Life of Johnson Volume VI Part 3

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HOWELL, T.B. and T.J., _State Trials_, 33 vols., London, 1809-1826.

HUME, David, _Essays_, 4 vols., London, 1770; _History of England_, 8 vols., London, 1802; _Private Correspondence_, London, 1820; _Life_: see BURTON, John Hill.

HUSBANDS, J., _A Miscellany of Poems_, Oxford, 1731.

HUTTON, William, _History of Derby_, London, 1791; _Life_, London, 1816.

JAMES, Robert, M.D., _Dissertation on Fevers_, London, 1770.

JEFFREY, Lord, _Life_. See c.o.c.kBURN, H.J.

JOHNSON, Samuel, _Annals of Johnson, being an Account of the Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson from his Birth to his Eleventh Year_, London, 1805; _Diary of a Journey into North Wales_: see DUPPA, R; _Dictionary_, first edition, London, 1755; fourth edition, London, 1773; _Abridgment_, London, 1766; _Letters_, published by Hester Lynch Piozzi, 2 vols., London, 1788; _Life_, printed for G. Kearsley, London, 1785; _Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the late Dr. Samuel Johnson_, printed for J. Walker, London, 1785; _Prayers and Meditations composed by Samuel Johnson_, second edition, London, 1785; _Ra.s.selas_, edited by the Rev. W. West, London, 1869; _Works_, edited by Sir John Hawkins, 13 vols. (the last two vols. by the Rev. Percival Stockdale), London, 1787-9: vol. xi. contains a collection of Johnson's _Apophthegms; Works_, 9 vols.; _Parliamentary Debates_, 2 vols. (11 vols.

in all), Oxford, 1825.

_Johnsoniana_, published by John Murray, London, 1836.

JOHNSTONE, John. See PARR, Samuel.

JONES, Sir William. See TEIGNMOUTH, Lord.

JONSON, Ben, _Works_, 7 vols., London, 1756.

KAMES, Lord (Henry Home), _Sketches of the History of Man_, 4 vols., Edinburgh, 1788.

KING, Dr. William, of St. Mary Hall,_ Anecdotes of His Own Times_, London, 1819.

KING, William, Archbishop of Dublin, _Essay on the Origin of Evil_, edited by Bishop Law, 1781.

KNIGHT, Charles, _English Cyclopedia (Biography)_, 6 vols., London 1856-1858.

KNOX, Rev. Dr. Vicesimus, _Works_, 7 vols., London, 1824.

LAMB, Charles, _Works_, edited by Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd, London, 1865.

LANDOR, Walter Savage, _Works_, 8 vols., London, 1874.

LANGTON, Bennet, _Collection of Anecdotes of Dr. Johnson_, _ante_, iv. 1-33.

LAW, Bishop Edmund. See KING, Archbishop.

LECKY, W.E.H., _History of England in the Eighteenth Century_, 4 vols.

London, 1878-82.

LESLIE, Charles Robert, R.A., _Autobiographical Recollections_, London 1860.

LESLIE, Charles Robert, R.A., and TOM TAYLOR, _Life and Times of Sir Joshua Reynolds_, 2 vols., London, 1865.

_Lexiphanes: a Dialogue_, London, 1767.

LITTLETON, Dr. Adam, _Linguae Latinae Liber Dietionarius_, London, 1678 and 1703.

LOCKE, John, _Works_, London, 1824.

LOCKHART, J. G., _Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott_, Bart., 10 vols., Edinburgh, 1839.

LOFFT, Capel, _Reports of Cases_, London, 1776.

_London and its Environs_, Dodsley, 6 vols., London, 1761.

LOWE, Charles, _Prince Bismarck; an Historical Biography_, 2 vols., London, 1885.

LOWNDES, William Thomas,_ Bibliographer's Manual_, 4 vols., London, 1871.

MACAULAY, Rev. Kenneth, _History of St. Kilda_, London, 1764.

MACAULAY, Thomas Babington, _Critical and Historical Essays_, 3 vols., London, 1843, and 4 vols., 1874; _History of England_, 8 vols., London, 1874; _Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches_, London, 1871; _Life_: see TREVELYAN, George Otto.

MACKENZIE, Sir George, _Works_, Edinburgh, 1716-22.

MACKENZIE, Henry, _Life of John Home_, Edinburgh, 1822.

MACKINTOSH, Sir James, _Memoirs of his Life_, 2 vols., London, 1836.

MACKLIN, Charles, _Life_. See COOKE, William.

McNEILL, P., _Tranent and its Surroundings_, 2nd ed., Edinburgh and Glasgow, 1884.

MADAN, Rev. Martin, _Thoughts on Executive Justice_, London, 1785.

MAHON, Lord. See STANHOPE, Earl.

MAINE, Sir Henry Sumner, _Lectures on Early History of Inst.i.tutions_, London, 1875.

MAITTAIRE, M., _Senilia_, London, 1742.

MANDEVILLE, Bernard, _Fable of the Bees_, 1724.

MARSHALL, William, _Minutes on Agriculture_, London, 1799.

MARTIN, M., _A Description of the Western Islands_, London, 1716; _Voyage to St. Kilda_, London, 1753.

MASON, William, _Life of Gray_. See GRAY, Thomas.

MAXWELL, Rev. Dr. William, _Collectanea_, _ante_, ii. 116-133.

MICKLE, William Julius, _The Lusiad_, Oxford, 1778.

MILL, James, _History of British India_, London, 1840; _Life_: see BAIN, Alexander.

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