Latin for Beginners Part 59

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Caesar c.u.m Capitolium ascendisset, in templo Iovi Capitolino sacra fecit. Simul[11] captivorum qui n.o.bilissimi erant, abducti in carcerem,[12] interfecti sunt. Sacris factis Caesar de Capitolio descendit et in foro miitibus suis honores militaris dedit eisque pecuniam ex belli praeda distribuit.

His omnibus rebus confectis, Publius Caesarem valere[13] iussit et quam celerrime ad villam contendit ut patrem matremque salutaret.

[14]De rebus gestis P. Corneli Lentuli hactenus.

[Footnote 1: A victorious general with his army was not allowed to enter the city until the day of his triumph. A triumph was the greatest of all military honors.]

[Footnote 2: >, _on the day that_, abl. of time.]

[Footnote 3: >, --501.43.]

[Footnote 4: >, --501.46.]

[Footnote 5: >, --501.40.]

[Footnote 6: The Sacred Way was a noted street running along one side of the Forum to the base of the Capitoline Hill, on whose summit stood the magnificent temple of Jupiter Capitolinus. This route was always followed by triumphal processions.]

[Footnote 7: The > worn by a general in his triumph was a splendid robe of Tyrian purple covered with golden stars. See Plate IV, p. 213.]

[Footnote 8: The lictors were a guard of honor that attended the higher magistrates and made a way for them through the streets. On their shoulders they carried the _fasces_, a bundle of rods with an ax in the middle, symbolizing the power of the law.]

[Footnote 9: >, _with downcast countenance_.]

[Footnote 10: >, from >.]

[Footnote 11: >, etc., _At the same time those of the captives who were the n.o.blest._]

[Footnote 12: The prison was a gloomy dungeon on the lower slopes of the Capitoline Hill.]

[Footnote 13: >, _bade farewell to_.]

[Footnote 14: This sentence marks the end of the story.]




<460.>> Nouns are inflected in five declensions, distinguished by the final letter of the stem and by the termination of the genitive singular.


SECOND DECLENSION-->stems, Gen. Sing. <-i>>

THIRD DECLENSION--Consonant stems and >stems, Gen. Sing. <-is>>

FOURTH DECLENSION-->stems, Gen. Sing. <-us>>

FIFTH DECLENSION-->stems, Gen. Sing. <-e?i>>


>, _lady_ STEM > BASE >

SINGULAR PLURAL TERMINATIONS TERMINATIONS _Nom._ domina -a dominae -ae _Gen._ dominae -ae dominarum -arum _Dat._ dominae -ae dominis -is _Acc._ dominam -am dominas -as _Abl._ domina -a dominis -is

_a._ > and > have the termination <-abus>> in the dative and ablative plural.



>, _master_ STEM > BASE >

SINGULAR PLURAL TERMINATIONS TERMINATIONS _Nom._ dominus -us domini -i _Gen._ domini -i dominorum -orum _Dat._ domino -o dominis -is _Acc._ dominum -um dominos -os _Abl._ domino -o dominis -is

1. Nouns in <-us>> of the second declension have the termination <-e>> in the vocative singular, as >.

2. Proper names in <-ius>>, and >, end in <-i>> in the vocative singular, and the accent rests on the penult, as >.

_b._ NEUTERS IN -um

>, _spear_ STEM



SINGULAR PLURAL TERMINATIONS TERMINATIONS _Nom._ pilum -um pila -a _Gen._ pili -i pilorum -orum _Dat._ pilo -o pilis -is _Acc._ pilum -um pila -a _Abl._ pilo -o pilis -is

1. Masculines in <-ius>> and neuters in <-ium>> end in <-i>> in the genitive singular, _not_ in <-ii>>, and the accent rests on the penult.

_c._ MASCULINES IN -er AND -ir

>, _boy_ >, _man_ STEMS


> >

SINGULAR TERMINATIONS _Nom._ puer ager vir -- _Gen._ pueri agri viri -i _Dat._ puero agro viro -o _Acc._ puerum agrum virum -um _Abl._ puero agro viro -o

PLURAL _Nom._ pueri agri viri -i _Gen._ puerorum agrorum virorum -orum _Dat._ pueris agris viris -is _Acc._ pueros agros viros -os _Abl._ pueris agris viris -is



I. Consonant Stems

1. Stems that add <-s>> to the base to form the nominative singular: masculines and feminines only.

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