History of Phoenicia Part 17

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[Footnote 17: The Kaneh derives its name from this circ.u.mstance, and may be called "the River of Canes."]

[Footnote 18: Robinson, _Biblical Researches_, iii. 28, 29.]

[Footnote 19: Grove, l.s.c.]

[Footnote 110: Stanley, _Sinai and Palestine_, p. 260.]

[Footnote 111: Lynch found it eighteen yards in width in April 1848 (_The Jordan and the Dead Sea_, p. 64). He found the Belus twice as wide and twice as deep as the Kishon.]

[Footnote 112: A more particular description of these fountains will be given in the description of the city of Tyre, with which they were very closely connected.]

[Footnote 113: Robinson, _Biblical Researches_, iii. 410.]

[Footnote 114: Robinson, iii. 415.]

[Footnote 115: Ibid. p. 414. Compare Renan, _Mission de Phenicie_, pp.

524, 665.]

[Footnote 116: Robinson, iii. 420.]

[Footnote 117: Renan, _Mission de Phenicie_, p. 353.]

[Footnote 118: See Edrisi (traduction de Joubert), i. 355; D'Arvieux, _Memoires_, ii. 33; Renan, pp. 352, 353.]

[Footnote 119: Gesenius, _Thesaurus_, p. 247.]

[Footnote 120: Renan, pp. 59, 60.]

[Footnote 121: Kenrick (_Phoenicia_, p. 8), who quotes Burckhardt (_Syria_, p. 161), and Chesney (_Euphrates Expedition_, i. 450).]

[Footnote 122: Renan, p. 59:--"C'est un immense tapis de fleurs."]

[Footnote 123: Mariti, _Travels_, ii. 131 (quoted by Kenrick, p. 22).]

[Footnote 124: Strabo, xvi. 2, -- 27.]

[Footnote 125: Stanley, _Sinai and Palestine_, p. 344.]

[Footnote 126: Martineau, _Eastern Life_, p. 539.]

[Footnote 127: Van de Velde, _Travels_, i. 317, 318. Compare Porter, _Giant Cities of Bashan_, p. 236.]

[Footnote 128: Ritter, _Erdkunde_, xvi. 31.]

[Footnote 129: Grove, in Smith's _Dictionary of the Bible_, i. 278.]

[Footnote 130: Walpole's _Ansayrii_, iii. 156.]

[Footnote 131: The derivation of Lebanon from "white," is generally admitted. (see Gesenius, _Thesaurus_, p. 369; Buxtorf, _Lexicon_, p.

1119; Furst, _Concordantia_, p. 588.)]

[Footnote 132: Stanley, _Sinai and Palestine_, p. 395.]

[Footnote 133: Tristram, _The Land of Israel_, p. 634.]

[Footnote 134: Ibid. p. 7.]

[Footnote 135: Porter, in Smith's _Dictionary of the Bible_, ii. 86.]

[Footnote 136: Ibid. Compare _Nat. Hist. Review_, No. v. p. 11.]

[Footnote 137: See Tristram, _Land of Israel_, pp. 625-629.]

[Footnote 138: See Tristram, _Land of Israel_, p. 626.]

[Footnote 139: Porter, in _Dictionary of the Bible_, ii. 86.]

[Footnote 140: Tristram, _Land of Israel_, p. 621.]

[Footnote 141: Ibid. p. 600. Compare Porter, in Smith's _Dictionary of the Bible_, ii. 87.]

[Footnote 142: Such outlets are common in Greece, where they are called _Katavothra_. They probably also occur in Asia Minor.]

[Footnote 143: Burckhardt, _Travels in Syria_, p. 10; Chesney, _Euphrates Expedition_, i. 398.]

[Footnote 144: Tristram, p. 600.]

[Footnote 145: Porter, _Handbook for Syria_, p. 571; Robinson, _Later Researches_, p. 423.]

[Footnote 146: Tristram, p. 594.]

[Footnote 147: Robinson, _Biblical Researches_, iii. 409.]

[Footnote 148: Burckhardt, _Travels in Syria_, p. 161; Chesney, _Euphrates Expedition_, i. 450; Walpole's _Ansayrii_, iii. 49.]

[Footnote 149: Renan, _Mission de Phenicie_, p. 116.]

[Footnote 150: Porter, _Giant Cities of Bashan_, p. 289.]

[Footnote 151: Ibid. p. 288.]

[Footnote 152: Walpole's _Ansayrii_, iii. 44.]

[Footnote 153: Porter, _Giant Cities_, p. 292; Robinson, _Later Researches_, p. 605; Renan, _Mission de Phenicie_, p. 297.]

[Footnote 154: Maundrell, _Travels_, pp. 57, 58; Porter, _Giant Cities_, p. 284; Renan, _Mission de Phenicie_, p. 283.]

[Footnote 155: Porter, p. 283.]

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