The History of a Lie Part 12

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[Transliteration: -395- toryja v Maloj Azii budut podderzhivaemy francuzskoj diplomatiej.

Konechno, eto trebovanie l'goty ne kasaetsja katolicheskih uchrezhdenij, izgonjaemyh iz Francii neskol'kimi poslednimi sostavami eja pravitel'stva, a dokazyvaet lish', chto Drejfusarovskaja diplomatija vystupaet za interesy Siona i otkryvaet put' dlja kolonizacii francuzskimi evrejami Maloj Azii.

Sion vsegda zavoevyval sebe mesta i vlijanie cherez svoj rabochij skot s chelovecheskimi licami, kak nazyvaet Talmud vse ne-evrejskoe chelovechestvo.

Po dannym tajnago evrejskago Sionizma, Solomonom i drugimi Iudejskimi mudrecami eshhe za 929 let do Rozhdestva Hristova byl izmyshlen v teorii politicheskij plan mirnago zavoevanija dlja Siona vselennoj. Po mere razvitija istoricheskih sobytij, plan etot byl razrabatyvaem i popolnjaem posvjashhennymi v eto delo posledovateljami[1].

Eti mudrecy res.h.i.+li mirno zavoevat' mir dlja Siona hitrost'ju Simvolicheskago Zmija, glavu kotorago dolzhno bylo sostavljat' posvjashhennoe v plany mudrecov pravitel'stvo evreev (vsegda zamaskirovannye dazhe ot svoego naroda), a tulovishhe-narod Iudejskij. p.r.o.nikaja v nedra vstrchaemyh im na puti gosudarstv, Zmij etot podtachival i pozhiral (svergaja ih) vse gosudarstvennyja, ne-evrejskija, sily, po mere ih rosta. Eto zhe dolzhen on delat'

i v budushhem pri tochnom sledovanii prednachertanijam plana, do teh por, poka cikl projdennago im puti ne somknetsja vozvratom Glavy ego na Sione i poka, takim obrazom, Zmij ne zakljuchit, ne sosredotochit v sfere svoego kruga vsej Evropy, a cherez nee i ostal'noj mir, pol'zujas' vsemi silami-zavoevaniem i ekonomicheskim putem, chtoby podchinit' svoemu vlijaniju, vlijaniju svoego cikla, i ostal'nye kontingenty. Vozvrat

[Footnote 1: Ap. Pavel, kak odin iz naibolee darovityh uchenikov farisejskoj shkoly, ne mog ne byt' posvjashhen v etu tajnu bezzakonija, nahodivshujusja v dejstvii" i v ego vremja. Otsjuda osobaja zloba gonenija na nego so storony voinstvujushhago Izrailja.]

From the Nilus Epilogue, 1917

"According to secret Jewish Zionism, a political plan was devised in theory for the peaceful conquest of the world for Zion, by Solomon and other sages already 929 years before the birth of Christ. In the course of historical developments, the plan was elaborated and augmented by their followers initiated in this affair. These sages decided to conquer the world peacefully for Zion, by the cunning of the symbolic snake, whose head should const.i.tute the government of the Jews initiated in the plans of the sages (always masked even from their own people) and the body-the Judean nation. Penetrating the bosoms of the governments encountered on the way, this snake has undermined and eaten away (overthrowing) all governments, non-Jewish forces according to their growth.

"This it should also do in the future, carefully following the outlined plan, until the cycle of the road travelled by it is completed by the return of the head of the snake to Zion, and until the snake will thus include and concentrate in the sphere of its circle the whole of Europe, and through Europe the rest of the world, utilizing all forces of conquest and by economic means in order to subject also the other continents to its influence, to the influence of its cycle. The return of the head of the snake could be accomplished only over the razed plains of the governmental power of all the European countries,-that is through economic disorganization and ruin, introduced by Zion everywhere by means of spiritual decadence and moral turpitude, chiefly, with the aid of Jewish women under the guise of French, Italian and Spanish women, the best introducers of immorality into the conduct of the rulers of nations. Women in the hands of Zion serve as bait for those, who owing to them are always in need of money, and therefore barter their conscience in order to get money at any cost. This money, in fact, is only loaned to them, for it quickly comes back to the hands of bribing Zion through these very women, and at the same time they have secured slaves for Zion."

A comparison of these pages shows that Nilus merely added to Lutostansky's version the statement to be found in Butmi's version that the political plan for the peaceful conquest of the world for Zion, was devised in theory by Solomon and other sages _929 years before the birth of Christ_. Lutostansky said in 1907 that "the head of the snake represents the sages of Zion, and the body-the Judean nation," while Nilus said that the "head should const.i.tute the government of the Jews initiated in the plans of the sages (always masked even from their own people) and the body-the Judean nation." Thus the sages of Zion were transformed by Nilus into "the government of the Jews" in order to connect the "political plan" all the more closely with the "protocols."

The American editors have omitted this part of the Nilus epilogue, evidently because it seemed even to them too absurd for American consumption.

All of the literature about the "protocols" that appeared in various parts of the world in 1920 is based on the "doc.u.ments" vouched for by the mysterious Sergius Nilus, and fortified by the irresponsible Jew-baiter and intellectual pervert Ippolit Lutostansky.

That the Nilus-Lutostansky-Butmi campaign was just what the Tsarist government desired may be seen from the photographic reproduction of the letter sent to Lutostansky by Grand Duke Michael, who was regarded as the most liberal among the Russian Grand Dukes. The letter appears together with other letters of congratulation from members of the Imperial family in the volume containing the pa.s.sages quoted above.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Cyrillic


[Transcription: ????????? ???

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