A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels Volume Xviii Part 51

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830. Histoire Generale des Antilles. Par le P. Dututie. 1667-1671. 4 vols.

4to.--This work is very full in all the branches of natural history, and is by no means uninstructive on intellectual and moral geography.

831. Voyages aux Antilles, &c., 1767-1802. Par J.B. Le Blond. Paris, 1813.

8vo.--Statistics, climate, geology, mineralogy, diseases, and manners, are the topics of this work, and are treated of with ability and interest.

832. Voyages aux Isles de Trinidad, &c. Par J.J.D. Laraysee. Paris, 1813. 2 vols. 8vo.--The first volume relates to Trinidad: the second to Tobago, c.u.mana, Guiana, and Margarita. The soil, climate, productions, and occasionally the natural history and geology of these parts are here treated of.

833. Baudin Voyage aux Isles Teneriffe la Trinite, Porto Rico, &c. 2 vols.

8vo. Paris, 1810.--To these travels Sonnini has added some valuable notes.

834. Voyage d'un Suisse dans differentes Colonies de l'Amerique. 1783.

8vo.--Martinique and St. Domingo are particularly described, and the mineralogy of the latter fully entered into.

835. Bryan Edwards' History of the British Colonies in the West Indies, and the French Colony in St. Domingo. 1801. 3 vols. 8vo.--This work justly bears an excellent character, and is very full and minute on almost every topic connected with these islands.

836. Histoire de St. Domingue. Par le P. Charlevoix. Paris, 1722. 2 vols.

4to.--This work, drawn up chiefly from the memoirs of the missionaries, treats of the political, military, and moral state of the island, and more briefly of its produce, animals, &c.--This briefness is compensated in the following work:

837. Essai sur I'Histoire Naturelle de St. Domingue. Par le P. Nicolson.

Paris, 1766. 8vo.

838. Ed. Long's History of Jamaica. 3 vols. 4to. 1774.--A work of sterling merit, and if read in conjunction with the following to supply the natural history of the island, will leave little to be known respecting this important island.

839. Pat. Brown's Civil and Natural History of Jamaica. 1756. folio.

840. Ligon's History of Barbadoes. 1695. 8vo.

841. Labat Voyage aux Isles de l'Amerique. La Haye, 1724. 6 vols.

12mo.--This is esteemed the best work of Labat, and it certainly is very instructive in all that relates to Martinique, Guadaloupe, St. Vincent, St.

Thomas, St. Lucia, St. Eustatius, &c.

842. Voyage a la Martinique. Par Chauvalson. Paris, 1763. 4to.--Natural history, meteorology, agriculture, and manners.

843. Account of St. Michael, one of the Azores. By Dr. Webster.--This work, which is published in America, contains an interesting description of St.

Michael, particularly in what relates to its natural history and geology.


844. Preliminar al Tomo primero de las Memorias Historico-Physicas, Critico-Apologeticas, de la America Meridional. Par D.J.E. Lamo Zaputa.

Cadiz, 1759. 8vo.

845. Reise eineger Missionarien in Sud America. Von C. Gott. Von Murr.

Nurem. 1785. 8vo.

846. Depon's Travels in South America, 1801-4. 2 vols. 8vo.--The Caraccas, Venezuela, Guyana, c.u.mana, are the objects of this work; the rural economy, the political and commercial situation of these parts at this period, and the manners of the Spanish Americans are here treated of in a superior manner.

847. Nouvelle Description de la France Equinoctiale. Par Pierre Barrere.

Paris, 1743. 12mo.

848. Essai sur l'Histoire Naturelle de la France Equinoctiale. Par P.

Barrere. Paris, 1749. 2 vols. 8vo.--The former of these works is chiefly confined to a description of the natives, their weapons, manners, mode of life, &c.: the latter work is full on the natural history of Guyana.

849. Bancroft's Essay on the Natural History of Guyana. 1769. 8vo.--Besides natural history, this work may be consulted with advantage on the manners, &c. of the natives.

850. Stedman's Narrative of a Five-Years' Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, 1772-7. 2 vols. 4to.--There is an air of romance in several parts of this work, which, though it adds to its interest, raises suspicions of its accuracy and faithfulness, and that it has been in the hands of a trading editor; still it is a work from which a lively picture may be obtained of Surinam and its inhabitants.

851. Tableau de Cayenne. Paris, 1793. 8vo.--Climate, produce, mode of culture, manners and nautical observations form the topics of this work.

852. Narrative of a Voyage to Brazil. By Th. Lindley. 1804. 8vo.--This work contains much information regarding the political, commercial, and domestic state of the Brazilians, with some notices on natural history. As Brazil used to be visited by our s.h.i.+ps before we obtained the Cape, on their voyage to the East Indies and China, much information may be gained from several voyages to the latter, especially from the accounts of Lord Macartney's by Staunton and Barrow.

853. Lucc.o.c.k's Notes on Rio Janeiro, and the Southern Parts of Brazil.

1820. 4to.--Mr. Lucc.o.c.k resided eleven years in Brazil, and he seems to have been a careful observer; his work gives much new and important information on agriculture, statistics, commerce, mines, manners, &c., but it is heavily written.

854. Koster's Travels in the Brazils. 1816. 4to.--This work, together with Lucc.o.c.k's, Henderson's, and Mawe's, comprize a body of information on Brazil, nearly complete on all points except natural history, and that must be sought in Prince Maximilian's Travels.

855. History of Paraguay. By Charlevoix. 1760. 2 vols. 8vo.--This work is full on the plants, animals, fruits, &c., of this country; and is particularly interesting from the account it gives of the celebrated and singular Jesuit establishment in Paraguay.

856. Voyages dans l'Amerique Meridionale, 1781-1801. Par Don F. de Azara. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1809.--The author, who was commissioner of the lines of the Spanish frontier in Paraguay, gives in this work much information on the climate, soil, &c. of countries little known; and the value of it is enhanced by the notes of Cuvier and Sonnini on natural history.

857. Relation de la Voyage dans les Provinces de la Plata. 8vo. Paris, 1819.

858. Historia de Abifponibus. Autore Dobutzhoffen. Vienna, 1784. 8vo.--This work has lately been translated into English: had it been carefully and judiciously abridged it would have been acceptable, but it is tiresome from its extreme minuteness on uninteresting points.

859. Historia del Descubriniento y Conquesta del Peru. Par August de Zarate. Anvers, 1555. 8vo.--This work is not merely historical, but it also embraces many interesting particulars on physical geography, and the manners, religion, &c., of the Peruvians.

860. Histoire des Incas, traduit de l'Espagnole de de la Vega.

Amsterdam, 1737. 2 vols. 4to.--The interest of this work arises from its accuracy and fullness on the laws, government, religion, &c., of the ancient Peruvians. To this French translation is added a history of the conquest of Florida.

861. A Voyage to the South Sea along the Coasts of Chili and Peru, 1712-14.

By Mr. Frezier. 1717. 4to.--The object for which Mr. Frezier was sent related to the defence of Peru and Chili; but he also enters fully into an account of the mines and the mode of working them, and into a description of manners, domestic life, &c.

862. Journal du Voyage fait a l'Equateur. Par M. de la Condamine. Paris, 1751. 4to.--Besides the detail of astronomical observations, this work is interesting from the personal narrative of the labours of the academician, and instructive on several points of physical and moral geography.

863. Humboldt, Voyage aux Regions Equinoctiales du Nouveau Continent, 1799-1804. 6 vols. 8vo.

864. Humboldt, Relation Historique de son Voyage aux Regions Equinoctiales du Nouveau Continent. 2 vols. 4to.

865. Humboldt, Essai Politique sur le Royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne, Paris, 5 vols. 8vo. 1811.--Perhaps no traveller ever equalled Humboldt in the possession and exercise of such an union of qualifications requisite to render travels instructive and interesting; nor would it be easy to name any travels which have so completely exhausted the subject of them, as those, the t.i.tles of which we have given, if taken in connexion with the more purely scientific appendages to them.

866. A Voyage to South America. By Don George Juan and Don Ant. de Ulloa.

1758. 2 vols. 8vo.--Peru, Chili, Carthagena, Porto Bello, and Panama, are described in these volumes with great talent and science with regard to their natural history, climate, and productions; and together with the civil, political, and domestic life of the inhabitants, and various other topics.

867. Helm's Travels from Buenos Ayres by Potosi to Lima, 1806.

12mo.--Natural history, and chiefly geology and mineralogy, with a very particular account of the mines of Potosi.

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