Getting Gold: A Practical Treatise for Prospectors, Miners and Students Part 5

Getting Gold: A Practical Treatise for Prospectors, Miners and Students -

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The digger of to-day having discovered payable alluvial dirt at such a depth as to permit of its being profitably worked by small parties of men with limited or no capital, procures first a half hogshead for a puddling tub, a "cradle," or "long tom," and tin dish. The "wash dirt,"

as the auriferous drift is usually termed, contains a considerable admixture of clay of a more or less tenacious character, and the bulk of this has to be puddled and so disintegrated before the actual separation of the gold is attempted in the cradle or dish. This is done in the tub by constantly stirring with a shovel, and changing the water as it becomes charged with the floating argillaceous, or clayey, particles.

The gravel is then placed in the hopper of the cradle which separates the larger stones and pebbles, the remainder pa.s.sing down over inclined ledges as the cradle is slowly rocked and supplied with water. At the bottom of each ledge is a riffle to arrest the particles of gold.

Sometimes, when the gold is very fine, amalgamated copper plates are introduced and the lower ledges are covered with green baize to act as blanket tables and catch gold which might otherwise be lost.

A long tom is a trough some 12 feet in length by 20 inches in width at the upper end, widening to 30 inches at the lower end; it is about 9 inches deep and has a fall of 1 inch to a foot. An iron screen is placed at the lower end where large stones are caught, and below this screen is the riffle box, 12 feet long, 3 feet wide, and having the same inclination as the upper trough. It is fitted with several riffles in which mercury is sometimes placed.

Much more work can be done with this appliance than with the cradle, which it superseded. Of course, the gold must be coa.r.s.e and water plentiful.

When, however, the claim is paying, and the diggings show signs of some permanency, a puddling machine is constructed. This is described in the chapter called "Rules of Thumb."

Hydraulicing and ground sluicing is a very cheap and effective method of treating large quant.i.ties of auriferous drift, and, given favourable circ.u.mstances, such as a plentiful supply of water with good fall and extensive loose auriferous deposits, a very few grains to the ton or load can be made to give payable returns. The water is conveyed in flumes, or pipes to a point near where it is required, thence in wrought iron pipes gradually reduced in size and ending in a great nozzle somewhat like that of a fireman's hose. The "Monitor," as it is sometimes called, is generally fixed on a movable stand, so arranged that the strong jet of water can be directed to any point by a simple adjustment. A "face" is formed in the drift, and the water played against the lower portion of the ledge, which is quickly undermined, and falls only to be washed away in the stream of water, which is conducted through sluices with riffles, and sometimes over considerable lengths of amalgamated copper plates. This cla.s.s of mining has been most extensively carried out in California and New Zealand, and some districts of Victoria, but the truly enormous drifts of the Shoalhaven district in New South Wales must in the near future add largely to the world's gold supply. These drifts which are auriferous from gra.s.s roots to bed rock extend for nearly fifty miles, and are in places over 200 feet deep. Want of capital and want of knowledge has. .h.i.therto prevented their being profitably worked on a large scale.

The extraction of reef gold from its matrix is a much more complicated process, and the problem how most effectively to obtain that great desideratum--a complete separating and saving operation--is one which taxes the skill and evokes the ingenuity of scientific men all over the world. The difficulty is that as scarcely any two gangues, or matrixes, are exactly alike, the treatment which is found most effective on one mine will often not answer in another. Much also depends on the proportion of gold to the ton of rock under treatment, as the most scientific and perfect processes of lixiviation hitherto adopted will not pay, even when all other conditions are favourable, if the amount of gold is much under half an ounce to the ton and even then will leave but a very small profit. If, however, the gold is "free," and the lode large, a very few pennyweights (or "dollars," as the Americans say) to the ton will pay handsomely. The mode of extraction longest in vogue, and after all the cheapest and most effective, for free milling ores where the gold is not too fine, is amalgamation with mercury, which metal has a strong affinity for gold, silver, and copper.

As to crus.h.i.+ng appliances, I shall not say much. "Their name is legion for they are many," and the same may be said of concentrators. It may be old-fas.h.i.+oned, but I admit my predilection is still in favour of the stamper-battery, for the reason that though it may be slower in proportion to the power employed, it is simple and not liable to get out of order, a great advantage when one has so often to depend on men who bring to their work a supply of main strength and stupidity.

For the same reason I prefer the old draw and lift, and plunger pumps to newer but more complicated water-lifters.

On both these points, however, I am constrained to admit that my opinion has recently been somewhat shaken.

I have lately seen two appliances which appear to mark a new era in the scientific progress of mining. One is the "Griffin Mill," the other the "Lemichel Siphon Elevateur."

The first is in some respects on the principle of the Huntingdon Mill.

The latter, if the inventor may be believed and the results seem to show he can be, will be a wonderful factor in developing not only mining properties where a preponderance of water is the trouble, but also in providing an automatic, and therefore extremely cheap, mode of water-raising and supply, which in simplicity is thus far unexampled.

Atmospheric pressure alone is relied on. The well-known process of the syphon is the basis, but with this essential difference, that a large proportion of the water drawn up to the apex of the syphon is super-elevated to heights regulated by the fall obtained in the outlet leg. This elevation can be repeated almost indefinitely by returning the waste water to the reservoirs.

The Lemichel Syphon is a wonderful, yet most simple application of natural force. The inlet leg of the syphon is larger in diameter than the outlet leg, and is provided at the bottom with a valve or "clack."

The outlet leg has a tap at its base. At the apex are two chambers, with an intermediary valve, regulated by a counterpoise weighted lever. The first chamber has also a vertical valve and pipe.

When the tap of the outlet leg is turned, the water flows as in an ordinary syphon, but owing to the rapid automatic opening and shutting of the valve in the first chamber about 45 per cent of the water is diverted, and may be raised to a height of many feet above the top of the syphon.

It need not be impressed on practical men that if this invention will perform anything like what is claimed for it, its value can hardly be calculated. After a careful inspection of the appliance in operation, I believe it will do all that is stated.

Another invention is combined with this which, by a very small expenditure of fuel, will enable the first point of atmospheric pressure to be attained. In this way the unwatering of mines may be very inexpensively effected, or water for irrigation purposes may be raised from an almost level stream.

The Griffin Mill is a centrifugal motion crusher with one roller only, which, by an ingenious application of motive force, revolves in an opposite direction to its initial momentum, and which evolves a force of 6000 lb. against the tire, which is only 30 inches in diameter. For hard quartz the size should be increased by at least 6 inches. It is claimed for this mill that it will pulverise to a gauge of 900 holes to the square inch from 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 tons per hour, or, say roughly, 150 tons per week.

The Huntingdon mill is a good crusher and amalgamator where the material to be operated on is comparatively soft, but does not do such good work when the stone is of a hard flinty nature.

A No. 4 Dodge stone-breaker working about 8 hours will keep a five-foot Huntingdon mill going 24 hours, and an automatic feeder is essential.

For that matter both are almost essential for an ordinary stamper battery, and will certainly increase the crus.h.i.+ng capacity and do better work from the greater regularity of the feed.

A 10 h.-p. (nominal) engine of good type is sufficient for Huntingdon mill, rock breaker, self-feeder and steam pump. A five-foot mill under favourable circ.u.mstances will crush about as much as eight head of medium weight stamps.

The Grusonwek Ball Mills, made by Krupp of Germany, also that made by the Austral Otis Company, Melbourne, are fast and excellent crus.h.i.+ng triturating appliances for either wet or dry working, but are specially suited only for ores when the gold is fine and evenly distributed in the stone. The trituration is effected by revolving the stone in a large cylinder together with a number of steel b.a.l.l.s of various sizes, the attrition of which with the rock quickly grinds it to powder of any required degree of fineness.

More mines have been ruined by bad mill management probably than by bad mining, though every experienced man must have seen in his time many most flagrant instances of bungling in the latter respect. Shafts are often sunk on the wrong side of the lode or too near or too far away therefrom, while instances have not been wanting where the (mis) manager has, after sinking his shaft, driven in the opposite direction to that where the lode should be found.

A common error is that of erecting machinery before there is sufficient ore in sight to make it certain that enough can be provided to keep the plant going. In mines at a distance from the centre of direction it is almost impossible to check mistakes of this description, caused by the ignorance or over sanguineness of the mine superintendent, and they are often as disastrous as they are indefensible. Another fertile source of failure is the craze for experimenting with untried inventions, alleged to be improvements on well-known methods.

A rule in the most scientific of card games, whist, is "when in doubt lead trumps." It might be paraphrased for mining thus: "When in doubt about machinery use that which has been proved." Let some one else do the experimenting.

The success of a quartz mine depends as much on favourable working conditions as on its richness in gold. Thus it may be that a mine carrying 5 or 6 oz. of gold to the ton but badly circ.u.mstanced as to distance, mountainous roads, lack of wood and water, in some cases a plethora of the latter, or irregularly faulted country, may be less profitable than another showing only 5 or 6 dwt., but favourably situated.

It is usually desirable to choose for the battery site, when possible, the slope of a hill which consists of rock that will give a good foundation for your battery.

The economical working depends greatly on the situation, which is generally fixed more or less, in the proximity of the water. The advantages of having ample water for battery purposes, or of using water as a motive power, are so great that it is very often desirable to construct a tramway of considerable length, when, by so doing, that power can be utilised; hence most quartz mills are placed near streams, or in valleys where catchment dams can be effectively constructed, except, of course, in districts where much water has to be pumped from the mine.

If water-power can be used, the water-motor will necessarily be placed as low as possible, in order to obtain the fullest available power. One point is essential. Special care must be taken to keep the appliances above the flood-level. If the water in the stream is not sufficient to carry off the tailings, the battery should be placed at such a height as to leave sufficient slope for tailings' dumps. This is more important when treating ore of such value that the tailings are worth saving for secondary treatment. In this case provision should be made for tailings, dams, or slime pits.

Whether the battery is worked by water, steam, or gas power, an ample supply of water is absolutely necessary, at least until some thoroughly effective mode of dry treatment is established. If it can be possibly arranged the water should be brought in by gravitation, and first cost is often least cost; but where this is impossible, pumps of sufficient capacity, not only to provide the absolute quant.i.ty used, but to meet any emergency, should be erected.

The purer the water the better it will be for amalgamating purposes, and in cold climates it is desirable to make provision for heating the water supplied to the battery. This can be done by means of steam from the boiler led through the feed tanks; but where the boiler power is not more than required, waste steam from the engine may be employed, but care must be taken that no greasy matter comes in contact with the plates. The exhaust steam from the engine may be utilised by carrying it through tubes fitted in an ordinary 400 gallon tank.

Reducing appliances have often to be placed in districts where the water supply is insufficient for the battery. When this is so every available means must be adopted for saving the precious liquid, such as condensing the exhaust steam from the engine. This may be done by conducting it through a considerable length of ordinary zinc piping, such as is used for carrying the water from house roofs. Also tailings pits should be made, in which the tailings and slimes are allowed to settle, and the cleared water is pumped back to be again used. These pits should, where practicable, be cemented. It is usual, also, to have one or two tailings dams at different levels; the tailings are run into the upper dam, and are allowed to settle; the slimes overflow from it into the lower dam, and are there deposited, while the cleared water is pumped back to the battery. Arrangements are made by which all these reservoirs can be sluiced out when they are filled with acc.u.mulated tailings. It is well not to leave the sluicing for too long a period, as when the slimes and tailings are set hard they are difficult to remove.

Where a permanent reducing plant is to be erected, whatever form of mill may be adopted, it is better for many reasons to use automatic ore feeders. Of these the best two I have met are the "Tulloch" and "Challenge" either of which can be adapted to any mill and both do good work.

By their use the reducing capacity of the mill is increased, and the feeding being regular the wear and tear is decreased, while by the regulated feeding of the "pulp" in the battery box or mortar can be maintained at any degree of consistency which may be found desirable, and thus the process of amalgamation will be greatly facilitated. The only objection which can be urged against the automatic feeder is that the steel points of picks, gads, drills, and other tools may be allowed to pa.s.s into the mortar or mill, and thus cause considerable wear and tear. This, I think, can be avoided by the adoption of the magnet device, described in "Rules of Thumb."

There are many mines where 3 to 4 dwt. of gold cover all the cost, the excess being clear profit. In fact there are mines which with a yield of 1 1/2 to 2 dwt. a ton, and crus.h.i.+ng with water power, have actually yielded large profits. On the other hand, mines which have given extraordinary trial crus.h.i.+ngs have not paid working expenses. Everything depends on favourable local conditions and proper management.

Having decided what cla.s.s of crus.h.i.+ng machinery you will adopt, the first point is to fix on the best possible site for its erection. This requires much judgment, as success or failure may largely depend on the position of your machinery. One good rule is to get your crusher as reasonably high as possible, as it is cheaper to pump your feed water a few feet higher so as to get a good clear run for your tailings, and also to give you room to erect secondary treatment appliances, such as concentrators and amalgamators below your copper plates and blanket strakes.

Next, and this is most important, see that your foundations are solid and strong. A very large number of the failures of quartz milling plants is due to neglect of this rule.

I once knew a genius who erected a 10-Lead mill in a new district, and who adopted the novel idea of placing a "bed log" laterally beneath his stampers. The log was laid in a little cement bed which, when the battery started, was not quite dry. The effect was comical to every one but the unfortunate owners. It was certainly the liveliest, but at the same time one of the most ineffective batteries I have seen.

In a stamp mill the foundations are usually made of hard wood logs about 5 to 6 feet long, set on end, the bottom end resting on rock and set round with cement concrete. These are bolted together, and the "box" or mortar is bolted to them. The horizontal logs to carry the "horses" or supports for the battery frame should also be of good size, and solidly and securely bolted. The same applies to your engine-bed, but whether it be of timber, or mason work, above all things provide that the whole of your work is set out square and true to save after-wear and friction.

Considerable difference of opinion exists as to the most effective weight for stamps. My experience has been that this largely depends on the nature of your rock, as does also the height for the drop. I have usually found that with medium stamps, say 7 to 7 1/2 cwt. with fair drop and lively action, about 80 falls per minute, the best results were obtained, but the tendency of modern mill men is towards the heavier stamps, 9 cwt. and even heavier.

To find the horse-power required to drive a battery, multiply the weight of one stamp by the number of stamps in the battery; the height of lift in feet by the number of lifts per minute; add one-third of the product for friction, and the result will be the number of feet-lbs. per minute; divide this by 33,000 which is the number of feet-lbs. per minute equal to 1 h.-p. and the result will be the h.-p. required. Thus if a stamp weighs 800 lb. and you have five in the box, and each stamp has a lift of 9 in. = 0.75 ft. and strikes 80 blows per minute, then 800 x 5 x 0.75 x 80 = 240,000; one-third of 240,000 = 80,000 which added to 240,000 = 320,000; and 320,000 divided by 33,000 = 9.7 h.-p. or 1.9 h.-p. each stamp.

The total weight of a battery, including stamper box, stampers, etc., may be roughly estimated at about 1 ton per stamp. Medium weight stampers, including shank cam, disc, head, and shoe, weigh from 600 to 700 lb., and need about 3/4 h.-p. to work them.

The quant.i.ty of water required for the effective treatment of gold-bearing rock in a stamper battery varies according to the composition of the material to be operated upon, but generally it is more than the inexperienced believe. For instance, "mullocky" lode stuff, containing much clayey matter or material carrying a large percentage of heavy metal, such as t.i.tanic iron or metallic sulphides, will need a larger quant.i.ty of water per stamp than clean quartz. A fair average quant.i.ty would be 750 to 1000 gallons per hour for each box of five stamps. In general practice I have seldom found 1000 gallons per hour more than sufficient.

As to the most effective mesh for the screen or grating no definite rule can be given, as that depends so largely on the size of the gold particles contained in the gangue. The finer the particles the closer must be the mesh, and nothing but careful experiment will enable the battery manager to decide this most important point. The American slotted screens are best; they wear better than the punched gratings and can be used of finer gauge. Woven steel wire gauze is employed with good effect in some mills where especially fine trituration is required. This cla.s.s of screen requires special care as it is somewhat fragile, but with intelligent treatment does good work.

The fall or inclination of the tables, both copper and blanket strakes, is also regulated by the cla.s.s of ore. If it should be heavy then the fall must be steeper. A fair average drop is 3/4 inch to the foot. Be careful that your copper tables are thoroughly water-tight, for remember you are dealing with a very volatile metal, quicksilver; and where water will percolate mercury will penetrate.

The blanket tables are simply a continuation of the mercury tables, but covered with strips of coa.r.s.e blanket, green baize, or other flocculent material, intended to arrest the heavier metallic particles which, owing to their refractory nature, have not been amalgamated.

The blanket table is, however, a very unsatisfactory concentrator at best, and is giving place to mechanical concentrators of various descriptions.

An ancient Egyptian gold was.h.i.+ng table was used by the Egyptians in treating the gold ores of Lower Egypt. The ore was first ground, it is likely by means of some description of stone arrasts and then pa.s.sed over the sloping table with water, the gold being retained in the riffles. In these the material would probably be mechanically agitated.

Although for its era ingenious it will be plain to practical men that if the gold were fine the process would be very ineffective. Possibly, but of this I have no evidence, mercury was used to retain the gold on the riffles, as previously stated. This method of saving the precious metal was known to the ancients.

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