Getting Gold: A Practical Treatise for Prospectors, Miners and Students Part 7

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Some seventeen years since I was engaged on the construction of a dry amalgamator in which sublimated mercury was pa.s.sed from a retort through the descending gangue in a vertical cylinder, the material thence falling through an aperture into a revolving settler, the object being to save water on mines in dry country. The model, about quarter size, was completed when my attention was called to an American invention, in which the same result was stated to be attained more effectively by blowing the mercury spray through the triturated material by means of a steam jet. I had already encountered a difficulty, since found so obstructive by experimentalists in the same direction, that is, the getting of the mercury back into its liquid metallic form. This difficulty I am now convinced can be largely obviated by my own device of using a very weak solution of sulphuric acid (it can hardly be too weak) and adding a small quant.i.ty of zinc to the mercury. It is perfectly marvellous how some samples of mercury "sickened" or "floured"

by bad treatment, may be brought back to the bright limpid metal by a judicious use of these inexpensive materials.

Thus it will probably be found practicable to crush dry and amalgamate semi-dry by pa.s.sing the material in the form of a thin pasty ma.s.s to a settler, as in the old South American arrastra, and, by slowly stirring, recover the mercury, and with it the bulk of the gold.

The following is from the _Australian Mining Standard_, and was headed "Amalgamation Without Overflow":

"Recent experiments at the Ballarat School of Mines have proved that a deliverance from difficulties is at hand from an unexpected quarter.

The despised Chilian mill and Wheeler pan, discarded at many mines, will solve the problem, but the keynote of success is amalgamation without overflow. Dispense with the overflow and the gold is saved.

"Two typical mines--the Great Mercury Proprietary Gold Mine, of Kuaotunu, N.Z., the other, the Pambula, N.S.W.--have lately been conducting a series of experiments with the object of saving their fine gold in an economical manner. The last and best trials made by these companies were at the Ballarat School of Mines, where amalgamation without overflow was put to a crucial test, in each case with the gratifying result that ninety-six per cent of the precious metal was secured. What this means to the Great Mercury Mine, for instance, can easily be imagined when it is understood that notwithstanding all the latest gold-saving adjuncts during the last six months 1260 tons of ore, worth 4l. 17s. 10 2_3d. a ton, have been put through for a saving of 1l.

9s. 1 2_3d. only; or in other words over two-thirds of the gold has gone to waste (for the time being) in the tailings, and in the tailings at the present moment lie the dividends that should have cheered shareholders' hearts.

"And now for the _modus operandi_, which, it must be remembered, is not hedged in by big royalties to any one, rights, patent or otherwise. The ore to be treated is first calcined, then put through a rock-breaker or stamper battery in a perfectly dry state. If the battery is used, ordinary precautions, of course, must be taken to prevent waste, or the dust becoming obnoxious to the workmen. The ore is then transferred to the Chilian mill and made to the consistency of porridge, the quicksilver being added. When the work of amalgamation is done (experience soon teaching the amount of grinding necessary), from the Chilian mill the paste (so to say) is pa.s.sed to a Wheeler or any other good pan of a similar type, when the gold-saving operation is completed."

This being an experiment in the same direction as my own, I tried it on a small scale. I calcined some very troublesome ore till it was fairly "sweet," triturated it, and having reduced it with water to about the consistency of invalid's gruel, put it into a little berdan pan made from a "camp oven," which I had used for treating small quant.i.ties of concentrates, and from time to time drove a spray of mercury, wherein a small amount of zinc had been dissolved, into the pasty ma.s.s by means of a steam jet, added about half an ounce of sulphuric acid and kept the pan revolving for several hours. The result was an unusually successful amalgamation and consequent extraction--over ninety per cent.

Steam--or to use the scientific term, hydro-thermal action--has played such an important part in the deposition of metals that I cannot but think that under educated intelligence it will prove a powerful agent in their extraction. About fourteen years ago I obtained some rather remarkable results from simply boiling auriferous ferro-sulphides in water. There is in this alone an interesting, useful, and profitable field for investigation and experiment.

The most scientific and perfect mode of gold extraction (when the conditions are favourable) is lixiviation by means of chlorine, pota.s.sium cyanide, or other aurous solvent, for by this means as much as 98 per cent of the gold contained in suitable ores can be converted into its mineral salt, and being dissolved in water, re-deposited in metallic form for smelting; but lode stuff containing much lime would not be suitable for chlorination, or the presence of a considerable proportion of such a metal as copper, particularly in metallic form, would be fatal to success, while cyanide of pota.s.sium will also attack metals other than gold, and hence discount the effect of this solvent.

The earlier practical applications of chlorine to gold extraction were known as Mears' and Plattner's processes, and consisted in placing the material to be operated on in vats with water, and introducing chlorine gas at the bottom, the mixture being allowed to stand for a number of hours, the minimum about twelve, the maximum forty-eight. The chlorinated water was then drawn off containing the gold in solution which was deposited as a brown powder by the addition of sulphate of iron.

Great improvements on this slow and imperfect method have been made of late years, among the earlier of which was that of Messrs. Newbery and Vautin. They placed the pulp with water in a gaslight revolving cylinder, into which the chlorine was introduced, and atmospheric air to a pressure of 60 lb. to the square inch was pumped in. The cylinder with its contents was revolved for two hours, then the charge was withdrawn and drained nearly dry by suction, the resultant liquid being slowly filtered through broken charcoal on which the chloride crystals were deposited, in appearance much like the bromo-chlorides of silver ore seen on some of the black manganic oxides of the Barrier silver mines. The charcoal, with its adhering chlorides, was conveyed to the smelting-house and the gold smelted into bars of extremely pure metal.

Messrs. Newbery and Vautin claimed for their process decreased time for the operation with increased efficiency.

At Mount Morgan, when I visited that celebrated mine, they were using what might be termed a composite adaptation process. Their chlorination works, the largest in the world, were putting through 1500 tons per week. The ore as it came from the mine was fed automatically into Krom roller mills, and after being crushed and sifted to regulation gauge was delivered into trucks and conveyed to the roasting furnaces, and thence to cooling floors, from which it was conveyed to the chlorinating shed. Here were long rows of revolving barrels, on the Newbery-Vautin principle, but with this marked difference, that the pressure in the barrel was obtained from an excess of the gas itself, generated from a charge of chloride of lime and sulphuric acid. On leaving the barrels the pulp ran into settling vats, somewhat on the Plattner plan, and the clear liquid having been drained off was pa.s.sed through a charcoal filter, as adopted by Newbery and Vautin. The manager, Mr. Wesley Hall, stated that he estimated cost per ton was not more than 30s., and he expected shortly to reduce that when he began making his own sulphuric acid. As he was obtaining over 4 oz. to the ton the process was paying very well, but it will be seen that the price would be prohibitive for poor ores unless they could be concentrated before calcination.

The Pollok process is a newer, and stated to be a cheaper mode of lixiviation by chlorine. It is the invention of Mr. J. H. Pollok, of Glasgow University, and a strong Company was formed to work it. With him the gas is produced by the admixture of bisulphate of sodium (instead of sulphuric acid, which is a very costly chemical to transport) and chloride of lime. Water is then pumped into a strong receptacle containing the material for treatment and powerful hydraulic pressure is applied. The effect is stated to be the rapid change of the metal into its salt, which is dissolved in the water and afterwards treated with sulphate of iron, and so made to resume its metallic form.

It appears, however, to me that there is no essential difference in the pressure brought to bear for the quickening of the process. In each case it is an air cus.h.i.+on, induced in the one process by the pumping in of air to a cylinder partly filled with water, and in the other by pumping in water to a cylinder partly filled with air.

The process of extracting gold from lode stuff and tailings by means of cyanide of pota.s.sium is now largely used and may be thus briefly described:--It is chiefly applied to tailings, that is, crushed ore that has already pa.s.sed over the amalgamating and blanket tables. The tailings are placed in vats, and subjected to the action of solutions of cyanide of pota.s.sium of varying strengths down to 0.2 per cent. These dissolve the gold, which is leached from the tailings, pa.s.sed through boxes in which it is precipitated either by means of zinc shavings, electricity, or to the precipitant. The solution is made up to its former strength and pa.s.sed again through fresh tailings. When the tailings contain a quant.i.ty of decomposed pyrites, partly oxidised, the acidity caused by the freed sulphuric acid requires to be neutralised by an alkali, caustic soda being usually employed.

When "cleaning up," the cyanide solution in the zinc precipitating boxes is replaced by clean water. After careful was.h.i.+ng in the box, to cause all pure gold and zinc to fall to the bottom, the zinc shavings are taken out. The precipitates are then collected, and after calcination in a special furnace for the purpose of oxidising the zinc, are smelted in the usual manner.

The following description of an electrolytic method of gold deposition from a cyanide solution was given by Mr. A. L. Eltonhead before the Engineers' Club of Philadelphia.

A description of the process is as follows:--"The ore is crushed to a certain fineness, depending on the character of the gangue. It is then placed in leaching vats, with false bottoms for filtration, similar to other leaching plants. A solution of cyanide of pota.s.sium and other chemicals of known percentage is run over the pulp and left to stand a certain number of hours, depending on the amount of metal to be extracted. It is then drained off and another charge of the same solution is used, but of less strength, which is also drained. The pulp is now washed with clean water, which leaches all the gold and silver out, and leaves the tailings ready for discharge, either in cars or sluiced away by water, if it is plentiful.

"The chemical reaction of cyanide of pota.s.sium with gold is as follows, according to Elsner:--

2Au + 4KCy + O + H2O = 2KAuCy2 + 2KHO.

"That is, a double cyanide of gold and pota.s.sium is formed.

"All filtered solutions and was.h.i.+ngs from the leaching vats are saved and pa.s.sed through a precipitating 'box' of novel construction, which may consist either of gla.s.s, iron or wood, and be made in any shape, either oval, round, or rectangular--if the latter, it will be about 10 ft. long, 4 ft. wide and 1 ft. high--and is part.i.tioned off lengthwise into five compartments. Under each part.i.tion, on the inside or bottom of the 'box,' grooves may be cut a quarter-to a half-inch deep, extending parallel with the part.i.tions to serve as a reservoir for the amalgam, and give a rolling motion to the solution as it along and through the four compartments. The centre compartment is used to hold the lead or other suitable anode and electrolyte.

"The anode is supported on a movable frame or bracket, so it may be moved either up or down as desired, it being worked by thumb-screws at each end.

"The electrolyte may consist of saturated solutions of soluble alkaline metals and earth. The sides or part.i.tions of each compartment dip into the mercury, which must cover the 'box' evenly on the bottom to the depth of about a half-inch.

"Amalgamated copper strips or discs are placed in contact with the mercury and extended above it, to allow the gold and silver solution of cyanide to come in contact.

"The electrodes are connected with the dynamo; the anode of lead being positive and the cathode of mercury being negative. The dynamo is started, and a current of high amperage and low voltage is generated, generally 100 to 125 amperes, and with sufficient pressure to decompose the electrolyte between the anode and the cathode.

"As the gas is generated at the anode, a commotion is created in the liquid, which brings a fresh and saturated solution of electrolyte between the electrodes for electrolysis, and makes it continuous in its action.

"The solution of double cyanide of gold, silver, and pota.s.sium, which has been drained from the leaching vats, is pa.s.sed over the mercury in the precipitating 'box' when the decomposition of the electrolyte by the electric current is being accomplished, the gold and silver are set free and unite with the mercury, and are also deposited on the plates or discs of copper, forming amalgam, which is collected and made marketable by the well known and tried methods. The above solution is regenerated with cyanide of pota.s.sium by the setting free of the metals in the pa.s.sage over the 'box.'

"In using this solution again for a fresh charge of pulp, it is reinforced to the desired percentage, or strengthened with cyanide of pota.s.sium and other chemicals, and is always in good condition for continuing the operation of dissolving.

"The pota.s.sium acting on the water of the solution creates nascent hydrogen and pota.s.sium hydrate; the nascent hydrogen sets free the metals (gold and silver), which are precipitated into the mercury and form amalgam, leaving hydrocyanic acid; this latter combines with the pota.s.sium hydrate of the former reaction, thus forming cyanide of pota.s.sium. There are other reactions for which I have not at present the chemical formulas.

"As the solution over the mercury, the centre compartment of the 'box' is moved slowly longitudinally, which spreads the mercury, the solution is agitated and comes in perfect contact with the mercury, as well as the amalgamated plates or discs of copper, ensuring a perfect precipitation.

"It is not always necessary to precipitate all the gold and silver from the solution, for it is used over and over again indefinitely; but when it is required, it can be done perfectly and cheaply in a very short time.

"No solution leached from the pulp, containing cyanide of pota.s.sium, gold and silver, need be run to waste, which is in itself an enormous saving over the use of zinc shavings when handling large quant.i.ties of pulp and solution.

"Some of the advantages the electro-chemical process has over other cyanide processes are: Its cleanliness, quickness of action, cheapness, and large saving of cyanide of pota.s.sium by regeneration; not wasting the solutions, larger recovery of the gold and silver from the solutions; the cost of recovery less; the loss of gold, silver, and cyanide of pota.s.sium reduced to a minimum; the use of caustic alkali in such quant.i.ty as may be desired to keep the cyanide solution from being destroyed by the solidity of the pulp, and also sometimes to give warmth, as a warm cyanide solution will dissolve gold and silver quicker than a cold one. These caustic alkalies do not interfere with or prevent the perfect precipitation of the metals. The bullion recovered in this process is very fine, while the zinc-precipitated bullion is only about 700 fine.

"The gold and silver is dissolved, and then precipitated in one operation, which we know cannot be done in the 'chlorination process'; besides, the cost of plant and treatment is much less in the above-described process.

"The electro-chemical process, which I have hastily sketched will, I think, be the future cheap method of recovering fine or flour gold from our mines and waste tailings or ore dumps.

"Without going into details of cost of treatment, I will state that with a plant of a capacity of handling 10,000 tons of pulp per month, the cost should not exceed 8s. per ton, but that may be cheapened by labour-saving devices. There being no expensive machinery, a plant could be very cheaply erected wherever necessary."



The object of calcining or roasting certain ores before treatment is to dissipate the sulphur or sulphides of a.r.s.enic, antimony, lead, etc., which are inimical to treatment, whether by ordinary mercuric amalgamation or lixiviation. The effect of the roasting is first to sublimate and drive off as fumes the sulphur and a proportion of the objectionable metals. What is left is either iron oxide, "gossan," or the oxides of the other metals. Even lead can thus be oxidised, but requires more care as it melts nearly as readily as antimony and is much less volatile. The oxides in the thoroughly roasted ore will not amalgamate with mercury, and are not acted on by chlorine or cyanogen.

To effect the oxidation of sulphur, it is necessary not only to bring every particle of sulphur into contact with the oxygen of the air, but also to provide adequate heat to the particles sufficient to raise them to the temperature that will induce oxidation. No appreciable effect follows the mere contact of air with sulphur particles at atmospheric temperature; but if the particles be raised to a temperature of 500 degrees Fahr., the sulphur is oxidised to the gaseous sulphur dioxide.

The same action effects the elimination of the a.r.s.enic and antimony a.s.sociated with gold and silver ores, as when heated to a certain constant temperature these metals readily oxidise.

The science of calcination consists of the method by which the sulphide ores, having been crushed to a proper degree of fineness, are raised to a sufficient temperature and brought into intimate contact with atmospheric air.

It will be obvious then that the most effective method of roasting will be one that enables the particles to be thoroughly oxidised at the lowest cost in fuel and in the most rapid manner.

The roasting processes in practical use may be divided into three categories:

_First or A Process._--Roasting on a horizontal and stationary hearth, the flame pa.s.sing over a ma.s.s of ore resting on such hearth. In order to expose the upper surface of the ore to contact with air the material is turned over by manual labour. This furnace of the reverberatory type is provided with side openings by which the turning over of the ore can be manually effected, and the new ore can be charged and afterwards withdrawn.

_Second or B Process._--Roasting in a revolving hearth placed at a slight incline angle from the horizontal. The furnace is of cylindrical form and is internally lined with refractory material. It has projections that cause the powdered ore to be lifted above the flame, and, at a certain height, to fall through the flame and so be rapidly raised to the temperature required to effect the oxidation of the oxidisable minerals which it is desired to extract.

The rate, or speed, of revolution of this revolving furnace obviously depends upon the character of the ore under treatment; it may vary from two revolutions per minute down to one revolution in thirty minutes. Any kind of fuel is available, but that of a gaseous character is stated to be by far the most efficient.

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