The Old English Herbals Part 20

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198 (III). Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.

(The above once belonged to John Argenteux, Provost of King's.)

_14th (?) century._ A list of remedies with English equivalents and marginal additions in another hand.

200. Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.

_14th century._ [Recipes in Physicke] Glossary containing many herbs.

Pepys Library 1661. Magdalene College, Cambridge.

_14th century._ Here begynneth medecines for divers euelys on mennes bodys be callen erchebysschopes auicenna and ypocras Icoupon (? cophon) _i. e._ de and on hole materie a?en brou?t and ferst of herbis.

Pepys Library 1661. Magdalene College, Cambridge.

(Various simples are described. After the "vertues of rose maryne" a series of sections in verse written as prose beginning "I wil ?ou tellyn by & bi as I fond wretyn in a book. at in borwyng I be took of a gret ladyes prest at of gret name e mest." The following sections are on centaurea, solsequium, celidonia, pipernella, materfemia, mortagon, pervinca, rosa, lilium, egrimonye. Ends "Oyle of mustard seed is good for ache and for litarge and it is mad on e same maner.")

_Circ. 1400._ A treatise in rhyme on the virtues of herbs.

Sloane 147 (V). British Museum.

It begins--

"Of erbs xxiiij I woll you tell by and by Als I fond wryten in a boke at I in boroyng toke Of a gret ladys preste of gret name she barest At Betony I wol begyn at many vertuos het within."

_14th century._ De virtutibus herbarum quarundam.

Ashmole 1397.

(On the medical uses of some herbs. Begins, "Bytayne and wormewode is for woundes.")

_14th (?) century._ List of names of herbs in Latin and English.

1377 II. Trinity College, Cambridge.

Begins, "Apium Commune Smalache."

_1352._ De preperacione herbarum. A treatise on the medicinal qualities of and modes of preparing herbs, quoting Serapion.

A short list giving first the Latin and then the Irish name, etc.

23 F. 19. Royal Irish Academy.

_14th century._ Vocabulary of herbs in Latin and Welsh.

Addit. 14912. British Museum.

_14th century._ Meddygon myddfai or the Practice of Physic of the Myddvai Doctors: a collection of Recipes for various diseases and injuries, prognostics, charms, virtues of herbs, etc., by the physicians of Myddvai co. Caermarthen.

Addit. 14912 (I). British Museum.

(In Welsh.)

_14th century._ Nomina herbarum. Latin and English.

Addit. 17866. British Museum.

_14th century._ De virtutibus herbae.

Arundel 507. British Museum.

(The above once belonged to Richard Seybrok, a monk of Durham.)

_14th-15th century._ Nomina quarundam ... plantarum arborum.

Harleian 210 (XI). British Museum.

(In French and English.)

_14th-15th century._ Names of herbs in Latin and English.

Harleian 2558 (I). British Museum.

_14th century._ Herbal. Latin and English.

(Directions in gathering herbs, flowers, roots, etc.)

Sloane 2584. British Museum.

_14th century._ Liber cinomorum (synonomorum) de nominibus herbarum.

(Latin, French, English.)

Bodleian 761.

_1360-70._ Nomina herbarum. (Latin, French, English.)

Bodleian 761 (VI. B.).

Two texts from this MS. were published by E. Mannele Thompson, _Chronicon Galpedi de Baker de Swynebroke_.

Clarendon Press, 1889. He gives a list of the contents of this volume, calling this item fol. 158, "Medicinal notes from Roger Bacon in Latin." Interpolated by fifteenth-century writer in s.p.a.ces left vacant by the fourteenth-century scribe are many recipes and much astrology.

_14th century._ Virtues of rosemary in prose and verse.

Digby 95 (VII). Bodleian.

_14th century._ Of the virtues of herbs.

Digby 95 (VIII). Bodleian.

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