The Power Of The Popes Part 23

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False decretals


97. Stephen IV. installed 22d June 816, died 24th Jan. 817

98. Pascal I. a Roman, installed 25th Jan. 817, died May 824

99. Eugene II. born at Rome installed and died in Aug. 827

100. Valentine, born at Rome installed and died, 827

101. Gregory IV. installed at the close of 827, died in Jan. 844 Humiliation of the emperor Louis-le-Debonairre.

102. Sergius II. installed the 27th January 844, 27th Jan. 847

103. St. Louis IV, elected in 847, died 17th July, 855 Leonine City, pages 48, 50.

104. Benedict III. installed 29th Sept. 855, died 8th April 858

105. Nicholas I. a Roman, installed 24th April 858 died Nov. 867

106. Adrian II. a Roman, installed 14th Dec. 867, died in 872 4th Council of. Constantinople, the 8th c.u.menical, held in 869.

107. John VIII. installed the 14th December 872, died Dec. 888 Charles the Bold crowned emperor in 875, and Charles the Fat in 880.

108. Marinas, installed the end of December 882, died in May, 884

109. Adrian III. a Roman, installed in 884, died in Sept. 885

110. Stephen V. a Roman installed in Sept. 885, died 7th Aug. 891

111. Formosus, installed in Sept. 891, died in April 896

112. Boniface VI. installed and died in 896

113. Stephen VI. installed in 896, strangled 897

114. Roma.n.u.s, born at Rome, installed 20th Aug. 897

115. Theodore II. installed and died in 898

116. John IX. a native of Tibar or Tivoli, died 900


117. Benedict IV. elected in December, 900, died in October 903

118. Leo V. a native of Ardee, installed 28th Oct. 903, banished in Nov. 903

119. Christophas, a Roman, installed in November, 903, banished in Jane, 904

120. Sergios III. installed in 905, died in August, 911

121. Anastasias III. a Roman, installed Aug. 911, died Oct. 913

122. Landon, installed in 913, died April, 914

123. John X. installed the end of April, 914, died in prison 928 The lover of Theodora, the conqueror of the Saracens, dethroned by Marosia

124. Leo VI. installed Jan. 928, died the 3rd of February 929

125. Steshen VII. installed in March 929, died in Mar. 931

126. John XI. son of Marosia, and it is said of Sergios III. born in 906, installed on 20th March, 931, died in prison, in Jan. 936

127. Leo VII. inst. in Jan. 936, died in July, 939

128. Stephen VIII. inst. July, 939, died Nov. 942

129. Martin III. a Roman, installed March, 942, died Jan. 945

130. Agapit II. a Roman, installed March, 946, died end of 955

131. John XII. Octavian, born at Rome in 938, of the patrician Alberic, and afterwards patri- cian himself in 954, installed in Jan. 956; banished in 963 by the emperor Otho the Great, 963

132. Leo VIII. installed the 6th Dec. 963, died 17th March, 965

133. Benedict V. elected after the death of John XII.

May, 964 and died at Hamburg, the 5th of Jnly, 965

134. John XIII. called Poole Blanche, born at Rome, installed the 1st Oct. 965, died 6th Sept. 972

135. Benedict VI. installed at the end of 972, strangled in 974

136. Boniface, Francon, son of Femicio, Anti-pope, under tbe name of Boniface VIII. died in 975

137. Donas II. elected pope after the expulsion of Francon or Boniface, died 25th Dec. 974

138. Benedict VII. a Roman, nephew of the patrician Alberic, installed in 975, died 10th of July 983

139. John XIV. installed by the emperor Otho II.

in Nov. 983, banished by Francon or Boniface in the month of March following put to death 20th Aug 984 John XV. who died before the month of July is not counted: he is distinct from tbe following, to whom the name of John XV. remains.

140. John XV. a Roman, son of the priest Leo, installed in July, 906; banished by the consul Creseentius in 987, restored by Otho III. died 996

141. Gregory V. Brunon, son of Duke Otho, and grandson of the Emperor Otho I. installed 3d May, banished by Creseentius in 997

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