The Old English Herbals Part 19

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Sloane 340 (XV). British Museum.

_14th century._ De virtutibus herbarum.

Digby 95. Bodleian.

_Early 15th (?) century._ Macer. Of virtues of herbis.

Hutton 29. Bodleian.

_14th century._ Aemilii Macri de Herbarum viribus.

Royal 12 B. III (I). British Museum.

_14th century._ Aemilii Macri Carmen de viribus medicinalibus herbarum c.u.m nominibus earum Anglia explicatis.

Ashmole 1397 (E. XV). Oxford.

_14th century._ Macer de viribus herbarum.

Ff. VI. 53 (X). Cambridge University Library.

_14th century._ Macer de Herbarum viribus.

36 (I. i). Emmanuel College, Cambridge.

_Early 14th century._ Aemilius Macer. Carmen de viribus herbarum.

Arundel 225 (II). British Museum.

_14th century._ De viribus herbarum.

Harleian 3353 (I). British Museum.

_14th century._ [De virtutibus Ros marine in English.]

759 (XI). Trinity College, Cambridge.

_14th century._ Herbal in alphabetical order with descriptions.

Arch. Selden 335. Bodleian.

_14th century._ On simples. Latin and English.

1398 (III). Trinity College, Cambridge.

_Late 14th century._ Herbarium.

C. XIII (IV). St. John's College, Oxford.

_14th century._ Here begynnyt a tretys of diverse herbis and furst of Bytayne (Old English poem of 43 couplets).


"To tellyn of bytayne I have grete mynde And sythen of othur herbys os I fynde.

Furst at bytayne I wyl begynne Yat many vertues berys wt inne."

Last line--

"Yche stounde whyle it mai on erthe be founde."

Ashmole 1397 (II-IV).

_Early 14th century._ Experimenta Alberti Magni de herbis lapidibus et animalibus.

Addit. 32622. British Museum (III).

_14th century._ Secreta fratris Alberti de Colonia ordinis fratrum predicatorum super naturis quarundum herbarum et lapidum et animalium in diversis libris philosophorum reperta et in unum collecta.

Digby 147 (XXIV). Bodleian.

_14th century._ Secreta fratris Alberti ordinis fratrum predicatorum (i) de herbis xvi (ii) de lapidibus (iii) de animalibus (xviii).

Digby 153 (IX). Bodleian.

_14th century._ Bartholomaeus Anglicus de proprietatibus rerum.

Royal 12 E. III. British Museum.

_14th century._ Bartholomaei Mini de Senis Tractatus de herbis figuris quam plurimis coloratio instructus.

Egerton 747 I. British Museum.

_14th century._ ? Gardener. Of the virtues of the herb rosemary, etc.

In the Earl of Ashburnham's library at Ashburnham Place. 122 (2. II).

_14th century._ Diversitates herbarum omnium que ad medicinas pertinent.

Addit. 29301 (III). British Museum.

(The above has fine pen-and-ink drawings of 68 English wild plants, with their names written in English. The MS.

belonged to the Countess of Hainault, Philippa, Queen of England, and, lastly, to Mr. Pettiford.)

_14th century._ Herbal.

Dd. VI. 29. VII. University Library, Cambridge.

_14th (?) century._ List of herbs: English names also given.

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