The Old English Herbals Part 26

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Sloane 540 (I). British Museum.

_15th century._ For to knowe the ix Sauge levys.

Sloane 706 (VIII). British Museum.

_15th century._ Treatise on the virtues of herbs alphabetically arranged.

Sloane 1088 (I). British Museum.

_15th century._ Herbes necessarie for a Gardyn.

Sloane 120 (I). British Museum.

_15th century._ On the virtues of herbs.

Sloane 2403. British Museum.

_15th century._ Poem on the virtues of herbs.

Sloane 2457. British Museum.

_15th century._ Treatise on the virtues of herbs.

Sloane 2460. British Museum.

_Early 15th century._ A fewe othre dyverse herbes with her vertues wich be not yfound in the bokes of Macer.

Rawl. C. 212 (II). Bodleian.

_15th (?) century._ A treatise on medicinal herbs. (In Irish.)

Royal Irish Academy, 23 H 19.

_15th century._ A fragment of a treatise on the medicinal properties of herbs. (In Irish.)

Royal Irish Academy, 2306.

_15th (?) century._ A treatise on herbs and their medicinal qualities and the mode of preparing and administering them.

(In Irish.)

Royal Irish Academy, 2395.

_15th-16th century._ Alphabetical list of plants used in medicine and the manner of preparing them. (In Latin and Irish.)

1334 (II). Trinity College, Dublin.

_1415._ Alphabetical list of plants used in medicine. At the end is the transcriber's name, "Aedh Buide O'Leigin," and the date 1415. Also the name of the person from whom the original MS. was purchased--"Tad hg O'Cuinn bachelor in physic." (In Irish.)

1343 (II). Trinity College, Dublin.

_15th century._ A dictionary of herbs in Latin and English.

In the Marquis of Bath's library at Longleat, Wilts.

_15th century._ Treatise without t.i.tle on the virtues of herbs.

In Lord Leconfield's library at Petworth House, Suss.e.x.

_15th century._ Medicinal qualities of herbs.

Phillipps MS. 11077, now in the library of T. Fitzroy Fenwick, Esq., Thirlestaine House, Cheltenham.



(Printed books)

The Herbals are listed according to authors, or, in the case of anonymous works, according to the names by which they are usually known, and all known editions are given. In cases where only one copy of an edition is known the library where it is to be found is indicated. Editions mentioned in Ames, Hazlitt, etc., but of which no copies are now known, are listed, but in each case the fact that the only mention of them is to be found in one of the above is stated. []

indicates books which are not strictly herbals, but whose omission would make any bibliography of herbals incomplete.

_Bartholomaeus Anglicus._

1495. [Bartholomaeus Anglicus. De proprietatibus rerum.] The seventeenth book of the above--containing nineteen chapters--is on herbs. It was the first original work on plants by an English writer to be printed, and the woodcut at the beginning of the book was probably the first botanical ill.u.s.tration to be printed in an English book.

There is the following note on a slip in the copy of this edition in the British Museum. "This is generally considered to be the finest copy known of a work which is certainly the _chef d'uvre_ of Winkin de Worde's press. The paper on which it is printed is said to be the first ever made in England for the press. See Douce, ii. 278. Dibdin, _Typt.

Ant._ ii. 310."

1535. Bartholomeus de Proprietatibus Rerum. Londini in Aedibus Thomae Berthelete. Regii Impressoris.

1582. Batman uppon Bartholome His Booke De Proprietatibus Rerum. Newly corrected, enlarged and amended: with such Additions as are requisite unto every seuerall Booke: Taken foorth of the most approved Authors, the like heretofore not translated in English. Profitable for all Estates as well for the benefite of the Mind as the Bodie. London. Imprinted by Thomas East, dwelling by Paules Wharfe.

(For foreign editions, French, Dutch and Spanish translations, see Bibliography of Foreign Printed Herbals, p. 225.)

_Banckes's Herbal._

1525. -- Here begynnyth a new mater / the whiche sheweth and treateth of y{e} vertues & proprytes of her- bes / the whiche is called an Herball ['.'] -- c.u.m gratia & priuilegio a rege indulto

_Colophon._ -- Imprynted by me Rycharde Banckes / dwellynge in Lodo / a lytel fro y{e} Stockes in ye Pultry / y{e} xxv day of Marche. The yere of our Lorde, M.CCCCC. & XXV. Black-letter 4to.

1526. Second edition of above. Only known copy is in the Cambridge University Library. t.i.tle and colophon identical except for slight differences in spelling.

-- Here begynneth a newe marer / y{e} whiche sheweth and treateth of the vertues & propertes of her- bes / the whiche is callyd an Herball [.'.] -- c.u.m priuilegio.

_Colophon._ -- Imprynted by me Rycharde Banckes / dwellynge in Lodo / a lytell fro y{e} Stockes in y{e} Pultry / ye xxv daye of June. The yere of our Lorde, M.CCCCC. & XXVI.

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