English Histories - The Six Wives of Henry VIII Part 21

English Histories - The Six Wives of Henry VIII -

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491 St Peter ad Vincula, Royal Chapel of, Tower of London, 147, 327-8, 331, 337, 482.

St Stephen's Chapel, Westminster, 103 Salas, Dona Josepha Gonzalez de, 98 Salinas, Maria de, Lady Willoughby d'Eresby, 52, 56, 98-9, 118, 233, 257, 262, 271, 295-7, 3 Salinas, Don Martin de, 98 Salisbury, Lady (see Pole, Margaret) Salisbury, Wilts, 248 Salic, Norfolk, 145 Sampson, Richard, Bishop of Chichester, 395 Sanders, Nicholas, 151-2, 315 Savage, Anne, 241 Savernake Forest, Wilts, 285-6, 288 Saville, Anne, 235, 246 Scotland Yard, London, 94 Scott, Sir George Gilbert, 566 Scotus, Duns, 75 Scrope, Henry, 487-8 Scropc, Lord, 487-8 Scrots, William, 494, 504 Seymour, Dorothy, 287 Seymour, Edward, Earl of Hertford, Duke of Somerset, Lord Protector of England, 287, 289, 291, 305, 308, 321, 347-8, 353, 362-3, 369-70, 372, 465, 501, 504-5, 515, 527, 529, 533-5- 540-3, 545-7, 556, 558-9, 563-4 Seymour, Edward (son of Lord Hertford by first wife), 287 Seymour, Edward (son of Lord Hertford by second wife, died in childhood), 368 Seymour, Edward (son of Lord Hertford by second wife), 556, 559 Seymour, Elizabeth, Marchioness of Winchester, 287, 335, 364, 414, 435, 570 Seymour, Sir Henry, 287, 289, 348 Seymour, Jane, daughter of Lord Hertford, 362 Seymour, Jane, Queen of England: ancestry, 145, 286 appearance, 340, 382 as mother, 368 as queen, 289, 342-6, 348-50, 356, 358-9, 364, 373 badge, 343 befriends Mary Tudor, 289, 292, 305, 307, 321-2, 340, 342-3, 345-6, 348, 351-6, 359-6i, 364-5, 373 betrothal to Henry VIII, 339, 342 birth of her son, 367-8, 373 character, 3, 290, 292, 307, 313, 340 1,.

345, 348-50 charities, 347, 362 clothes, 340-1, 347, 362 coronation plans, 347, 350, 355-7, 359, 361, 363.

courted by Henry VIII, 4, 7, 285, 290-2, 303-4, 306-8, 313, 319, 321, 325, 329, 334, 341-2, 419 courtly pursuits and functions, 352-3 date of birth, 288 640.

Seymour, Jane(cont.):death, 370, 381, 384 dispensation issued for her marriage, 333 early betrothal to William Dormer, 288-9.

education, 4, 289 fear of plague, 365 funeral and burial, 288, 371-2 household, 345, 348, 352, 363-5, 390-1.

intellectual abilities, 289, 341-2 involvement in plot against Anne Boleyn, 313-14. 325, 32**, 339 jointure, 344 maid of honour to Anne Boleyn, 246, 285, 290 maid of honour to Katherine of Aragon, 246, 289 marriage to Henry VIII, 6, 7, 343-4 motto, 343 needlework, 289 political role and influence, 340, 346, 349, 359, 373.

popularity, 340, 348-9, 352, 359 portraits, 288, 340-1, 354, 373 pregnancy, 362-7 relations.h.i.+p with Henry VIII, 341, 345, 347, 349, 355-6, 358-9, 373,.

531 relations with Anne Boleyn, 289, 303, 307.

religious views, 340-1, 349, 358, 373 sporting interests, 289, 355 state entry into London, 349 suffers puerperal fever, 11, 369-70 supported by the imperialist party, 291-2, 305-7, 320, 339, 340 tomb, 373, 526, 530 transfers to Anne Boleyn's service, 290.

also mentioned, 321, 335, 338, 369, 373, 379, 4U, 433, 435, 49L 502, 526, 530, 570 Seymour, Sir John, 285-6, 306, 321, 348, 361.

Seymour, John, 287 Seymour, Lady Mary, 558-9, 563-5 Seymour Place, London, 551 Seymour, Thomas, Lord Sudeley, Lord Admiral of England, 287, 289, 291, 305, 348, 372, 458, 491-3, 498,.

511, 515, 527, 533-66, 568 Sforza, Francesco Maria, Duke of Milan, 382 Shelton, Anne, Lady, 260, 271, 277, 318, 382.

Shelton, Sir John, 354 Shelton, Margaret or 'Madge', 246, 277, 321 Shooter's Hill, Blackheath, Kent, 399 400.

Shrewsbury, Earl of (see Talbot, George) Simonette, French governess to Anne Boleyn, 149 Sitdngbourne, Kent, 362, 396 Sittow, Miguel, 28, 82 Skelton, John, 43, 286 Smeaton, Mark, 311-12, 314-16, 319, 322-4, 331-2 Smith, Sir Clement, 287 Smithfield, London, 432, 518 Snape Castle, Yorks, 489-90 Solway Moss, Battle of, 485-6 Somers, William, 284-5 Somersham Castle, Cambs, 262 Sorbonne, University of the, Paris, 155, 233.

Southampton, Hants, 78 Southwark and Southwark Place, London, 31, 419 Spanish Chronicle, the, 315, 414, 493, 575.

Spanish Inquisition, the, 19 Spelman, Sir John, 324, 337 Spencer, Lady Diana, Princess of Wales,


Spurs, Battle of the, 115 Stafford, Edward, Duke of Buckingham, 30, 107-8, 168, 567 Stafford, Elizabeth, d.u.c.h.ess of Norfolk, 168, 220, 231, 241, 249, 569.

Stafford, William, 273 Stamford, Lines, 441 Standish, Henry, Bishop of St Asaph, 197.



Stanhope, Anne, Countess of Hertford, d.u.c.h.ess of Somerset, 287, 308, 368, 400, 504, 515, 539-40, 545 7,.

556, 559- 562-4 Steelyard, the, London, 367 Stepney, London, 310, 315 Stewart, Matthew, Earl of Lennox, 505, 508.

Stoke College, 515 Stokeslcy, John, Bishop of London, 311, 370.

Stonor, Mrs, 318, 435 Strand, the, London, 51, 103, 325, 334, 339- 342.

Strickland, Agnes, 565 Strong, Dr Roy, 415 Succession, Act of, 1534, 264-5, 284, 380 Succession, Act of, 1536, 347, 350-1, 380.

Succession, Act of, 1544, 502Sudeley Castle, Glos, 494, 534, 547, 556-8, 564-6.

Suffolk House, Westminster, 193 Supremacy, Act of, 1534, 221-2, 330 Surrey, Earls of (see Howard, Henry, Howard, Thomas, and Howard, Thomas) Suss.e.x, Countess of, 364-5, 435 Sutton Place, Surrey, 312 sweating sickness, the, 96-7, 186-7, 356-8, 363, 365, 418-19, 508, 510 Swynford, Katherine, d.u.c.h.ess of Lancaster, 28 Sybilla of Cleves, Electress of Saxony, 385, 387.

Syon Abbey, Middles.e.x, 279, 437, 4579, 465, 479, 530 Tailboys, Gilbert, Lord, 123 Talbot, George, Earl of Shrewsbury, 157, 233 Talbot, Mary, Countess of Northumberland, 157-8, 234-5 Taverner, Richard, 473 Temple Bar, London, 103, 189 Therouanne, Siege of, 115 Thirlby, Thomas, Bishop of Westminster, 505 Thomas, William, 527 Throckmorton, Clement, 499 Throckmorton, Sir George, 490 Throckmorton, Sir Nicholas, 540 Tickcnhill Manor, Bcwdley, Worcs (sec Bewdley) t.i.ttenhanger, Herts, 186, 206 Toledo, Bishop of, 19 Toledo, Ohio, USA, 416 Toledo, Treaty of, 386 Tottenham House or Lodge, Wulfhall, Wilts, 344 Tottenham Parish Church, London, 344 Tournai, France, 116 Tower Green, 327, 335-7, 441, 481 Tower Hill, London, 23, 282, 331, 428, 527.

Tower of London, the, 23, 37, 41, 43, 87, 103, 144, 147, 218, 234, 248-9, 252, 266, 315-20, 322, 325, 327, 330-5, 337, 339, 347, 349~5 , 367, 380, 409, 418, 428, 432, 437, 439-41, 452, 457, 459-60, 464, 468, 472-4, 478-81, 490, 523, 525, 528.

Treasons, Statute of, 1351, 309 Trentham Hall, Staffs, 416 Troyes, Dorothy, Lady Howard, 415 Troyes, Sir Thomas, 415 Tudor, Arthur, Prince of Wales, 5, 7-8, 15-17, 21-3, 27, 29-30, 3241, 43, 128, 203 Tudor, Edmund, Duke of Somerset, 43, 534.

Tudor, Edmund, Earl of Richmond, 29 Tudor, Edward, 43 Tudor, Elizabeth, 43 Tudor, Henry, Prince of Wales, son of Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon, no Tudor, Jasper, Earl of Pembroke, 236 Tudor, Katherine, 43 Tudor, Margaret, Queen of Scotland, 32-3, 43,94, 443, 526 Tudor, Mary, daughter of Henry VIII (see Mary I) Tudor, Mary, Queen of France, d.u.c.h.ess of Suffolk, 32, 43, 55, 57, 116-18, 123-5, 134, 149-50,.


Tudor, Mary, Queen of France(com.): 155, 181, 231, 233, 257, 287, 526,.


Tudor, Owen, 29 Tuke, Sir Brian, 117 Tunis, Africa, 285, 292 Tunstall, Cuthbert, Bishop of Durham, 127, 269-70, 372 Turpin, Elya, 569 Tyburn, London, 265, 282, 331, 469, 472-3 Tylney, Agnes, d.u.c.h.ess of Norfolk, 259, 415, 419, 424, 434, 435, 436,.

442, 444-5, 449, 452-4, 460, 463,.

466-8, 471-5, 479 Tylney, Elizabeth, 475 Tylney, Katherine, 460-1, 463, 466, 475 Tynedale, William, 192, 196 Tyrwhitt, Agnes, 489 Tyrwhitt, Lady, 489, 499, 517, 520, 558-60 Tyrwhitt, Sir Robert, 489, 558 Udall, Nicholas, 249, 511, 549 Universities, Determinations of the, 215-16, 224, 228 Uvedale, John, 246 Uvedale, Sir William, 414 'ValorEcclesiasticus',the, 278 Vatican, the, 164, 197, 204, 207, 213 Vaux, Katherine, 491 Vendome, d.u.c.h.ess of, 238 Venice, Italy, 350 Verc, Dorothy, de, 489 Vcre, Frances de, Countess of Surrey, 249.

Verc, John de, Earl of Oxford, 249, 489 Vergil, Polydore, 32 Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 388.

Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 566 Vinci, Leonardo da, 124 Vittorio, Dr, 178 Vivcs, Juan Luis, 4, 127-8, 175, 180-1 Wallop, Sir John, 440 Walmer Catle, Kent, 442 Walsingham, Sir Edmund, 317, 325 Walsingham, Shrine of Our Lady of, Norfolk, 85, no, 117, 241, 296 Waltham Abbey, Ess.e.x, 206, 208, 411 Warbeck, Pcrkin, 22-3 Warham, William, Bishop of London, Archbishop of Canterbury, 33, 40, 69, 72, 104, no, 114, 138, 174-5, 180, 197, 202, 209, 215, 221, 224-5, 233-5, 237 Warwick Castle, 153 Warwick, Earl of (sec Plantagenet, Edward) Webbe, William, 274 Wells, Yorks, 489-90 Wendon, Ralph, 246 Wendy, Dr Thomas, 521 Wentworth, Sir Henry, 286 Wentworth, Margaret, Lady Seymour, 286, 288-9, 306, 321, 344, 348, 549 Westminster Abbey, London, 7, 41, 68, 103-4,IIQ, 220, 250, 349, 357-8, 366, 567, 569-70 Westminster and Westminster Palace, London, 87, 94-5, 103, 106, no, 174, 249-51, 349-50, 360, 409, 417 Westminster Hall, London, 104, 126, 250-1, 282, 324, 357, 469 Westminster, Treaty of, 114 Westmorland, Earl of, 353 West, Nicholas, Bishop of Ely, 197 Weston, Sir Francis, 238, 311-12, 321 4,.


Weston Park, Staffs, 153 Wcybridge, Surrey, 43 1 Whitby, Abbot of, 230 Whitehall Palace, London (see also under York Place), 208, 212, 235, 240-1, 315, 325, 339, 341, 344, 349-50, 353, 372-3, 377, 409,.

456, 505, 520, 527 Wilks, Mrs, 454 William, Duke of Cleves, 385-91, 399 400,.

407, 409, 420, 422-3, 425-7,.

484, 568.

William I, King of England, 286 William II 'Rufus', King of England, 104 Willoughby de Broke, Lord, 189 643.

Willoughby d'Ercsby, William, Lord,


Willoughby, Henry, 98 Willoughby, Katherine, d.u.c.h.ess of Suffolk, 98, 257, 300, 364, 366, 369, 395, 5H-15. 534. 550, 563-4.

Wilton Abbey, Wilts, 188-9, 411, 564 Winchcombe, Glos, 285, 547 Winchester, Hants, 322 Winchester, Lord (see Paulet, John) Windsor and Windsor Castle, Berks, 30, 54, 87, 96, 132, 152, 172, 206, 214, 227-8, 236, 257, 292, 340, 356-7, 359, 363, 365, 371-2, 390, 435-7, 443, 499, 515 Wingfield, Lady, 324 Winter, Thomas, 280 Wittenberg, Germany, 76 Woburn Abbey, Beds, 116, 411 Woking, Surrey, 437 Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal Archbishop of York, Lord Chancellor of England, 79, 84, 90, 99-100, 111-12, 115, 117-19, 123-6, 12833, 135-7, 154-8, 161-2, 16771, 174-200, 203, 205-8, 210, 213-14, 217-21, 229, 265-6, 279-80, 319, 364, 412-13, 435-6 Woodstock Palace, Oxon, 22, 120, 206, 227 Woodville, Elizabeth, Queen of England, 5, 145, 435 Worcester Cathedral (Abbey of St Wulfstan), 38 Worcester, Countess of, 311-12 Wotton, Margaret, Marchioness of Dorset, 259 Wotton, Dr Nicholas, 332, 386-7, 389 90,.

392, 422, 425 Wriothesley, Charles, Windsor Herald, 331 Wriothesley, Thomas, Earl of Southampton, Lord Chancellor of England, 352, 382, 384-6, 417, 425-6, 448, 458, 461-2, 465, 468,.

474, 497, 504-8, 516-17, 521,.

523, 527, 529-30, 534 Wulfhall, Wilts, 285-91, 308, 342, 344, 348, 361, 373 Wyatt, George, 144, 151-3, 159, 167, 173, 178, 280, 293 Wyatt, Sir Henry, 324, 334 Wyatt, Margaret, Lady Lee, 318, 336-7 Wyatt, Sir Thomas, 8, 144, 148, 159, 231, 238, 241, 318, 322, 324, 334,.

347, 428, 439-40, 478.

York, City of, 358-9, 361, 441, 443, 461 York, House of, 29, 37, 121, 380 York Place, London (see also under Whitehall Palace), in, 155, 157, 169, 207-8.

Zouche, Mary, 365 Zurich, Switzerland, 343 458The ill.u.s.trations appearing between pages 308 and 309 are reproduced by kind permission of the following: 1. Wax death-mask of Henry VII, 1509, Norman Undercroft Museum, Westminster Abbey (by courtesy of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster). 2.Elizabeth of York,date and artist unknown, the Hamilton Collection at Lennoxlove. 3.Isabella of Castile, c.1501, artist unknown, Royal Collection (by gracious permission of Her Majesty the Queen). 4.Ferdinand ofAragon, c.1501, artist unknown, Royal Collection (by gracious permission of Her Majesty the Queen). 5.Katherine of Aragon,1505, by Miguel Sittow, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. 6.Katherine of Aragon, c.1525-6, by Lucas Hornebolte, miniature in the collection of the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry KT (by courtesy of the Trustees of the Victoria and Albert Museum). 7.Henry VIII, c.1509-20, painted terracotta bust, probably by Pietro Torrigiano, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (Fletcher Fund 1944, All Rights Reserved). 8. Henry VIII jousting before Katherine ofAragon in 150, fromThe Great Tournament Roll of Westminster( the College of Arms). 9.Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal of York,date unknown, by Jacques le Boucq, Bibliotheque d'Arras (photo Giraudon). 10.Francis I, c.1525-8, by Jean Clouet, Louvre Museum, Paris (photo Giraudon). 11. Letter from Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn,c.September 1528, Vatican Library. 12.Anne Boleyn,date and artist unknown, Hever Castle, Kent (photo Woodmansterne). 13.Anne Boleyn,late sixteenth century, artist unknown, private collection. 14.Thomas Boleyn, Earl of Wilts.h.i.+re and Ormond, c.1532, drawing by Holbein, Windsor Castle Library ( 1990 Her Majesty the Queen). 15.Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, c.1538, by Holbein, Royal Collection (by gracious permission of Her Majesty the Queen). 16.Pope Clement VII with the Emperor Charles V,!53 > by Giorgio Vasari, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence (photo Scala). 17. Pet.i.tion from the English n.o.bility to the Pope, 13 July 1530, Vatican Library (photo Scala). 18.Henry VIII,1536-7, by Holbein, Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection, Lugano (photo Bridgeman Art Library). 19.Thomas Cranmer,1546, by Gerlach Flicke, National Portrait Gallery, London. 20.Thomas Cromwell,date unknown, after Holbein's lost originalc.1533-4 ( Frick Collection, New York). 21.Jane Seymour,1536-7, by or after Holbein, Mauritshuis Museum, The Hague (photo Scala). 22.Edward VI as a Child,1539, by Holbein, National Gallery of Art, Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C., Andrew W. Mellon Collection. 23. Drawing of Whitehall Palace,c.1555, by Anthony van Wyngaerde, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. 24.The Family of Henry VIII, c.1543, artist unknown, Hampton Court Palace, Royal Collection (by gracious permission of Her Majesty the Queen). 25.Anne of Cleves, c.1540, attributed to B. Bruyn the Elder (by courtesy of the President and Fellows of St John Baptist College, Oxford). 26.Katherine Howard, t.1540-41, miniature by Holbein, Royal Collection (by gracious permission of Her Majesty the Queen). 27.Henry VIII,date unknown, after Holbein, Hever Castle (photo Woodmansterne). 28.Katherine Parr,1545, by William Scrots, National Portrait Gallery, London. 29.Elizabeth I as a girl, c.1546, artist unknown, Royal Collection (by gracious permission of Her Majesty the Queen). 30.Thomas Seymour,late sixteenth century, possibly after William Scrots, National Portrait Gallery, London.






































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