The History of a Lie Part 14

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[Transliteration: -364-

Kto zapodozrit togda, chto vse eti problemy byli podstroeny nami po politicheskomu planu, kotorago nikto ne raskusil v techenii mnogih vekov?!. ....

Eshhe protokol.

Kogda my vocarimsja nam ne zhelatel'no budet sushhestvovanie drugoj religii, krome nashej o Edinom Boge, s Kotorym nasha sud'ba svjazana ego izbraniem i Kotorym ta zhe nasha sud'ba ob'edinena s sud'bami mira.

Poetomu my dolzhny razrus.h.i.+t' vsjakija verovanija.

Esli ot etogo rodjatsja sovremennye ateisty, to, kak perehodnaja stupen' eto ne pomeshaet nas.h.i.+m vidam, a posluzhit primerom dlja teh pokolenij, kotoryja budut slushat' propovedi nas.h.i.+ o religii Moiseja, privedshej svoej stojkoj i obdumannoj sistemoj k pokoreniju nam vseh narodov. V etom my podcherknem i misticheskuju eja pravdu, v kotoroj, skazhem my, osnovyvaetsja vsja eja vospitatel'naja sila.... .

Togda pri kazhdom sluchae my budem publikovat' stat'i, v kotoryh budem sravnivat' nashe blagoe pravlenie s proshlymi. BlaG.o.dejanija pokoja, hotja i vynuzhdennago vekami volnenij, posluzhat k novomu rel'efu skazannago blaga.

Os.h.i.+bki goevskih administracij budut opisyvat'sja nami v samyh jarkih kraskah. My poseem takoe k nim otvrashhenie, chto narody predpochtut pokoj v krepostnom sostojanii pravam preslovutoj svobody, stol'

ih izmuchivs.h.i.+m i istoshhivs.h.i.+m samye istochniki chelovecheskago sushhestvovanija, kotorye eksploatirovalis' tolpoju prohodimcev, ne vedavs.h.i.+h, chto tvorjat...... Bezpoleznyja peremeny pravlenij, k kotorym my podbivali goev, kogda podkapyvali ih gosudarstvennyja zdanija, do togo nadoedjat k tomu vremeni narodam, chto oni predpochtut terpet' ot nas vse, lish' by ne riskovat' pereispytyvat'

perezhityja volnenija i nevzG.o.dy. My zhe osobenno budem podcherkivat' istoricheskija os.h.i.+bki goevskih pravlenij, stol'ko vekov promuchivs.h.i.+h chelovechestvo otsutstviem


soobrazitel'nosti vo vsem, chto kasaetsja istinnago ego blaga, v pogone za fantasticheskimi proektami social'nyh blag, ne zamechaja, chto eti proekty vse bolee uhudshali, a ne uluchshali polozhenie vseobshhih otnoshenij, na kotoryh osnovyvaetsja chelovecheskaja zhizn'...

Vsja sila nas.h.i.+h principov i meroprijatij budet zakljuchena v tom, chto oni nami vystavjatsja i istolkujutsja, kak jarkij kontrast razlozhivs.h.i.+msja starym porjadkam obshhestvennago stroja.

Nas.h.i.+ filosofy budut obsuzhdat' vse nedostatki goevskih verovanij, no nikto nikogda ne stanet obsuzhdat'

nashu veru s eja istinnoj tochki zrenija, tak kak ee nikto osnovatel'no ne uznaet, krome nas.h.i.+h, kotorye nikogda ne posmejut vydat' eja tajny.

V stranah, nazyvaemyh peredovymi, my sozdali bezumnuju, grjaznuju,'nuju literaturu.

Eshhe nekotoroe vremja posle vstuplenija nashego vo vlast' my stanem pooshhrjat' eja sushhestvovanie, chtoby ona rel'efnee obrisovala kontrast rechej, programm, kotoryja razdadutsja s vysot nas.h.i.+h....... Nas.h.i.+ umnye ljudi, vospitannye dlja rukovodstva gojami, budut sostavljat' rechi, proekty, zapiski, stat'i, kotorymi my budem vlijat' na umy, napravljaja ih k namechennym nami ponjatijam i znanijam.

Eshhe protokol.

Kogda my, nakonec okonchatel'no vocarimsja pri pomoshhi gosudarstvennyh perevorotov, vsjudu podgotovlennyh k odnomu i tomu zhe dnju, posle okonchatel'nago priznanija neG.o.dnosti vseh sushhestvujushhih pravitel'stv (a do etogo projdet eshhe ne malo vremeni, mozhet byt' i celyj vek), my postaraemsja, chtoby protiv nas uzhe ne bylo zagovorov. Dlja etogo my nemiloserdno kaznim vseh kto vstret.i.t nashe vocarenie s oruzhiem v rukah. Vsjakoe novoe uchrezhdenie kakogo-libo tajnago obshhestva budet ]

[_Translation of the Nilus Protocol published in Russia in 1905._]

"When we become rulers, we shall regard as undesirable the existence of any religion except our own, proclaiming one G.o.d with Whom our fate is tied as the Chosen People, and by Whom our fate has been made one with the fate of the world. For this reason we must destroy all other religions. If thereby should emerge contemporary atheists, then, as a transition step, this will not interfere with our aims. It will serve as an example to coming generations who will listen to the teachings of the Mosaic religion. By its sound and reasonable system, we have achieved the subjugation of all nations. We shall emphasize its mystic law in which we will say lies all power.

"On every occasion we will publish articles in which we will compare our beneficent rule with the past. The benefits of peace, though achieved through centuries of turmoil, will stand out in relief in this era of blessings. The shortcomings of the Gentile administrations will be pictured by us in the darkest colors. We will sow such antipathy toward their governments that the will prefer peace in a condition of servitude to the rights of the so-called liberty which so tormented them and destroyed the very springs of human existence and which were exploited by a host of adventures, not realizing what they were doing.

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