A Short History of the United States Part 64

A Short History of the United States -

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Elections, presidential, of 1800; of 1824; of 1840; of 1844; of 1848; of 1852; of 1856; of 1860; of 1868; of 1872; of 1876; of 1880; of 1884; of 1888; of 1892; of 1896.

Electoral Commission.

Embargo, Jefferson's.

Era of Good Feeling.

Ericson, Leif (Life er'ik-son).

Ericsson, John.

Erie Ca.n.a.l.

Farragut, Admiral D.G., portrait; at New Orleans.

Federal Ratio.

Federalist Party.

Fifteenth Amendment.

Fillmore, Millard, portrait; chosen Vice-President; becomes President.

Florida, discovered; settled; purchased.

Fourteenth Amendment.

France, explorers and colonists of; colonists conquered by British; recognizes independence of the United States; influence of revolution in, on America; controversy.

Franklin, Benjamin, portrait; early life of; examined by House of Commons; Minister to France; in Federal Convention.

Fredericksburg, battle of.

Free Soil Party.

Freeman's Farm, battles of.

Fremont, John C.; portrait; in California; defeated for the Presidency.

Fugitive Slave Act.

Fulton, Robert.

Gadsden Purchase.

Gag Resolutions.

Gage, British general.

Gama, da (da ga'ma).

Garfield, J. A.; elected President; murdered.

Garrison, W. L.

Gates, General; in Burgoyne's campaign; defeated at Camden.

Genet, French Minister.

Georgia, settlement of.

Gettysburg, battle of.

Ghent, Treaty of.

Grant, General U.S.; portrait; seizes Cairo; captures Fort Donelson; at s.h.i.+loh; captures Vicksburg; at Chattanooga; Lieutenant-General; his Virginia Campaign; elected President; reelected President.

Great Britain; Treaty of 1783; Jay's Treaty; Treaty of Ghent; Treaty of 1842; Oregon Treaty; Alabama claims.

Greeley, Horace; portrait; on secession; defeated for Presidency.

Greene, General, his Southern Campaigns.

Grenville, George.

Guilford, battle of.

Hamilton, Alexander; Secretary of the Treasury; his financial policy; his const.i.tutional ideas; intrigues against Adams.

Harrison, Benjamin, elected President.

Harrison, General W.H.; at Tippecanoe; elected President; his death.

Hartford Convention.

Harvester, the.

Hawaii annexed.

Hawkins, Sir John.

Hayes, R.B., elected President.

Henry, Patrick; portrait; Parson's Cause; his Stamp Act Resolutions; in Continental Congress; opposes Const.i.tution.

Hood, Confederate general.

Hooker, General Joseph.

Hudson, Henry.



Jackson, General Andrew; portrait; a Creek War; defends New Orleans; candidate for Presidency; elected President; his administration.

Jamestown, founded.

Jay, John.

Jay's Treaty.

Jefferson, Thomas; portrait; writes Declaration of Independence; Secretary of State; his const.i.tutional ideas; Vice-President; writes Kentucky Resolutions; elected President; his administrations.

Johnson, Andrew; portrait; President; his reconstruction policy; impeached.

Johnston, Confederate general.

Judiciary Act of 1801.

Kansas, struggle for.

Kansas-Nebraska Act.

Kentucky Resolutions.

Kieft, Dutch governor.

King Philip's War.

King's Mountain, battle of.

Lake Erie, battle of.

La Salle, his explorations.

Lee, R. E., Confederate general.

Lee, R. H.

Leon, Ponce de.

Lewis and Clark.

Lexington, battle of.

"Liberty," the, seized.

Lincoln, Abraham; portrait; early life; Debate with Douglas; elected President; first inaugural; Emanc.i.p.ation Proclamation; murdered; reconstruction policy.

Livingston, R. R.; portrait; negotiates Louisiana Purchase.

Locomotive invented.

Louisiana; settlement of; ceded to Spain; returned to France; purchased by United States.


Lundy's Lane, battle of.

Madison, James; portrait; in Federal convention; writes Virginia Resolutions; President; his war message.

Magellan, his great voyage.

"Maine," destruction of the.

Manhattan Island.

Manila Bay, battle of.

Manila, captured.

Maryland Toleration Act.

Mason and Dixon's Line.

Ma.s.sachusetts Circular Letter.

Mayflower compact.

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