Practical Grammar and Composition Part 59

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move, write, blame, tame, come, receive, believe, relieve, grieve, deceive, conceive, perceive, seize, precede, concede, supersede, recede, argue, rue, construe, woe, pursue.

201. Words ending in _-ge, -ce_, or _-se_, retain the _e_ before endings: as,

arrange, arrangement; arrange, arranging.

Similar are:

gauge, manage, balance, finance, peace, service, amuse, use.

202. Words in _-dge_ do not retain the _e_ before endings; as, acknowledge, acknowledg_ment_, acknowledg_ed_, acknowledg_ing_.

Similar are:

nudge, judge.

203. Most words ending in _y_ preceded by a consonant change _y_ to _i_ before all endings except-_ing_:

busy, bus_iness_, bus_ied_, busy_ing_.

Similar are:

duty, mercy, penny, pity, vary, weary, study.


canvas (cloth) principle (rule) canva.s.s (all meanings except _cloth_) (chief) capitol (a building) stationary (immovable) capital (all meanings except _building_) stationery (articles) counsel (advice or an adviser) miner (a workman) council (a body of persons) minor (under age) complement (a completing element) angel (a spiritual being) compliment (praise) angle (geometrical)


annual laundry schedule awkward leisure separate beneficial lenient Spaniard decimal license speak exhilarate mechanical specimen familiarize mediaeval speech fiber medicine spherical fibrous militia subtle genuine motor surely gluey negotiate technical height origin tenement hideous pacified their hundredths phalanx therefore hysterical physique thinnest icicle privilege until irremediable prodigies vengeance laboratory rarefy visible laid rinse wherein larynx saucer yielding


206. The following list is made up of words that are frequently misp.r.o.nounced. An effort has been made to arrange them in groups according to the most frequent source of error in their p.r.o.nunciation.

The only marks regularly used are the signs for the long and short sounds of the vowel.

a as in _hate_ i as in _high_ u as in _use_ a as in _hat_ i as in _hit_ u as in _run_

e as in _me_ o as in _old_ oo as in _boot_ e as in _met_ o as in _hop_ oo as in _foot_

When sounds are not otherwise indicated take the sound that comes most naturally to the tongue.

207. a AS IN _HATE_:

WORD CORRECT p.r.o.nUNCIATION alma mater _alma mater_ apparatus _apparatus_ apricot _apricot_ attache _attasha'_ audacious _audashus_ ballet _bal'la_ blase _blaza'_ blatant _blatant_ chasten _chasen_ Cleopatra _Cleopatra_ compatriot _compatriot_ gratis _gratis_ or _grahtis_ harem _harem_ or _hahrem_ heinous _hanous_ hiatus _hiatus_ implacable _implakable_ nape _nap_ nee _na_ neglige _naglezha'_ patron _patron_ protege _protazha'_ resume _razuma'_ tenacious _tenashus_ tomato _tomato_ or _tomahto_ valet _va'la_ or _val'et_ vase _vas, vahz_, or _vaz_ veracious _verashus_ vivacious _vivashus_

208. a AS IN _HAT_:

alternative _alternative_ Arab _Ar'ab_, not _arab_ arid _ar'id_ asphalt _asfalt_, not _fawlt_ bade _bad_ catch not _ketch_ defalcate _defal'kate_, not _fawl_ dilletante _dilletan'te_ forbade _forbad_ granary _granary_ program _pro'gram_, not _grum_ rapine _rap'in_ rational _rational_ sacrament _sacrament_

209. a AS IN _ARM_:

aunt _ant_ behalf _behaf_ calf _kaf_ calm _kam_ half _haf_ laugh _laf_ psalm _sam_

210. e AS IN _ME_:

amenable _amenable_ clique _klek_, not _klick_ creek _krek_, not _krick_ either _eether_ (preferable) mediocre _mediocre_ nave _na'eve_ (_a_ as in _arm_) neither _neether_ (preferable) precedence _prece'dence_ precedent _prece'dent_ (when an adjective) predecessor _predecessor_ predilection _predilection_ premature _premature_ quay _ke_ resplendent _resplen'dent_ sacrilegious _sacrilegious_, not -_religious_ series _serez_ sleek _slek_, not _slick_ suite _swet_, not like _boot_

211. e AS IN _MET_:

again _agen_ against _agenst_ crematory _krem'atory_ deaf _def_, not _def_ heroine _heroin_, not like _hero_ measure _mezhure_, not _ma_ metric _metrik_ precedent _prec'edent_ (noun) prelate _prel'at_ presentation _prezentation_ sesame _ses'ame_ steady _stedy_, not _stiddy_ tenet _ten'et_ weapon _wepon_, not _wepon_

212. i AS IN _HIGH_:

appendicitis _appendicitis_ biennial _biennial_ biography _biography_ bronchitis _bronkitis_ carbine _carbine_ decisive _decisive_ demise _demise_ dynasty _di'nasty_ finis _finis_ grimy _grimy_ hiatus _hia'tus_ inquiry _inqui'ry_ long-lived _long-livd_ peritonitis _peritonitis_ privacy _privacy_ short-lived _short-livd_ simultaneous _simultaneous_ tiny _tiny_, not _teny_

213. i AS IN _HIT_:

bicycle _bi'sicle_ breeches _briches_ breeching _briching_ feminine _feminin_ genuine _genuin_ hypocrisy _hipok'risy_ italic _ital'ik_ Italian _italyan_ maritime _maritim_ pretty _pritty_ puerile _pu'eril_ respite _res'pit_ tribune _trib'un_

214. o AS IN _OLD_:

Adonis _Adonis_ apropos _apropo_ bowsprit _bowsprit_ brooch _broch_ not _broosh_ compromise _compromize_ jowl _jol_, not like _owl_ molecular _molecular_ ogle _ogle_ trow _tro_ vocable _vocable_ zoology _zoology_, not _zoo_

215. o AS IN _HOP_:

choler _koler_ dolorous _dolorous_ florid _florid_ molecule _molecule_ obelisk _obelisk_ probity _probity_ solecism _solesism_ solstice _solstice_ stolid _stolid_

216. oo AS IN _BOOT_:

bouquet _booka'_ canteloupe _can'taloop_ coup d'etat _koo data'_ coupon _koo'pon_ ghoul _gool_ hoof _hoof_ roof _roof_ root _root_ route _root_ routine _rootine_ wound _woond_

217. u AS IN _USE_:

accurate _ak'kurat_ culinary _kulinary_ gubernatorial _gubernatorial_ jugular _jugular_

218. u AS IN _US_:

constable _kunstable_ courtesan _kur'tezan_ hover _huver_ iron _iurn_ monetary _munetary_ nothing _nuthing_ wont _wunt_ (different from _won't_)


adobe _ado'ba_ algebra not _bra_ alien _alyen_, not _alien_ ameliorate _amelyorate_ antarctic _antarktik_ anti not _anti_ archangel _arkangel_ archbishop _arch_, not _ark_ arch fiend _arch_, not _ark_ architect _arkitect_ awkward _awkward_, not _ard_ Beethoven _batoven_ Bingen _Bing'en_ blackguard _blag'gard_ Bowdoin _bodn_ brougham _broom_ business _bizness_ caldron _kawldron_ calk _k.a.w.k_ Cayenne _kien'_ courtier _kortyer_ cuckoo _kookoo_ dilemma _dilem'ma_ directly not _directly_ dishevelled _dishev'ld_ Don Juan _Don Juan_ or _hooan_ drought _drowt_ drouth _drowth_ extempore _extempore_ (four syllables) familiarity _familyarity_ gaol _jal_ genealogy _-alogy_, not _-ology_ gemus _genyus_ Gloucester _gloster_ gooseberry _gooz_, not _goos_ Hawaiian _Hawi'yan_ (_a_ as in _arm_) Helena _hel'ena_ (except _St. Hele'na_) inconvenience _inconvenyence_ Israel _izrael_, not _issrael_ jeans _janes_ joust _just_ or _joost_ larynx _lar'inx'_ or _la'rinx_, not _larnix_ literature _literature_, or _choor_ Messrs. _meshyerz_ or _mesyerz_ Mineralogy _-alogy_, not _-ology_ nature _nature_, or _choor_ oleomargarine _g_ is hard, as in _get_ orchid _orkid_ oust _owst_, not _oost_ peculiar _peculyar_ pecuniary _pekun'yari_ perspiration not _prespiratian_ prestige _pres'tij_ or _prestezh'_ p.r.o.nunciation _p.r.o.nunzeashun_ or _p.r.o.nunsheashun_ saucy not _sa.s.sy_ schedule _skedyul_ semi not _semi_ theater _the'ater_ not _thea'ter_ turgid _turjid_ usage _uzage_ usurp _uzurp_ vermilion _vermilyun_ wife's not _wives_ Xerxes _zerxes_


almond _ahmund_ chasten _chasen_ chestnut _chesnut_ glisten _glissen_ kiln _kill_ often _ofen_ ostler _osler_ poignant _poin'ant_ psalter _sawlter_ salmon _samun_ schism _sism_ soften _sofen_ subtle _sutle_ sword _sord_ thyme _time_ toward _tord_

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