The Development of Religious Liberty in Connecticut Part 29

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Guild, Reuben A. History of Brown University, with Ill.u.s.trated Doc.u.ments. Providence, 1867.

Hovey, Alvah. A Memoir of the Life and Times of the Reverend Isaac Backus, A. M. Boston, 1858.

Newman, Albert H. A History of the Baptist Churches in the United States. New York, 1894.


A Confession of Faith, Owned and Consented to by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches in the Colony of Connecticut in New England a.s.sembled by Delegates at Saybrook, Sept. 9, 1708.

First Edition (first book printed in Connecticut), New London, 1710.

Second Edition, New London, 1760, with Heads of Agreement; Edition of Hartford, 1831. [a]

A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of G.o.d in the Conversion of Many Hundred Souls in Northampton and the Neighboring Towns.... In a letter to the Rev'd. Doctor Benjamin Colman of Boston, written by the Rev'd. Mr. Edwards, Minister of Northampton, on Nov. 6, 1736. London, 1737.

Autobiography of Lyman Beecher, D. D. New York, 1864. 3vols.

Especially valuable for the att.i.tude of the Congregational clergy during the first const.i.tutional reform movement in Connecticut.

Bacon, Leonard. The Genesis of the New England Churches. New York, 1874.

----Thirteen Historical Discourses, on completion of Two Hundred Years from the beginning of the First Church, New Haven. New Haven, 1839.

Baldwin, Simeon E. Ecclesiastical Const.i.tution of Yale College. In New Haven Historical Society's Papers, vol. iii.

Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of Connecticut: prepared under the direction of the General a.s.sociation, to commemorate the completion of one hundred and fifty years since its first annual a.s.sembly. New Haven, 1861.

See under L. Bacon, the history of David Brainerd.

Barrowe, Henry. Answer to Mr. Gifford.

----A Briefe Discoverie of the False Church. Date, 1590. London ed. 1707.

----A True Description of the Word of G.o.d, of the Visible Church, 1589.

Briggs, Charles Augustus. American Presbyterianism: Its Origin and Early History. New York, 1885.

Browne, Robert. An Answer to Master Cartwright His Letter for Joyning with the English Churches. London, 1585.

----A True and Short Declaration. Middelburg, 1584.

----A Treatise of Reformation without tarrying. Middelburg, 1582.

----The Book which Sheweth the life and manners of all true Christians, and how unlike they are unto Turkes and Papists and Heathen folk. Also the pointes and partes of all Divinitie that is of the revealed will and words of G.o.d, and declared by their severall Definitions and Divisions in order as followeth. Middelburg, 1582.

Browne, Robert. "A New Years Guift:" an hitherto lost treatise. (Letter of Dec. 31, 1588, to his uncle, M. Flower.) Edited by Champlin Burrage. London, 1904.

Clap, Thomas. Religious Const.i.tution of Colleges, with Special Reference to Yale. New London, 1754.

Cotton, John. Civil Magistrates Power in Matters of Religion. London, 1655.

----The Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven and Powers thereof according to the Word of G.o.d. London, 1644.

----Questions and Answers upon Church Government. London, 1713.

----Way of the Churches of Christ in New England. London, 1645.

----Way of the Congregational Churches Cleared. London, 1648.

Cotton, John. In t.i.tle, but a misprint for:--

Davenport, John. A Discourse about Civil Government in a New Plantation whose design is Religion, written many years since. Cambridge, 1643.

Dexter, Henry Martyn. The Congregationalism of the last Three Hundred Years: as seen in its Literature with special reference to certain Recondite, Neglected or Disputed Pa.s.sages. New York, 1880.

Lectures, with Bibliography of over 7000 t.i.tles and Index. An historical review of Congregationalism from its earliest forms to the last half of the nineteenth century.

----History of Congregationalists. Hartford, 1894. Brief popular history.

----Story of the Pilgrims. Boston and Chicago, 1894. Dunning, Albert E. Congregationalists in America. New York, 1894.

Dutton, S. M. S. History of the North Church, New Haven, from its Formation in May 1742, during the Great Awakening, to the Completion of the Century, in May 1842. New Haven, 1842.

Edwards, Jonathan. Works of, with Memoir by S. E. Dwight. New York, 1829. 10 vols.

Fisher, George P. Discourses ... Church of Christ in Yale College, November 22, 1857. New Haven, 1858.

Frequent citations from the diaries of the Cleveland brothers.

Fitch, Thomas. Explanation of the Saybrook Platform. The Principles of the Consociated Churches in Connecticut; Collected from the Plan of Union. By one that heartily desires the Order, Peace and Purity of these Churches. Hartford, 1765.

Hobart, Noah. An Attempt to ill.u.s.trate and confirm the Ecclesiastical Const.i.tution of the Consociated Churches in the Colony of Connecticut. New Haven, 1765.

Hooker, Richard. Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity. London, 1648.

Hooker, Thomas. Survey of the Summe of Church Discipline. London, 1648.

Lechford, Thomas. Plaine Dealing. London, 1642.

Letter of Many Ministers in Old England requesting the Judgment of their Brethren in New England concerning Nine Positions ... 1637.... Together with their Answer thereunto returned Anno 1639 (by J. Davenport). London, 1643.

Mather, Cotton. Magualia Christi Americana; or, The Ecclesiastical History of New England 1620-1698. London, 1702. Hartford, 1855. 2 vols.

----Ratio Discipline Fratrum Nov-Anglorum; A Faithful Account of the Discipline Professed and Practised in the Churches of New England. Boston, 1726. Mather, Richard. Church Government and Church Covenant Discussed. London, 1643.

Prince, Thomas. The Christian History of the Revival and Propagation of Religion. Boston, 1743.

Purchard, George. History of Congregationalism from about 250 A. D. to 1616. New York and Boston, 1865-1888. 5 vols.

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