Practical Grammar and Composition Part 6

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21. He is a man _who whom_ all admired.

22. He is one of those men _who whom_ we call

23. I did not see that it was _her she_.

24. It is in fact _he him_.

25. He still believes it to be _them they_.

26. Between you and _I me_, it is my opinion that _him he_ and John will disagree.

27. We saw John and _she her_; we know it was _them they_.

28. I did not speak of either you or _she her_.

29. Our cousins and _we us_ are going to the Art Gallery.

30. Aunt Mary has asked our cousins and _us we_ to take dinner at her house.

31. They are more eager than _we us_ since they have not seen her for a long time.

32. It could not have been _we us who whom_ you suspected.

33. _We us_ boys are going to the ball game.

34. They sent letters to all _who whom_ they thought would contribute.

35. This money was given by John _who whom_ you know is very stingy.

36. The superintendent, _who whom_, I cannot doubt, is responsible for this error, must be discharged.

37. The teacher told you and _I me_ to stay.

38. The teacher told you and _him he_ to stay.

39. The teacher told you and _she her_ to stay.

40. There are many miles between England and _we us_.

41. They can't play the game better than _we us_.

42. It is unpleasant for such as _they them_ to witness such things.

43. Between a teacher and _he him who whom_ he teaches there is sometimes a strong fellows.h.i.+p.

44. You are nearly as strong as _him he_.

45. All were present but John and _he him_.

46. Father believed it was _she her_.

47. Mother knew it to be _her she_.

48. It was either _he him_ or _she her_ that called.

49. Because of _his him_ being young, they tried to s.h.i.+eld him.

50. It was _he him who whom_ the manager said ought to be promoted.

51. The throne was held by a king _who whom_ historians believe to have been insane.

52. _Who whom_ did he say the man was?

53. _Who whom_ did he say the judge suspected?

54. _Who whom_ do you consider to be the brightest man?

55. _Who whom_ do you think is the brightest man?

56. He cannot learn from such as _thou thee_.

57. If they only rob such as _thou thee_, they are honest.

58. What dost _thou thee_ know?

59. They do tell _thee thou_ the truth.

60. She told John and _me I_ to study.

61. My father allowed my brother and _her she_ to go.

62. My brother and _she her_ were allowed to go by my father.

63. Turn not away from _him he_ that is needy.

64. Neither Frances nor _she her_ was at fault.

65. The property goes to _they them_.

66. He thought it was _her she_, but it was _him he_ and William who did it.

67. It was through _she her_ that word came to _me I_.

68. I thought it was _her she_.

69. I wish you were more like _he him_.

70. I thought it to be _she her_.

71. It seems to be _he_. I should hate to be _he_. I should like to be _he_ or _she_. (All these sentences are in the correct form.) 72. He is a man in _whom who_ I have little faith.

73. You are as skillful as _she her_.

74. We escorted her mother and _her she_ to the station.

75. _She her_ and _I me_ are going on the boat.

76. If any are late it will not be _us we_.

77. _Who whom_ are you going to collect it from?

78. _Who whom_ do men say that he is?

79. _Who whom_ do you think _him he_ to be?

80. _They them_ and their children have gone abroad.

81. It was not _they them_.

82. _Who whom_ am I said to be?

83. I do not know to _who whom_ to direct him.

84. How can one tell _who whom_ is at home now?

85. _Who whom_ is that for?

86. Choose _who whom_ you please.

87. Do you think _I me_ to be _her she who whom_ you call Kate?

88. Some _who whom_ their friends expected were kept away.

89. Give it to _who whom_ seems to want it most.

90. _Who whom_ do you think I saw there?

91. I hope it was _she her who whom_ we saw.

92. It could not have been _him he_.

93. _Who whom_ did you say did it?

94. Let _them they_ come at once.

95. The man on _who whom_ I relied was absent.

96. I know it was _they them who whom_ did it.

97. Will he let _us we_ go?

98. It came from _they them who whom_ should not have sent it.

99. It was not _us we_ from _who whom_ it came.

100. Can it be _she her_?

101. _Thou thee_ art mistaken.

102. Let me tell _thee thou, thee thou_ wilt do wrong.

103. Send _who whom_ wants the pa.s.s to me.

104. Tell _who whom_ you choose to come.

105. Is he the man for _who whom_ the city is named?

106. The book is for _who whom_ needs it.

107. I do not know _who whom_ the book is for.

30. The COMPOUND PERSONAL p.r.o.nOUNS are formed by adding _self_ or _selves_ to certain of the objective and possessive personal p.r.o.nouns; as, _herself, myself, itself, themselves_, etc. They are used to add emphasis to an expression; as, _I, MYSELF, did it, He, HIMSELF, said so._ They are also used reflexively after verbs and prepositions; as, _He mentioned HIMSELF, He did it for HIMSELF_.

The compound personal p.r.o.nouns should generally be confined to their emphatic and reflexive use. Do not say, _MYSELF and John will come_, but, _John and I will come_. Do not say, _They invited John and MYSELF_, but, _They invited John and ME_.

The compound personal p.r.o.nouns have no possessive forms; but for the sake of emphasis _own_ with the ordinary possessive form is used; as, _I have my OWN book, Bring your OWN work, He has a home of his OWN._

31. There are no such forms as _hisself, your'n, his'n, her'n, theirself, theirselves, their'n_. In place of these use simply _his, her, their_, or _your_.


_Write sentences ill.u.s.trating the correct use of the following simple and compound personal p.r.o.nouns:_

Myself, me, I, them, themselves, him, himself, her, herself, itself, our, ourselves.

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