Balder the Beautiful Part 23

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[274] Curiously enough, while the singular is _granno-mio_, the plural is _grannas-mias_.

[275] Dr. Pommerol, "La fete des Brandons et le dieu Gaulois Grannus,"

_Bulletins et Memoires de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris_, v.

Serie, ii. (1901) pp. 427-429.

[276] _Op. cit._ pp. 428 _sq._

[277] H. Dessau, _Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae_, vol. ii. Pars i.

(Berlin, 1902) pp. 216 _sq._, Nos. 4646-4652.

[278] (Sir) John Rhys, _Celtic Heathendom_ (London, 1888), pp. 22-25.

[279] emile Hublard, _Fetes du Temps Jadis, les Feux du Careme_ (Mons, 1899), p. 38, quoting Dom Grenier, _Histoire de la Province de Picardie_.

[280] e. Hublard, _op. cit._ p. 39, quoting Dom Grenier.

[281] M. Desgranges, "Usages du Canton de Bonneval," _Memoires de la Societe Royale des Antiquaires de France_, i. (Paris, 1817) pp. 236-238; Felix Chapiseau, _Le folk-lore de la Beauce et du Perche_ (Paris, 1902), i. 315 _sq._

[282] John Brand, _Popular Antiquities of Great Britain_ (London, 1882-1883), i. 100.

[283] E. Cortet, _Essai sur les fetes religieuses_ (Paris, 1867), pp. 99 _sq.; La Bresse Louhannaise_, Mars, 1906, p. 111.

[284] A. de Nore, _Coutumes, mythes et traditions des provinces de France_ (Paris and Lyons, 1846), pp. 283 _sq._ A similar, though not identical, custom prevailed at Valenciennes (_ibid._ p. 338).

[285] A. de Nore, _op. cit._ p. 302.

[286] Desire Monnier, _Traditions populaires comparees_ (Paris, 1854), pp. 191 _sq._

[287] Laisnel de la Salle, _Croyances et legendes du centre de la France_ (Paris, 1875). i. 35 _sqq._

[288] Jules Lecoeur, _Esquisses du Rocage Normand_ (Conde-sur-Noireau, 1887), ii. 131 _sq._ For more evidence of customs of this sort observed in various parts of France on the first Sunday in Lent, see Madame Clement, _Histoire des Fetes civiles et religieuses_, etc., _du Departement du Nord_*[2] (Cambrai, 1836), pp. 351 _sqq._; emile Hublard, _Fetes du Temps Jadis, les Feux du Careme_ (Mons, 1899), pp. 33 _sqq._

[289] J.H. Schmitz, _Sitten und Sagen, Lieder, Spruchworter und Rathsel des Eifler Volkes_ (Treves, 1856-1858), i. 21-25; N. Hocker, in _Zeitschrift fur deutsche Mythologie und Sittenkunde_, i. (1853) p. 90; W. Mannhardt, _Der Baumkultus der Germanen und ihrer Nachbarstamme_ (Berlin, 1875), p. 501.

[290] N. Hocker, _op. cit._ pp. 89 _sq._; W. Mannhardt, _l.c._

[291] F.J. Vonbun, _Beitrage zur deutschen Mythologie_ (Chur, 1862), p.

20; W. Mannhardt, _l.c._

[292] Ernst Meier, _Deutsche Sagen, Sitten und Gebrauche aus Schwaben_ (Stuttgart, 1852), pp. 380 _sqq._; Anton Birlinger, _Volksthumliches aus Schwaben_ (Freiburg im Breisgau, 1861-1862), ii. 56 _sqq._, 66 _sqq._; _Bavaria, Landes-und Volkskunde des Konigreichs Bayern_ (Munich, 1860-1867), ii. 2, pp. 838 _sq._; F. Panzer, _Beitrag zur deutschen Mythologie_ (Munich, 1848-1855), i. 211, -- 232; W. Mannhardt, _l.c._ One of the popular German names for the first Sunday in Lent is White Sunday, which is not to be confused with the first Sunday after Easter, which also goes by the name of White Sunday (E. Meier, _op. cit._ p.

380; A. Birlinger, _op. cit._ ii. 56).

[293] H. Gaidoz, "Le dieu gaulois du soleil et le symbolisme de la roue," _Revue Archeologique_, iii. serie, iv. (1884) pp. 139 _sq._

[294] August Witzschel, _Sagen, Sitten und Gebrauche aus Thuringen_ (Vienna, 1878), p. 189; F. Panzer, _Beitrag zur deutschen Mythologie_ (Munich, 1848-1855), ii. 207; W. Mannhardt, _Der Baumkultus,_ pp. 500 _sq._

[295] W. Kolbe, _Hessiche Volks-Sitten und Gebrauche_*[2] (Marburg, 1888), p. 36.

[296] Adalbert Kuhn, _Die Herabkunft des Feuers und des Gottertranks_*[2] (Gutersloh, 1886), p. 86, quoting Hocker, _Des Mosellandes Geschichten, Sagen und Legenden_ (Trier, 1852), pp. 415 _sqq._ Compare W. Mannhardt, _Der Baumkultus_, p. 501; and below, pp.

163 _sq._ Thus it appears that the ceremony of rolling the fiery wheel down hill was observed twice a year at Konz, once on the first Sunday in Lent, and once at Midsummer.

[297] H. Herzog, _Schweizerische Volksfeste, Sitten und Gebrauche_ (Aarau, 1884), pp. 214-216; E. Hoffmann-Krayer, "Fruchtbarkeitsriten im schweizerischen Volksbrauch," _Schweizerisches Archiv fur Volkskunde_, xi. (1907) pp. 247-249; _id., Feste und Brauche des Schweizervolkes_ (Zurich, 1913), pp. 135 _sq._

[298] Theodor Vernaleken, _Mythen und Brauche des Volkes in Oesterreich_ (Vienna, 1859), pp. 293 _sq._; W. Mannhardt, _Der Baumkultus_, p. 498.

See _The Dying G.o.d_, p. 239.

[299] J. H. Schmitz, _Sitten und Sagen, Lieder, Spruchworter und Rathsel des Eifler Volkes_ (Treves, 1856-1858), i. 20; W. Mannhardt, _Der Baumkultus_, p. 499.

[300] L. Strackerjan, _Aberglaube und Sagen aus dem Herzogthum Oldenburg_ (Oldenburg, 1867), ii. 39, -- 306; W. Mannhardt, _Der Baumkultus_, p. 498.

[301] W. Mannhardt, _Der Baumkultus_, p. 499.

[302] W. Mannhardt, _op. cit._ pp. 498 _sq._

[303] W. Mannhardt, _op. cit._ p. 499.

[304] Christian Schneller, _Marchen und Sagen aus Walschtirol_ (Innsbruck, 1867), pp. 234 _sq._; W. Mannhardt, _op. cit._ pp. 499 _sq._

[305] John Brand, _Popular Antiquities of Great Britain_ (London, 1882-1883), i. 157 _sq._; W. Mannhardt, _Der Baumkultus_, pp. 502-505; Karl Freiherr von Leoprechting, _Aus dem Lechrain_ (Munich, 1855), pp.

172 _sq._; Anton Birlinger, _Volksthumliches aus Schwaben_ (Freiburg im Breisgau, 1861-1862), i. 472 _sq._; Monta.n.u.s, _Die deutschen Volksfeste, Volksbrauche und deutscher Volksglaube_ (Iserlohn, N.D.), p. 26; F.

Panzer, _Beitrag zur deutschen Mythologie_ (Munich, 1848-1855), ii. 241 _sq._; Ernst Meier, _Deutsche Sagen, Sitten und Gebrauche aus Schwaben_ (Stuttgart, 1852), pp. 139 _sq._; _Bavaria, Landes- und Volkskunde des Konigreichs Bayern_ (Munich, 1860-1867), i. 371; A. Wuttke, _Der deutsche Volksaberglaube_*[2] (Berlin, 1869), pp. 68 _sq._, -- 81; Ignaz V. Zingerle, _Sitten, Brauche und Meinungen des Tiroler Volkes_*[2]

(Innsbruck, 1871), p. 149, ---- 1286-1289; W. Kolbe, _Hessische Volks-Sitten und Gebrauche_*[2] (Marburg, 1888), pp. 44 _sqq._; _County Folk-lore, Printed Extracts, Leicesters.h.i.+re and Rutland_, collected by C.J. Billson (London, 1895), pp. 75 _sq._; A. Tiraboschi, "Usi pasquali nel Bergamasco," _Archivio per lo Studio delle Tradizione Popolari_, i.

(1892) pp. 442 _sq._ The ecclesiastical custom of lighting the Paschal or Easter candle is very fully described by Mr. H.J. Feasey, _Ancient English Holy Week Ceremonial_ (London, 1897), pp. 179 _sqq._ These candles were sometimes of prodigious size; in the cathedrals of Norwich and Durham, for example, they reached almost to the roof, from which they had to be lighted. Often they went by the name of the Judas Light or the Judas Candle; and sometimes small waxen figures of Judas were hung on them. See H.J. Feasey, _op. cit._ pp. 193, 213 _sqq._ As to the ritual of the new fire at St. Peter's in Rome, see R. Chambers, _The Book of Days_ (London and Edinburgh, 1886), i. 421; and as to the early history of the rite in the Catholic church, see Mgr. L. d.u.c.h.esne, _Origines du Culte Chretien_*[3] (Paris, 1903), pp. 250-257.]

[306] _Bavaria, Landes und Volkskunde des Konigreichs Bayern_ (Munich, 1860-1867), i. 1002 _sq._

[307] Gennaro Finamore, _Credenze, Usi e Costumi Abruzzesi_ (Palermo, 1890), pp. 122 _sq._

[308] G. Finamore, _op. cit._ pp. 123 _sq._

[309] Vincenzo Dorsa, _La Tradizione Greco-Latina negli Usi e nelle Credenze Popolari della Calabria Citeriore_ (Cosenza, 1884), pp. 48 _sq._

[310] Alois John, _Sitte, Brauch und Volksglaube im deutschen Westbohmen_ (Prague, 1905), pp. 62 _sq._

[311] K. Seifart, _Sagen, Marchen, und Gebrauche aits Stadt und Stift Hildesheim_*[2] (Hildesheim, 1889), pp. 177 _sq._, 179 _sq._

[312] M. Lexer, "Volksuberlieferungen aus dem Lesachthal in Karnten,"

_Zeitschrift fur deutsche Mythologie und Sittenkunde_, iii. (1855) p.


[313] _The Popish Kingdome or reigne of Antichrist, written in Latin verse by Thomas Naogeorgus and Englyshed by Barnabe Googe_, 1570, edited by R.C. Hope (London, 1880), p. 52, _recto._ The t.i.tle of the original poem was _Regnum Papistic.u.m_. The author, Thomas Kirchmeyer (Naogeorgus, as he called himself), died in 1577. The book is a satire on the abuses and superst.i.tions of the Catholic Church. Only one perfect copy of Googe's translation is known to exist: it is in the University Library at Cambridge. See Mr. R.C. Hope's introduction to his reprint of this rare work, pp. xv. _sq._ The words, "Then Clappers, and belles are set againe at libertee," refer to the custom in Catholic countries of silencing the church bells for two days from noon on Maundy Thursday to noon on Easter and subst.i.tuting for their music the harsh clatter of wooden rattles. See R. Chambers, _The Book of Days_ (London and Edinburgh, 1886), i, 412 _sq._ According to another account the church bells are silent from midnight on the Wednesday preceding Maundy Thursday till matins on Easter Day. See W. Smith and S. Cheetham, _Dictionary of Christian Antiquities_ (London, 1875-1880), ii. 1161, referring to _Ordo Roman_. i. _u.s._

[314] R. Chambers, _The Book of Days_ (London and Edinburgh, 1886), i.


[315] Miss Jessie L. Weston, "The _Scoppio del Carro_ at Florence,"

_Folk-lore_, xvi. (1905) pp. 182-184; "Lo Scoppio del Carro,"

_Resurrezione, Numero Unico del Sabato Santo_ (Florence, April, 1906), p. 1 (giving a picture of the car with its pyramid of fire-works). The latter paper was kindly sent to me from Florence by my friend Professor W.J. Lewis. I have also received a letter on the subject from Signor Carlo Placci, dated 4 (or 7) September, 1905, 1 Via Alfieri, Firenze.

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