The Old English Herbals Part 21

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_Late 14th century._ Herbarium Anglo-Latinum, with many recipes interpolated in a later hand.

MS. Grearerd. Bodleian.

_Late 14th century._ Names of herbs in alphabetical order with a few English interpolations. The MS. comes from Llanthony Priory and was given by R. Marchall.

312 (X). Library of Lambeth Palace.

_14th century._ De simplici medicina John Platearius.

(This MS. is supposed to have belonged to the Countess of Hainault and subsequently to Queen Philippa of Hainault.)

Addit. 29301 (IV). British Museum.

_14th century._ Nomina Herbarum Medicinalium, with some English and French names.

Phillipps MS. 4047 (II) now in the library of T. Fitzroy Fenwick, Esq., Thirlestaine House, Cheltenham.

_14th century._ Here ben the virtues of Rosemarye (purporting to be taken from "the litel boke that the scole of Sallerne wroat to the of Henowd and sche sente the copie to hir dou?ter Philip the quene of England").

_Inc._ "Rosemarye is boe tre and herbe hoot and drie."

_Exp._ "Wasche him erwi and he schal be hool."

Royal 17 A. III. (III). British Museum.

_1373._ Translation of Macer _De viribus herbarum_ by John Lelamour, Schoolmaster of Hereford.

Sloane 5. British Museum.

_14th century._ Particulars of simples arranged under the various months.

754. Trinity College, Cambridge.

_14th century._ A herbal in Latin and English beginning with Allium.

(Given by Thomas Gale Dean of York.)

759 (VII). Trinity College, Cambridge.

_15th century._ Aemili Macri de virtutibus herbarum. The names of the plants are explained in English in the margins, and there are also some remedies in English.

Ashmole 1481 (III).

_15th century._ Macer. De Virtutibus Herbarum. The English names of the herbs are also given. (Written by Nicholas Kyrkeby of Saint Albans.)

VI. 15. Bishop Cosin's Library, Durham University.

_15th century._ Herbal in three books.

_Inc._ "Mogworte or brotheworte ys clepid archemisia ... and this medicine ys a n.o.bil medycyne."

_Ends_, "Here endeth the third part of Macer. And here begynneth a fewe herbes which Macer foryete no?t nor thei ben nort founden in his book."

Addit. 37786 (II). British Museum.

_15th century._ The treatise of Macer int.i.tled "De viribus Herbarum," translated into English.

"Here followeth the cunnynge and sage clerk Macer tretynge and opynly shewy{th} the vertuys worthy and Commendable propyrtes of many & dyuerse herbys and her vertuys of the whyche the firste is mugworte or modirworte."

Sloane 393. British Museum.

_15th century._ The vertuys of Erbys aftyr Galyon Ypocras and Socrates.

Lansdowne 680 I. British Museum.

_15th century._ Here folwythe the vertu of Erbis. Isop is hoot and drie in ij degreis so seith Ipocrace if a man drynke it fastynge.

Ashmole 1477 (III-IV).

_15th century._ Aemilius Macer. Of the virtues of herbs.

English translation.

Sloane 140. British Museum.

_15th century._ Aemilius Macer. Of the virtues of herbs.

English translation.

Sloane 2269. British Museum.

_15th century._ Aemilius Macer. De virtutibus Herbarum.

English translation.

In the library of the Right Hon. Lord Amherst of Hackney at Didlington Hall, Norfolk.

_15th century._ List of herbs in Latin and English.

Sloane 3548. British Museum.

_15th century._ Herbal.

_Inc._ "Of herbys now I Will you telle by and by.

As I fynde wryten in a boke That in borrowyng I betoke Of a gret ladyes preste," etc.

_Expl._ "It dryveth away all foul moysteris And distroyeth venym and wykyd humours It distroyeth the morfew And dispoyling to the leper."

Dd. X. 44 (VIII). Cambridge University Library.

_15th century._ An Herbary e whiche ys draw out of Circa Instans and hyt towcher schortlyche {e} vertuys and {e} special effectes of herbis and droggis {t} be {e} most comyne in use, and her dyvers grees of qualites or yher complexions and her propur and most special kynd of worcheyng.

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