Practical Grammar and Composition Part 54

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CALCULATE, INTEND. _To calculate_ means _to compute, to adjust_ or _to adapt. Intend_ means _to have formed the plan to do something_.

1. He ---- to sell books this summer.

2. He ---- that the work will take ten years.

3. He ---- to finish it as soon as he can.

4. The oil is ---- to flow at the rate of a gallon a minute.


1. In this community his ---- is excellent.

2. One's friends may endow him with a good ----, but not with a good ----.

3. Slander may ruin one's ----, but it will not destroy his ----.

4. See that your ---- is right, and your ---- will establish itself.

CLAIM, a.s.sERT. _To claim_ means to make a demand for what is one's own. It should not be confused with _a.s.sert_.

1. I ---- that I am innocent.

2. John ---- the property as his.

3. They ---- their right to the land.

4. The cas.h.i.+er ---- the money in payment of a note.

5. Do you still ---- that you were born in America?

COUNCIL, COUNSEL, CONSUL. A _council_ is a group of persons called in to hold consultation. _Counsel_ means _an adviser_, as a lawyer; or _advice_ that is given. _Consul_ is an officer of the government.

1. In the colonies each governor had his ----.

2. The advisers gave him ---- when he desired it.

3. The United States has a ---- in every important foreign port.

4. In criminal cases the accused must be provided with ----.

5. The president's cabinet const.i.tutes for him a sort of ----.

6. In Rome two ---- were elected to manage the affairs of the state.


1. Foreign ---- into the United States is greatly restricted.

2. The ---- of the citizens of the United States to Canada is becoming a matter of concern.

3. Our ---- Bureau enforces the Chinese Exclusion Act.

4. The treatment of the royalists caused a great ---- from France.

GOOD, WELL. _Good_ is an adjective. _Well_ is usually an adverb, though sometimes an adjective; as, _Are you well to-day?_

1. She talks very ----.

2. She prepares a ---- paper, even if she does not write ----.

3. Do ---- what you are doing.

4. Did you have a ---- time?

5. Recite it as ---- as you can.

HOUSE, HOME. _House_ means only _a building. Home_ means a place that is one's habitual place of residence.

1. He thought often of the flowers about the door of his old ----.

2. They have recently bought a ---- which they intend to make their ----.

3. Mr. Heim lives here now, but his ---- is in Lewisburg.

4. He has several miserable ---- that he rents.

5. Such a place is not fit to be called a ----.

MOST, ALMOST. _Almost_ is an adverb meaning _nearly. Most_ never has this meaning.

1. I was ---- injured when the machine broke.

2. It is ---- time for him to come.

3. The ---- discouraging thing was his indifference.

4. I ---- missed the car.

5. ---- of the books are torn.

LET, LEAVE. See Glossary, under _leave_.

1. Will his employer ---- him go so early.

2. I shall ---- at noon.

3. ---- me help you with your coat.

4. ---- me here for a while.

5. This book I ---- with you.

6. Do not ---- that danger disturb you.

LIKE, AS. _Like_ should not be used as a conjunction in the sense of _as_. As a preposition it is correct. It is wrong to say, _Do like I do_; but right to say, _Do as I do_.

1. He looks ---- James.

2. Read ---- James does.

3. Does she look ---- me?

4. She thinks of it ---- I thought.

5. Lincoln could do a thing ---- that.

6. Other men could not do ---- Lincoln did.

LIKELY, LIABLE, PROBABLY. It is better to avoid using _likely_ as an adverb; but it may be used as an adjective; as, _He is likely to come. Probably_ refers to any sort of possibility. _Liable_ refers to an unpleasant or unfavorable possibility; it should not be used as equivalent to _likely_.

1. He is ---- to arrest for doing that.

2. The president's car will ---- arrive at noon.

3. It is ---- to rain to-day.

4. Is he ---- to write to us?

5. Continued exposure makes one more ---- to serious illness.

6. What will ---- come of it?

LOAN, LEND. _Loan_ should be used only as a noun, and _lend_ only as a verb.

1. I wish to obtain a ---- of fifty dollars.

2. Will you ---- me your knife?

3. A ---- of money loses both itself and friend.

4. A ---- is something that one ---- to another.

MAD, ANGRY. Mad means _insane, uncontrollably excited through fear_, etc. It should not be used for _angry_ or _vexed_.

1. His manner of speaking makes me ----.

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