Terran Times - Violet Visions Part 33

Terran Times - Violet Visions -

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Violet Visions "Ah, yeah," Logan sucked in some air. "That's Vince's car."

"The pimp?" Gareth checked his mirror again.

"That would be him, yes."

"Well, he's a bold b.u.g.g.e.r, considering the size of me compared to him. What I can't figure is how he knows you're in this truck with me."

Logan shook his head. He looked down to see that his hands were trembling. "Have no idea, but Vince is pretty sharp. What should we ah..."

Gareth reached over and placed his hand on top of Logan's.

He managed to smile. "Don't worry. There are a couple of things we can do. We can drive right into the Marsden Police parking lot and..."

"No," Logan shook his head. "We can't do that, Gareth. I ran away from the hospital remember, and I..."

"Logan. You're an adult. They can't keep you there. You're not insane. You're a little goofy maybe, but..."

Logan had to smile. Then he started to get nervous again.

"Okay, maybe you're right," Logan muttered, "but I did steal money from a pimp."

"You don't have to tell the police that," Gareth replied, checking his mirror again. "And if things go as planned, we won't even have to involve them. Leave it to me." He put his foot down harder on the accelerator. The road started to curve and they were really rolling as Gareth did a sharp turn onto the exit, which would take them to downtown Marsden.

Logan reached up and grabbed onto the strap that hung from the pa.s.senger side beside the window. "Now I know what that's for," he said, a wry grin on his lips.

"I see you haven't lost your sense of humour."

"Is he still behind us?"

"Oh yeah," Gareth said. "He's there."


eXtasy's Collective Mind * * * *

Valgar was facing her now, his hands on his slim hips. "So, what's your next move, gorgeous?"

Mirha set her jaw. It was taking everything she had not to intervene, but she knew now that they would be alright. "They don't need any help," she said.


"I trust Gareth to take care of Logan. They can face any chaos you throw at them," she said confidently. "And if you should ever visit chaos on them again, they'll conquer that too."

"How you figure?"

"They're in love. It's too late, Valgar. You've lost." She walked over to him and grinned. "I think I can dig up a pair of knee pads somewhere if you give me a minute."

"Oh yeah." A smile spread across his handsome face.

"We can get started right away. They don't need me anymore."

"Don't you want to see how it ends?"

"I already know. Don't you?" She ran her eyes over him in a lecherous fas.h.i.+on. "Now, I suggest you get that robe off."

"What about the kneepads?" he protested as she tore at his robe revealing his taunt muscular chest, and pushed him to his knees.

"Oh you don't mind skinned knees, do you?" she winked.

"Oh, woe is me, the agony of defeat." He placed a hand to his forehead in an exaggerated movement as he sank to his knees.

When Gareth drove into the parking lot of the police station, the 281 Violet Visions car behind them kept right on driving. Gareth smiled in relief Logan closed his eyes and sat back against the seat. "Thank G.o.d," he said. "You think we scared him off?"

"We didn't, that did," he pointed at the police station. "But I'm positive he hasn't given up."

"I'm sorry," Logan said. "I've caused you so much trouble.

You could have gotten hurt and..."

When Gareth didn't say anything, Logan turned and looked at him. G.o.d, his eyes were so blue, and in spite of all the trouble, it had been kind of nice to have him for company on this crazy ride. Logan reached over and placed a hand on the place where his s.h.i.+rt lay open. "I want to stay with you, be with you if you'll have me. I promise I..."

"Logan," he said, "no promises. If you stay with me, we take it one day at a time."

Logan's face burst into a smile. "G.o.d, Gareth I..."

"Listen," he said seriously. "There are still some things you need to do first."

"Oh don't make me talk to the police. I..."

"Not the police. Call your father, and tell him where you are.

There will be no more hospitals, and no more stupidity."

Logan nodded.

"And you're going to earn your keep. When we get home, I'll enroll you in a truck-driving course. You do have a regular driver's license right?"

"Yes, and I'm sure I could get my father to give me some money and..."

Gareth shook his head. "Listen to me, Logan. You can't be a grown up and still take Daddy's money. Just like I left home at eighteen so I could learn how to stand on my own two feet, you can't have it both ways. I'll pay for the course, and you'll pay me back a little at a time, okay?"


eXtasy's Collective Mind Logan nodded. "Okay, but what about Vince?"

"Well, we'll be moving around so much," Gareth said with a grin, "he'll have a h.e.l.l of a time finding us. Eventually he'll probably give up, and if he doesn't, well, we'll just have to cross that bridge when we come to it, okay?"

"Can I kiss you?"

"In the parking lot of a police station, in the middle of a conservative Bible thumping town?"

Logan smiled. "Yeah. Right here, right now."

"Oh, what the h.e.l.l," Gareth said, accepting the sweet kiss, which lingered on his mouth long after Logan had settled back into his seat.

A few minutes later, he had pulled out of the police station and they found a place to eat. Gareth pa.s.sed his cell phone to Logan. He walked off by himself to call his father.

When he returned to the diner where Gareth was drinking his second cup of coffee, he was smiling. "So, I take it, it went okay?"

Logan nodded. "He told me he loved me."

"That's good. I suppose he does. He's your father."

"He never said that before. He was worried about me."

"Did you tell him that...?"

"I told him," Logan said, staring into his eyes from across the table, "that I'm in love. I told him I was going to travel the country and learn how to drive an eighteen wheeler."

"And what did he say?" Gareth smiled.

"He didn't say much about me being in love, but when I told him about driving the truck, he laughed and said he'd like to see that."

"Maybe one day he will."

Logan nodded. "Oh," he said, "I also told him that I had to go and find some condoms."


Violet Visions Gareth lifted his eyebrow. "You did, did you?" He sat back against the seat and laughed out loud. "Sure."

Logan grinned. "Okay, I didn't, but do you think they sell condoms in this conservative little Bible thumping town?"

Gareth sucked in his breath. He felt his c.o.c.k stiffen a little.

"Ah, could be. Let's go and find out."

Three hours later, Gareth and Logan unloaded the stereo components in Braggstown. Gareth signed the necessary papers and then crawled back into the truck. Logan reached over and took his hand. "Where to now, baby?"

"I think I saw a little hotel not too far from here. What do you say we...?" Gareth took the package of condoms out of the pocket of his jacket that was hanging up in the cab and showed them to Logan.

Logan nodded, squeezing his hand. "You can finish what you started."

"What I started?" Gareth protested. "You were the one that seduced me, remember?"

"Oh yes, I remember it well. Best d.a.m.n move I ever made in my life."

Gareth grinned, and started the engine of the truck. Suddenly, the CB blasted out, "Sweet a.s.s, it's Tommy boy. What's your location?"

Gareth rolled his eyes.

Logan took the CB in his hand and said, "Tommy Boy, Sweet a.s.s is no longer available on this frequency. Out." He turned the radio off.

Gareth grinned at him, and Logan leaned over and kissed his mouth gently, "he's not available on any other frequency either,"


eXtasy's Collective Mind he whispered, "except for mine. How does that suit you, good buddy?"

"That suits me just fine," Gareth winked at him, and pulled Logan even closer for another kiss.


Violet Visions TWISTED ICE.

by Gabriella Bradley it ya leaned back in the control chair and put her feet up on N the panel. She was bored s.h.i.+tless. Although she'd asked for this mission, the lengthy journey toward the unexplored galaxy was utterly boring. The pod was small. There was barely room for her to move to put her suit on once she got to her destination.

"Stupid of me. I forgot to take my reader along," she muttered and tried to sleep.

Sleep wouldn't come, so she thought instead about her dream man, the one she had created within her mind and even programmed him into her virtual reality program. Tall, of course, and incredibly handsome, with a body that turned her on fire, a c.o.c.k thick and long, like the one on what she called her 's.e.x' chair. Virtual love, that's all she ever got. No time for the men who pursued her. She was too busy building her career as a s.p.a.ce explorer and scientist.

She felt her p.u.s.s.y dampen as her virtual lover's face floated 286 eXtasy's Collective Mind before her. "d.a.m.n, these pods should be equipped with a virtual s.e.x chair," she muttered, as her fingers plucked at the zipper between her thighs. It was all designed so conveniently. She rubbed her c.l.i.t, stroked the soft flesh between the moist lips.

Keeping her thumb on her c.l.i.t, she jabbed her fingers into her opening and rotated them fast. It worked. Within seconds, her body shuddered its release and her juices spilled. Gingerly, she held up her hand.

Just as she reached for a tissue wipe, located just above her, the pod jerked. She yanked back her arm and sat straight. The control panel's lights flashed on and off.

"Failure. Failure." The computer's voice boomed through the small compartment. She had to go to manual.

"Override auto," Nittya shouted.

"Failure. Failure. Unable to comply."


"Unknown command."

"Override! Go to manual!" she yelled.

"Unable to...t...t..."

The metallic voice died off. Dammit, now she didn't have a computer either. Well, since it had failed, she should be able to override auto herself. Her fingers flew over the control panel, but nothing worked. A quick glance at the view panel showed her a distant planet, one that was uncharted. She tried to control the warp drive, to slow the pod down, but as much as she jabbed the b.u.t.tons, worked the controls, one by one the little flas.h.i.+ng lights died.

The pod hurtled toward the planet at an uncontrollable speed instead of slowing down to allow her to land it. She pulled desperately at the stick to try and control direction, jabbed at the b.u.t.tons for the landing gear. No use.

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