The United Seas Part 5

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It may be helpful to relate, in just a word, what is meant in this volume by essential democracy, essential united earth and similar expressions. Springing from the Christian idea that all men are created equal in the sight of G.o.d, in opportunity, it stands for that type of society in which the essential power of government is wielded by the ma.s.s of the people.

The one thing that it is important to remember is that a monarchy or an oligarchy is not necessarily an ant.i.thesis of democracy--only absolutism in the form of a monarchy or oligarchy or plutocracy is an ant.i.thesis to democratic principles.

Many governments which live under the standard of a republic are not democratic in spirit at all. Mexico has virtually been a despotism. The Spanish-American states, especially until recent years, were nothing but a specie of military tyranny. And France has often been only a bureaucracy in structure and in state.

By essential democracy we mean the gradual triumph of the principles which emphasize the equality of man before G.o.d, and which are everywhere coming into increasing recognition throughout the world.

One author says that before the middle of the nineteenth century all the great European states, with the exception of Russia and Turkey, had adopted a const.i.tution limiting the power of the crown "and investing a considerable share of political power in the people, and in most of them a representative legislature of the parliamentary or British type was adopted." While in Switzerland, Norway and Sweden alone on the continent democracy has reached a type of true efficiency. And these triumphs must be remembered by the people for the sake of future inspiration and courage; and because it may help one to interpret the present European war as an agony incident to the progress of growth.

It is true that the victory of the principle of democracy has been checked by the persisting of the military spirit in Europe and the wonderful industrial expansion in both Europe and America. In England also the triumph "has been delayed by the prevalence of aristocratic traditions which still grant privileges and rights to a social cla.s.s based on berth and inherited wealth." While in American the simplicity of the colonial life and the absence of the people from the aristocratic of Europe promoted a vigorous and commanding growth of the democratic ideas. And this is why the nations of the world in their struggle for democracy are looking to America, because she has the most nearly of all nations realized the democratic ideal.

In light of what has already been accomplished, how inspiring then becomes the lure of the ideal of world democracy. Essentially it is splendidly possible. The people crave it because it is G.o.d-born. They love to think and work and vote for that far-off divine event. And more than that the words, monarchy and oligarchy, are so out of date that they are anxious to be in spirit and letter citizens of a republic. And wherever the leaven is working thrones are in danger, because great things are going to happen on this G.o.d-guided globe, in the interest of humanity.

Let it be remembered that there are fifty recognized governments in the world; and that of this number twenty-six are republics, twenty limited monarchies, with democratic features, and only four absolute monarchies.

The very thought of this is an inspiration and shows that all the nations are rapidly moving in the direction of essential world democracy.


Our Father, who art in heaven--the G.o.d of humanity--hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in the whole earth as it is in heaven.

Give the nations this day their daily bread; And forgive them their as they forgive the nations that trespa.s.s against them.

And lead them not into the temptation of conquest or self aggrandizement, but deliver them through their rulers from this evil.

For thine is the world kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

At the Congress of Religions held at the World's Fair at Chicago in 1893, when the question came up as to what would be an appropriate devotional appeal to be used in opening the Congress, the representatives of every religion and faith of the world unanimously agreed that the Lord's Prayer found in the Sermon on the Mount would be acceptable to all. And the one given above is an adaption from the Lord's Prayer, given in order that it may be seen how well its spirit could be adapted to world democracy.


[C] An address delivered in the interest of the peace movement a week previous to the observance of "California Ripe Olive Day."

[D] Suggested by the words of Timaeus of Locris.


World Citizens


Never allow the glory of the world vision to keep you from performing your daily duty, be it humble or great; remembering that you are a part of the whole and that the fullness of the world's life will not be expressed if one member of the body fails to perform its function. Remember that vision is worthless unless it helps you to take hold of the handle of service with a firm grasp and a new enthusiasm; but also that it is necessary to enter into the spirit of the world vision a few moments at the dawn of each day.

Do not be deceived into looking upon national bigotry as patriotism. For the interests of humanity are always primary to the interests of the nation. What is good for the whole world is good for each continent and government.

Begin to urge a national individualism among established nations which insists less on rights and more on duties; which recognizes that the greed for territory is the "original sin of the nations." G.o.d divided the world into nations so that they might help, not destroy each other; and when they admit this they will begin to inaugurate essential world democracy.

Cultivate the spirit of "give and take"; recognizing that there is good to be absorbed from other nations into the international life as well as from your own.

Do not labor for a world peace which is to depend on "treaties, or skillful diplomacy or mutual fear and equal preparedness for war;"

but for one which is based "on the common interests and sympathies and on the mutual needs and services of a world organism, in which each nation is a member of a world body-politic."

Urge a more mature development of an international conscience; remembering that an ethical standard can be established for the world as it was evolved from the individual to the tribal and then to the national standard of ethics.

Do not forget that a man of another race is not a different kind of animal than yourself. For one has well said: "The strangest thing to me is that people who are so different are so much alike."

Encourage the spread of the new knowledge which has given to us a clearer understanding of disease and through eugenics a vital interest in those racial qualities which shall improve future generations, remembering that when the bodies and minds of the races are at their best they will be more open to reason and more cordial to the spirit of harmony among the nations.

Do not be too much alarmed about the talk of foreign labor, or interracial marriage. But take up the torch of enlightenment and fulfill today's duty, remembering that in due time the co-operative council of the Occidental and Oriental mind will see that all problems are justly solved according to the best interests of the whole race.

Insist that as soon as possible there be inaugurated a permanent international court at the Hague, which shall be endowed with the power to act as well as discuss, in behalf of the interests of the whole world.

Finally, put on the whole armor of a faith in a deity which is not tribal nor national but the G.o.d of humanity, that you may be able to defeat prejudice. Stand, therefore, having your manhood girt about with a broad intelligence; having on the breastplate of righteousness wrought from the essential morality of the races.

Having your feet shod with the gospel of world peace, your judgment made discreet with the gospel of contact and your soul made heroic for service by an invincible faith in a better humanity, such as was possessed by the Son of Man.


Blessed are the poor in spirit. For in leaving the prejudice of restricted nationalism they will gain the inspiration of the world view and possess more of the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are the meek, those possessing the childlike but world view point of Christ, for they shall inherit the environment of the earth.

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