The History of a Lie Part 13

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[Transliteration: Sostojashhij pri Ego Imperatorskom Vysochestve Gosudare Naslednike i velikom knjaze Mihaile Aleksandroviche

7 Nojabrja 1902 g.

? 1443.


Ego Vysokoblagorodiju I. I. Ljutostanskomu.


Milostivyj Gosudar'

Ippolit Iosifovich.


podnesennyj Vami trud Talmud i evrei", prichem EGO VYSOCHESTVU blagouG.o.dno bylo poruchit' mne peredat' Vam EGO iskrennjuju priznatel'nost' za Vashe podnesenie.

Blagovolite prinjat' i moju lichnuju glubokuju priznatel'nost' za prislannyj mne ekzempljar Vashej knigi.

Proshu Vas prinjat' uverenie v sovershennom moem uvazhenii i iskrennej predannosti.

Vsegda gotovyj k uslugam D. Dashkov.

For the benefit of the antisemitic agitators in England, such as the editors of The Morning Post, The New Witness, The Spectator, Blackwood's Magazine, and a number of irresponsible publications needless to name, it will prove instructive and interesting to reproduce a few additional pa.s.sages from the same volume, in order that they may know and appreciate not only what that authority said concerning the Jews but also what he thought of the English.

On pages 279, 282 and 283 of volume six of "The Talmud and the Jews,"

after outlining the alleged Jewish plot to gain world dominion, Lutostansky wrote, in 1907:

"The English are typical pure-blooded Israelites. In ancient times they were all red-headed, as we see from the descriptions in the Bible and the New Testament. The characteristic of the Israelites is known to the whole world under the sun. The characteristic of the English, if we follow it closely, does not differ from the Jewish in the slightest degree. Who are the English? This question has long occupied the minds of many people in Europe, as well as in England itself. The universal trading traits of the sons of Albion, their looting politics, based on unfair business, and many other characteristic traits of the nation which are not peculiar to any of the other European nations that are even less cultured and civilized that the English-all these have long seemed very suspicious and have drawn attention to a certain kins.h.i.+p between the Anglo-Saxons and the Jews. During the past two decades, in England and America, also on the European continent, particularly in France, a whole literature has been created, proving on the basis of many facts, suppositions and historical references, that the origin of the Anglo-Saxon race is not Germanic, but Semitic, that the English are the direct descendants of the Israelites, thrown by historic fate to the of the distant Albion....

"Indeed, the lion of Judah, has become the British lion and adorns the coat of arms of the King of England. The harp of King David to this day represents the coat of arms of Ireland....

"But not only are the kings of England the direct descendants of Jewish Kings, they are even seated on the throne of David, on which the ancient Jewish kings were married. This throne, on which Jacob fell asleep on that night when he dreamt of the ladder and when the Lord promised the kingdom to his posterity. This stone, called 'the Stone of Fate,' which served for the weddings of Jewish Kings, was brought to Ireland by the prophet Jeremiah. Tergus (?) transferred it to Scotland, whence it was taken to London.

"It is curious to note that many prophecies about this fate of Israel fit England absolutely, as for instance, the prophesy that Israel will become a great nation, a kingdom on islands, ruling over large colonies.

"North America is inhabited by the tribe of Mena.s.seh of whom it was said in ancient prophesy that he will become a 'separate great nation.' The very word _saxon_ is derived from _Isaacson_, that is the son of Israel....

"As one of the signs of kins.h.i.+p between the population of England and ancient Israel, we cannot help pointing out the close similarity between the English and Jewish tribes, the similarity in their manner of speech, and above all, trading as the fundamental characteristic of both nations....

"The particular reverence in which the English hold the Bible smacks of the Old Testament of the Jews. Even the preference on the part of the English for long clothes indicates something Asiatic....

"Arousing of late the unanimous indignation of the whole civilized world, the English at the same time call forth amazement at their traits, instincts and aspirations which positively make them a monster in the family of cultured and civilized European nations.

As the proverb says, there is no family without a black sheep.

Every monstrosity, however, is to be explained-Jews come from Jews."

This interesting information is taken from Lutostansky's book. Nilus and other writers of the Black Hundred camp pictured England in the same manner immediately after 1905. It was then the Russian governmental policy to discredit England and the Jews in the eyes of the Russian people, and the Black Hundreds were employed by the Tsar as the medium through which to carry on this agitation.

The "Black Hundreds" started their campaign in 1905, but their work was so venomous, so absurd and so steeped in ignorance that there were few people even in Russia who paid any attention to it.

That the Nilus protocols which were published by the Black Hundreds were not taken seriously in Russia by the reactionaries or even by the Black Hundreds who sought every means of discrediting the Jews, may be gathered from the fact that in the most stupendous anti-Jewish plot ever devised by the Russian government to justify Jewish ma.s.sacres,-the notorious Beilis case,-the protocols published eight years previously were never used by the prosecution, even though it resorted to every foul means that could be conjured up of slandering and vilifying the Jewish people. The very persons who were instrumental in spreading the "protocols" in Russia in 1905 seemed to have realized that the false accusations which they contained were too transparent and too clumsy to deceive even the most credulous, and so they were discarded.

But suddenly, after the armistice, a new edition of the Nilus book containing the "protocols," dated 1917, made its appearance as suitable to the chaotic conditions that prevailed in Russia and during the past two years, as has been shown, it was reproduced in various countries.

This time the antisemitic propagandists are trying to connect the "protocols" directly with Theodore Herzl and the Zionist movement. The war, the peace treaty and bolshevism are characterized as the fulfillment of these "protocols" which they say had been devised no less than 929 years before the birth of Christ, by Solomon and other Sages.

The present "protocols" have been elaborated from the "Retcliffe-Goedsche" versions by the Russian secret police department and the Black Hundreds who ascribed all the evils in the world to the Jews.

The Black Hundred writer, G. Butmi, whose book "Enemies of the Human Race," containing the fabricated speech by a "famous Rabbi" side by side with the "protocols," gives several characteristic pa.s.sages in his introduction that will convey to the reader a clear conception of the type of men who have stood behind the movement to discredit the Jews through the so-called "protocols."

On page 36 of this volume, Butmi wrote:

"The French Revolution, which ended in the execution of Louis XVI in 1793, was engineered by England with the aid of the Jews and the Judaized Masons. Only the Jews profited by the French Revolution, even as they profited by the English Revolution, attaining in the general turmoil equal rights with the native population of France."

Discussing the traits of the English people and finding a similarity between them and the Jews, Butmi said on page 38:

"The British traits are well known all over the world-their exceptional selfishness, their inhuman cruelty to foreigners, their inherent instinct of exploitation, their theoretical stupidity are mingled with practical shrewdness and utter brazenness."

On page 39 he said:

"Meanwhile the Britons have not distinguished themselves in anything, if we are not to take into consideration the fact that being thoroughly incapable of creating their own language, they have by their talent to distort languages given to the present English people a repulsive Judeo-Carthaginian imprint through their shameless self-satisfaction, arrogance and treacherous inclinations."

On page 41 he said:

"In 1843 the first lodge of the new Jewish union 'Bnai Brith' was organized in New York. Gradually this Jewish 'Bnai Brith'

concentrates in its hands the direction of all Masonic lodges in America, and through them it directs American politics."

[Ill.u.s.tration: Cyrillic


[Transcription: -364-

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