Twixt France and Spain Part 20

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Excursions to Cambo (10 miles), Croix de Mouguere, c., see Chapter XIII.

BeHOBIE.--A village in the, on the direct road to Spain, 14-1/4 miles from Biarritz.

BeTHARRAM.--A pleasantly-situated village in the, once a favourite pilgrimage. There is a lovely bridge in the vicinity, and the Via Crucis just midway between the village and the bridge. It is situated on the direct road from Pau to Lourdes, and is 15 miles distant from the former, and 9-1/4 from the latter. The station on the railway, "Montaut-Betharram," is about 2 miles from the village.

Inns.--De la Poste, De France. Celebrated grotto in the vicinity.

BIARRITZ, a favourite English winter resort on the of the Biscay, in the miles from the Negresse station on the direct line to Spain, and 130 miles from Bordeaux. Living during the winter is considerably cheaper than at Pau, but the winds are much stronger and the air more bracing. Biarritz makes a valuable change from both Pau and Arcachon. It is free from epidemics, and beneficial in cases of paralysis, as well as chest and heart complaints.

Hotels.--De Paris et de Londres, || Il Grand Hotel, D'Angleterre (the favourite hotel with English people), Des Amba.s.sadeurs, De France, Il Des Princes, De l'Europe, De la Poste, &c.

Apartments.--All over the town, varying in price according to position. Maison Brocq, || Maison Larrode, || Maison Broquedis.

English Pension.--Villa du Midi, || Rue des Champs.

Doctors.--Dr. Welby, || Rue Gambetta. Dr. Malpas; Dr.


Carriages.--Maumus, || Place St. Eugenie. Larrondat, Place de la Marie.

Libraries.--One in connection with the English Church. Lending library at Victor Benquet's, Place de la Marie (stationer, c.).

Confectioners.--Figue, || Rue Mazagran; Miremont.|| Place de la Marie.

Photographer.--P. Frois, Rue du Port Vieux.

Banker.--E. H. Bellairs, Esq. (Vice Consul), International Bank.

"Depot Anglais," for wines, groceries, and English provisions, &c.

English Club, Post and Telegraph Office.

For excursions refer to Chapter XIII.

BIDART.--The first Basque village, 3 miles from Biarritz on the direct route to Spain--railway station, Bidart-Guetary.

BIELLE.--A village in the, on the road to Eaux Bonnes, in the Val d'Ossau, 18-1/4 miles from Pau. Inn, des Voyageurs.

BILHeRES.--A village on the slopes of the Val d'Ossau, above Bielle, in the for the copper mines in the vicinity. It lies in the direct track from the Val d'Ossau to the Vallee d'Aspe.

BlLLeRES.--A small village near Pau, in the on the road to the ancient town of Lescar: the locally well-known "Bois de Billeres" take their name from it.

BIZANOS.--A village below Pau, on the Gave, in the, on the direct road to Lourdes.

BOO-SILHEN.--A village and railway station on the line from Lourdes to Pierrefitte, in the Hautes-Pyrenees. There is the site of an ancient camp in the vicinity.

BOSOST.--A village in Spain (18 miles from Luchon by the Portillon), under the shadow of the Eastern Pyrenees, in the valley of Aran. This is a most pleasing excursion from Luchon, either on horseback via the Portillon, or in a carriage via St. Beat. See Chapter X. Inn, Fonda d'Espana.

CAMBO.--A small picturesquely-situated bathing resort on the banks of the Nive, 10 miles from Bayonne, in the A favourite excursion from Biarritz, with the extra attraction of good fis.h.i.+ng.

Bathing Establishment, with a hot sulphur and cold ferruginous spring. The former has proved useful for its diuretic and laxative qualities, and efficacious in cases of languor following long illnesses: the latter is very rich in iron, and a useful tonic.

The Climate is exceedingly healthy in spring and autumn, but too warm in summer.

Hotel.--St. Martin.

Chocolate Manufactory.--Monsieur f.a.galde's.

Doctor.--M. Albert Dotezac.

Carriages, Horses, and, at various rates.

CAMPAN (2192 ft.)--A village in the Hautes-Pyrenees (3-3/4 miles from Bigorre) situated in the valley of the same name--on the direct road from Bigorre to Luchon; possesses an ancient church and market-place.

CAPVERN.--A bathing resort in the Hautes-Pyrenees, built on a hill two miles distant from the bathing establishments, which are erected in a narrow ravine. One of the stations on the main line between Toulouse and Pau, being 78 miles distant from the former and 56 from the latter. The climate is mild, and the season lasts from the 15th of May to the 1st of November.

Two Bathing Establishments--De Hount-Caoudo and de Bouride. The water contains sulphate of lime with a small proportion of carbonate of iron: its action is diuretic and laxative. It is an excellent and bracing tonic, stimulating to the digestion, and has also been beneficially employed in cases of catarrh and certain liver complaints. The Hount-Caoudo spring has an exciting tendency; that of Bouride a sedative one.

Hotels.--Grand, Beau Sejour, De Fontaine, De la Paix, Des Bains, etc.

Post and Telegraph Office in the season. CASTETS.--A small picturesquely-situated village in the Hautes-Pyrenees--off the high road between Pau and Eaux Bonnes--under a mile from Louvie Juzon.

Lodging can be obtained at M. Fouga's.

CAUTERETS (3254 ft.)--A town situated in the gorge of the same name in the Hautes-Pyrenees, seven miles distant from Pierrefitte, the terminus of the line from Lourdes. It is said to be the most rich in mineral waters of any resort in the Pyrenees. From its position in a hollow, surrounded by lofty and beautiful mountains, it is frequently visited with a good deal of rain, and the climate is subject to severe changes in temperature, especially in spring, when the mornings and nights are cold. The season proper begins about the middle of June and lasts to the 15th of September. Living out of the season averages about 10 frs.

per diem, but is much greater when once July has arrived, and consequently it is always best to write and make terms beforehand.

There are Nine Establishments for the Waters, among which twenty-four springs are divided. The springs may be cla.s.sed under two heads--firstly, sodium sulphate; 2ndly, saline--both naturally heated.

The three most important establishments are--Les Oeufs, La Raillere, and Les Thermes de Vieux Cesar. The others are--Le Rocher-Rieumiset, Manhourat et Les Yeux, Pauze Vieux, Pauze Nouveaux, Pet.i.t St. Sauveur, and Le Pre; in addition to which there are two "buvettes," known as Buvette de Cesar and Le Bois. The waters at the Cesar Vieux are the most exciting of all, and prove beneficial in scrofulous and cutaneous affections, rheumatism, and tumours. Les Oeufs are specially efficacious in lung complaints; La Raillere is used successfully in affections of the respiratory pa.s.sages; Mauhourat is specially recommended to aid the digestion of La Raillere's water; while Les Yeux are beneficial for affections of the eyes--as the name suggests. Le Pet.i.t St. Sauveur is efficacious in cases of hysteria and similar complaints.

Hotels.--Du Parc, || Continental, De France, Richelieu, Des Promenades, Des Boulevards, De la Paix, De Londres, Des Bains, D'Angleterre, etc.

Apartments to be found in all parts. The price of a single-bedded room varies from 3 to 10 frs. in the season. Much less at other times.

Doctors, in connection with the "Thermes," and many independent ones.

Chemists.--J. Latapie and M. Broca--both in the Place St.


Confectioners.--Patisserie Suisse, Rue Cesar; Patisserie Pyreneenne, Rue de la Raillere.

Horses and Carriages in plenty--good steeds at Dominique's, Rue de la Raillere.

Guides.--Sarrettes, Clement Latour, Latapie, Barraga, Bordenare; and also Berret, Lac Dominique, and Pont Dominique.

Post and Telegraph Office, Theatre, Casino, &c. Tariff for bathing, &c., similar to other resorts.

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