bee true: Also the portrature of the saied Hearbes, very apt- ly discribed: Engli- shed by Jhon Framp- ton Marchaunt

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