Terran Times - Violet Visions Part 32

Terran Times - Violet Visions -

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Holding his jeans in front of him as he came out, he knew that Logan was looking at him with interest, sitting up in bed on his elbows. "Why don't you take that off? It doesn't hide much. I can take care of that erection for you."

" don't have to," he said, pausing, then, looking over at the chair in the corner. "I can sleep in the..."

"Gareth," Logan said. "I'm not trying to pay you. Maybe I just find you attractive, that's all. Look, say the word, and we'll just sleep, but you're not sleeping in the chair. I won't touch you I promise, little Red Riding Hood."

Gareth gave him a dirty look. "Fine," he said, dropping his jeans, and the towel, which caused Logan to suck in some breath and then blurt out, "Holy s.h.i.+t. You're..."

"No comments," Gareth said, dragging the blanket and sheet back and crawling in beside Logan.

Logan glanced at him as he got into bed.

"Don't say anything. Turn off the lamp, and sleep."


eXtasy's Collective Mind "I'll turn off the lamp, but I guarantee you, I won't be getting any sleep, not after that show."

"Turn off the d.a.m.n light."

The light clicked off.

"So," Logan said in the dark, "did you win any contests with that?"

"Logan, I'm warning you."

"It's beautiful, and thick and..."

"Logan, where exactly is your hand?"

"It's ah...oh My G.o.d, I'm sorry I..." Logan started to laugh.

"That's it," Gareth said, rolling over and crawling on top of Logan. He pinned him to the mattress with his weight, which prompted Logan to say, "Oh baby, punish me please."

"Logan, you need..."

"Yes," he whispered, reaching up and wrapping his fingers around some of Gareth's long black hair, "You are absolutely right, I do need."

Gareth felt Logan pull his hair forward until their lips touched. He went to say something, it probably should have been the word no, but he never got the chance because Logan's tongue pushed its way between his lips and teasingly caressed his. Strong arms wrapped around Gareth's waist-and pulled him even closer. "Umm," Logan moaned into his mouth. One hand moved down to his a.s.s and pushed the towel away.

Gareth was getting lost in that kiss. His instinct to resist was quickly turning itself into pa.s.sionate urgency. His c.o.c.k was hard, and Logan had lodged his thigh in between Gareth's legs and was moving it over his erection. Instead of pulling away, the kiss deepened, Gareth placed a hand on Logan's blond hair and pulled his head back into the pillow so that he could capture even more of his sweet mouth with his. That was met by a deeper moan, which Gareth took as encouragement. Logan's hands were 273 Violet Visions on his a.s.s, which he seemed to be really into handling, and Gareth broke away from that kiss to move his lips down to Logan's throat, and then his chest. He licked one of his nipples, then snaked his hand down in between their bodies and folded his fingers around a more than generously endowed c.o.c.k, which was hard and slippery. His lips made their way downward.

Logan's hands settled in his hair, his breathing loud and erratic as Gareth trailed his tongue over the length of his c.o.c.k. He sat up now, kneeling between his open legs. He wanted the light on. He wanted to look at him. "Turn on the lamp," he said softly, knowing that Logan could reach it easily without having to move.

The lamp came on, flooding the room with a low beam of light. With his hands on Logan's smooth, well-muscled torso, he moved them down to his stomach, and then let his eyes graze his erection. He met Logan's eyes, blue eyes which were s.h.i.+ning at him, and then lowered his lips to his c.o.c.k. He spent some time kissing and licking it, then he took it into his mouth which caused Logan to buck his hips enough to practically knock him backwards. He sat up and laughed, then pushed his hips back down gently. "Lay quiet," he whispered. "Easy, just breathe."

His hand went up underneath his a.s.s. He fondled his b.a.l.l.s, then lowered his mouth to his c.o.c.k again. Logan thrashed some, turning his head to the side. "G.o.d, Jesus," he cried.

Gareth wasn't sure if Logan wanted him to f.u.c.k him, and he didn't have any condoms anyway. It was better just to bring him to o.r.g.a.s.m like this. With his hands under his a.s.s, he opened his jaw and slowly swallowed as much of his c.o.c.k as he could. He rather enjoyed this. It had been awhile since he'd had such an appreciative least such a vocal one.

Gareth gave it his all, getting into moving his tongue around Logan's c.o.c.k, sucking, licking, swallowing.

When Logan came, Gareth was sure that every occupant of the 274 eXtasy's Collective Mind motel heard him. He let out a shout that practically shook the light fixtures on the walls.

When Gareth backed off from his c.o.c.k, Logan pa.s.sionately took him down on his back, crawling on top and kissing his mouth, then he started kissing every inch of him, finally slowly tasting his c.o.c.k. He fingered his nipples while he sucked, and Gareth came with a soft sound of pleasure in his throat.

Mirah sighed at almost the same time as Gareth did. As it turned out, she didn't have to intervene to wake him up. Logan did that all by himself. Frankly, Valgar was now driving her mad with need, but her sigh had a double meaning. She secretly smiled as she saw Logan and Gareth fall asleep in each other's arms.

Valgar stood back from her now, and c.o.c.ked his handsome head. "You want me, Mirah."

It wasn't a question.

"I suppose, you arrogant a.s.s."

He grinned. "Pretty pleased with your boys down there, aren't you?"

"Yes, and they did it all on their own."

"I'm not so sure, but wait until tomorrow."

"Valgar, no."

"You cheated, sweetie, so tomorrow, I get to play. You made Gareth so tired he had to pull off the road. Now where were we?"

he chuckled, moving closer.

Mirah pulled her jumpsuit up over her shoulders. "Actually, you were out the door. Until tomorrow, my love. All bets are off, and may the best one win."

"When you come to me, you better bring knee pads," he smirked.


Violet Visions "Ha," she scoffed, "in your dreams, baby!"

Logan opened his eyes to see the most gorgeous man in his bed.

Now that was a lover, and they hadn't really done all that they could have. He would have loved it if Gareth had f.u.c.ked him, but all in good time. He touched his long dark hair tenderly for a moment, then, cuddled up to his back, breathing in his fragrance. G.o.d, he was such a hunk, and so sweet. If he had met him earlier, maybe he wouldn't have gotten himself into so much s.h.i.+t. d.a.m.n, he was so confused, and angry at his father, but he knew his father was never going to change. Going out and doing stupid things wasn't going to make his father into what he wanted him to be. He regretted flirting with that pimp. He'd never really had the intention of following through with anything. It was all a big gag, to have fun, get attention. Stealing the money had also been for fun, but even as he was doing it, he knew it was stupid.

He had been reckless, and he'd gone too d.a.m.n far.

The hospital had been awful. His father thought he needed help. He just couldn't get it through his head that all he really needed was a father. Logan closed his eyes. Now maybe he needed to put that behind him. He was grown up now, and his needs for a father were replaced by something else, a need for a lover, a friend, someone he could share a life with, someone like the man who rested beside him. He could get used to waking up beside him, big time. h.e.l.l, what was he thinking? Maybe to Gareth, this was just a one-night stand, maybe that's all it was to him too, but at this very moment, it felt like so much more.

Gareth was awake now, looking at him with those calm dark eyes. "What are you thinking about?"

"You. Are you angry with me?"


eXtasy's Collective Mind "Why would I be angry with you?" He kissed his lips gently which raised a smile from Logan.

"You didn't want this to happen and I..."

Gareth hugged him. "I'm glad it did. It was nice. You sure you're of age?" He narrowed his eyes at him.

Logan laughed. "Yeah."

Gareth got out of bed. Logan watched him cross the floor, naked. What a great body he had, what a gorgeous man. "I got to get a shower, and get on the road."

"Can we eat somewhere? I'm famished," Logan said.

"Sure, but we have to make it fast. I'm already hours behind time. I've got to call the customer, let them know I'll be late."


They were on the road in about a half hour. An hour later, they stopped for a quick breakfast and hit the road again. Logan knew that they would hit the big city very soon, and he was starting to get nervous.

Mirah was fuming. Valgar had definitely crossed the line now. He had thrown chaos in the paths of Gareth and Logan. She clutched her pendant and closed her eyes. She could see that man in his fancy car stop at the motel where Gareth and Logan had made love. Gareth had told the hotel manager that he was heading to Braggstown when he checked out, and the manager had pa.s.sed along the information. The pimp thanked the man, and jumped back in his car and drove in the same direction. Now since they had stopped for breakfast, he was only a few miles behind them.

She knew that Gareth intended to let Logan off in the next town.

They were going to run smack into him. What could she do? She couldn't divert their path. She had already played with the truck 277 Violet Visions so she couldn't do that again. Think, Mirah, think. She didn't want to admit to herself that maybe this trick meant that Valgar had won, but she worried, worried that Chaos would mean one of them would get hurt, or worse.

When Logan saw the sign Marsden appear suddenly on the side of the road, he sucked in some air. This was the end of the line.

He looked over at Gareth and decided that it would hurt to leave him, although they had only known each other a very short time.

Suddenly he wanted to know him, he wanted to know everything about him, and the clock was definitely ticking. "So, is this what you've always wanted to do, drive a truck?"

Gareth looked over at him, then, shook his head. "No. I was working as a diesel mechanic a year ago. I almost considered taking out a loan and opening up my own place."

"So, why didn't you?"

"Life," he said.

Logan looked at him. "Boyfriend?"

"You got it. He wanted to dine out every night, and I was happy with eating at home."

"Sorry. He was an idiot." He meant it. When the menu at home looked that good, what in h.e.l.l would you want to go out for?

Gareth smiled faintly. "After that ended, I decided to buy a truck and take to the road. I didn't have anything to keep me in one place anymore."

"Doesn't it get lonely?"

"Sometimes, yeah."

Logan watched the way his hands lay steady on the wheel. "I'd like to know how to drive one of these things. I bet it takes skill."


eXtasy's Collective Mind "Skill and practice," Gareth said.

"It would be nice to have know...maybe on the road with you, share the driving and..." He stopped. What in f.u.c.k was he saying?

Gareth glanced at him. "You'd like this kind of life?"

"Maybe not forever, but for a few years. Are you planning on doing this long term?"

"No," Gareth said. "I want to see the country, and then maybe in a year or two, I'll open that shop, like I was thinking."

Logan smiled. "Sounds good."

Gareth looked at him again, then away.

"So, what about your folks? Where are they?"

"Jersey," Gareth said. "My mom works in a travel agency. My Dad died when I was seventeen."

"Brothers and sisters?"

"An older sister. She's a designer, lives in France of all places."

"Cool. I've been to France."

"You've traveled quite a bit then, being from a rich family and all."

"Yeah, but in Europe mostly, not a h.e.l.l of a lot in the U.S."

"My sister wants me to visit her in Paris. I need to find the time. This job keeps me busy."

"You keep yourself busy," Logan said, "so you won't be lonely."

"Now you're a philosopher," Gareth laughed.

"No, but I..." Logan leaned over and touched his arm, "I wouldn't mind being here on the road with..."

"Holy f.u.c.k," Gareth said suddenly, cutting off Logan's words.

He was looking in his side mirror. "I got a car crawling up my a.s.s, fancy, probably a nineteen-eighty vintage Corvette. Would that be familiar to you?"


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