The Old English Herbals Part 25

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_15th century._ Recipes in English and Latin.

(Given by W. Moore.)

230 (II). Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.

_15th century._ Herbes for a saled.

(This once belonged to Nicholas Butler.)

414 (_d_). Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.

_15th century._ Collection of recipes in English, probably all by John Ardern of Newark. Ill.u.s.trated with rough coloured drawings of herbs, instruments and patients. It begins, "This is a mirrour of bloodletynge in e weche ey t wolen beholden it diligently," etc. There is a recipe in French for Greek fire. _Exp._ "tabula libri Sirurgice." Mag.

Joh. Arderne de Newerk.

(Given by Humphrey Moseley, 1649.)

69. Emmanuel College, Cambridge.

_15th century._ Here begynnythe an herball of namys & vertues of diverse herbys aftyr letterys of the a, b, c, etc.

905 (I). Trinity College, Cambridge.

_15th century._ Virtues of various plants.

905 (II. 4). Trinity College, Cambridge.

_15th century._ On the virtues of herbs.

_Inc._ "This booke is drawe be Fesyk. That Macer made for hem at been seck. Y{e} vertu of herbis it discryeth ryght wel."

1637 (I. i). Trinity College, Cambridge.

_1485._ A collection of the Latin and English names of plants with their descriptions and medical virtues.

National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth.

_15th century._ Alphabetical list of herbs. (Names partly in Latin and partly in Irish.)

2306. Royal Irish Academy.

_15th century._ Alphabetical treatise on herbs and their uses. In Latin and Irish.

1315. Trinity College, Dublin.

_15th-16th century._ List of plants used in medicine. (In Latin and Irish.)

1334 (V). Trinity College, Dublin.

_15th century._ Vertues of rose maryne at er contened & compyled in is s.p.a.ce & ar gadirde out of bukes of gude philosofirs & of oer wyse clerkes.

V. IV. 1. Durham University, Bishop Cosins Library.

_Late 15th century._ Herbal in Welsh.

In Mr. Wynne's library at Peniarth, Merioneth.

_15th century._ The vertu of Rose-marry & other Secrets.

Harleian 1735 (XII). British Museum.

_15th century._ Verses on the virtues of Rosmaryne.

Sloane 3215. British Museum.

_15th century._ Vertues of the herb betayne.

Rawl. C. 211 (II). Bodleian.

_15th century._ Treatise on the vertues of herbs.

Addit. 12056. British Museum.

_15th century._ Treatise on the vertues of herbs & metals in alphabetical order. In Irish.

Addit. 15403. British Museum.

_Late 15th century._ Herbal.

_Inc._ Agnus Castus is an herbe.

Harleian 3840 (III). British Museum.

_15th century._ A fragment of a treatise on the virtues of herbs.

Sloane 7 (III). British Museum.

_15th century._ An alphabetical herbal.

Sloane 297 (VII). British Museum.

_15th century._ "Of the vyrtues of the Asche tree," etc.

Sloane 297 (XVII). British Museum.

_15th century._ The first part of an intended complete body of Pharmacy in seven parts. The first part treats of herbs, which are alphabetically arranged in 150 chapters.

Sloane 404 (I). British Museum.

_15th century._ On the virtues of herbs, with recipes for various disorders. The last is a charm "for alle maner woundys."

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