Adenoids and Diseased Tonsils Part 10

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14 12 56 66 51 533 16 17 14C 12 819 98 579 595 22 225

15 12 575 511 155 15C 10 672 501 15

16 12 56 603 516 535 19 185 16C 11 512 55 487 501 10 10

18 12 582 473 18 18C 11 453 467 8

19 12 90 108 577 605 22 20 19C 11 524 59 467 48 15 18

20 12 442 472 11 20C 11 613 496 15

21 12 707 855 541 165 15 21C 10 624 692 496 19 17

23 12 517 478 115 15 23C 11 641 514 145 16

27 12 437 454 9 6 27C 11 41 446 8 9

28 12 713 785 549 563 235 28C 11 742 858 534 559 21

TABLE XIV (Continued)

N[16] Tapping I.Q. Healy

Test 1 Test 3 (1) (3) (1) (3)

1 135 142 82 93 -25 11 1C 106 134 80 85 -50 11

2 105 135 107 113 285 245 2C 152 139 91 86 3 195

3 136 144 94 91 215 155 3C 135 135 82 96 17 255

4 103 96 111 85 4C 109 83 102 33

7 125 91 93 - 6 16 7C 105 95 112 45 11

8 113 128 91 92 325 8C 131 121 98 111 4

10 68+ 74 145+106 110 116 -12 11 10C 70+ 74 148+124 104 107 27 485

11 125+ 90 120+125 103 102 - 8 155 11C 155+125 102+112 101 95 -29 -20

12 98+ 69 98 86 20 1 12C 102 98 90 -10 415

13 160+165 176+187 70 61 43 625 13C 150+109 188+174 66 60 -15 215

14 190+172 228+215 96 102 125 77 14C 175+152 165+186 140 138 - 5 485

15 172+167 192+186 97 97 7 19 15C 140+115 145+133 78 98 1 545

16 145+131 65 74 49 79 16C 145+ 99 74 81 30 455

18 133+115 126+145 98 101 -135 135 18C 100+ 99 108+ 92 90 92 -32 -35

19 168+136 96 97 575 605 19C 100+115 98 90 -22 -15

20 105+115 122+118 106 116 0 55 20C 150+120 154+154 118 140 30 485

21 152+111 154+155 64 66 20 38 21C 140+136 174+150 86 93 705 88

23 150+119 157+157 85 80 495 625 23C 122+115 141+141 81 88 4 64

27 108+ 92 114+ 95 110 112 -25 255 27C 115+105 101+118 72 98 2 395

28 150+148 176+168 81 83 295 775 28C 178+148 172+157 95 94 645 835

any very consistent tendency toward improvement. The question, whether or not the results are affected by the differences in time interval, will be considered later.

In weight, the test group showed an average gain of 11013 pounds, with a median of 91 (Table XV). The average gain of the control group was 9113 pounds and the median 68. The gains in the test group are less variable than those of the control. The average of the gains of the test group in excess of those of the control is 19 pounds, and the median is 22 pounds; while the unreliability of the difference is 146 The average, then, is only 130 P. E. and the median 151 P. E.

If we turn to Table III and compare the results there set forth with the results at the end of the second period, we find the gains of the test group exceed those of the control in the following manner.


Weight, Second Retests, 15 Pairs

N[16] Test Group (A) Control Group (B)

Test 1 Test 3 Gain Test 1 Test 3 Gain A-B

12 48 665 185 41 696 286 -101 2 409 479 7 523 655 132 -62 14 56 66 10 819 98 161 -61 28 713 785 72 742 858 116 -44 8 608 692 84 454 579 125 -41 16 56 603 37 512 55 38 -1 11 478 55 72 416 47 54 18 7 399 458 59 384 421 37 22 10 489 567 78 471 518 47 31 1 504 635 131 535 628 93 38 4 511 602 91 494 542 48 43 21 707 855 148 624 692 68 8 13 90 112 22 747 88 133 87 19 90 108 18 524 59 66 114 3 55 675 125 615 578 -37 162 Av. 5845 6950 1101 5513 6358 911 19 M 91 68 22 75%ile 1352 1267 522 25%ile 715 447 -407 Q 318 41 465 P. E. (distribution) 381 419 61 P. E. (average) 100 107 146 Av. = 130 P. E.

M. = 151 P. E.

6 months 12 months Average of gains in test group in excess of control 137 19 Median 12 22 P. E. of difference 48 146 Average in terms of P. E. 285 130 Median in terms of P. E. 280 151

After a twelve months' interval, therefore, the actual average and median gains are slightly larger than after the first six months, but the variability is very much greater. Therefore, when expressed in terms of P. E., the gains are smaller. One of the test group cases (No. 13) who had gained 8 pounds after six months, gained 14 pounds in the second period of six months, making a total gain of 22 pounds. This gain is exceeded, however, by one in the control group (No. 12) who gained 35 pounds in six months, and 251 pounds more in the ensuing five months.

This is certainly an enormous gain for five months, under any circ.u.mstances. Turning to Table XIV we find no corresponding gain in I.Q. for this child. Indeed there is a loss of five points.

Other children in the test group who made large gains, were case 12, with a gain of 185 pounds after twelve months, compared with 45 pounds after six months; case 19, gain of 63 pounds after first six months, and 18 pounds after 12 months; case 21, whose gain after the first period was 58 pounds, but who gained 148 pounds after twelve months.

In these cases the gain in the second period greatly exceeds that for the first.


Height, Second Retests, 13 Pairs

N[16] Test Group (A) Control Group (B)

Test 1 Test 3 Gain Test 1 Test 3 Gain A-B

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