The History of a Lie Part 11

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[Transliteration: Ob'jasnenie sionskago simvolicheskago zmeja.

[Ill.u.s.tration: P]redstavlennyj politicheskij plan v obraze zmija, ochen' drevnij, byl izmyshlen iudejskimi mudrecami v teorii, po mere zhe istoricheskih sobytij razrabatyvaem i dopolnjaem prosveshhennymi v etom posledovateljami.

Eti mudrecy res.h.i.+li mirno zavoevat'

mir dlja Ciona, s. .h.i.trost'ju simvolicheskago zmija. Glava zmija izobrazhaet mudrecov sionskih, a-tulovishhe narod ?udejskij. Propolzaja v gosudarstvennyja nedra, zmij etot podtachivaet ili pozhiraet vse ne iudejskija gosudarstvennyja sily, po mere ih rosta na raznyh kontinentah, no osobenno v Evrope, chto on dolzhen delat' i v budushhem, pri tochnom sledovanii po prednachertanijam plana, do teh por, poka cikl projdennago im puti ne somknetsja vozvratom glavy zmija na Sion, to est' poka etot zmij ne zakljuchit v sfere svoego kruga vsju Evropu, a cherez nee ves' mir. Pervym delom starajutsja vnesti vezde bezverie i upadok nravstvennosti, pol'zujas' vsemi zavoevannymi ekonomicheskim ]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Cyrillic




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putem silami, chtoby zavlech' v sferu svoego cikla ostal'nye kontinenty. Tak kak vozvrat glavy zmija mog sovers.h.i.+t'sja lish' po sglazhennym razvalinam gosudarstvennoj moshhi vseh evropejskih stran, cherez padenie etoj moshhi, ot ekonomicheskago razstrojstva i razorenija, vsjudu vnosimago Sionom cherez nravstvennyj upadok. Rastlenie, vnosimoe s pomoshh'ju zhidovok, vydajushhih sebja za francuzhenok i ital'janok, kotoryja dazhe fiktivno prinimajut i kreshhenie, potom delajutsja zhenami vazhnyh lic, na podobie biblejskoj Esfiri, a pri nih vsegda soputstvujut Mardohei i proizvodjat svoju politiku v pol'zu zhidovstva. Eti-to mnimyja francuzhenki i ital'janki javljajutsja samymi luchs.h.i.+mi nositel'nicami rasputstva nravov s mesta na mesto. Eti zhenshhiny sluzhat dlja teh, kotorye, blaG.o.darja im, vsegda nuzhdajutsja v den'gah, a potomu ohotno torgujut sovest'ju, chtoby dobyt'

deneg vo chto by to ni stalo. Den'gi zhe tol'ko ssuzhajutsja takim torgovcam sovesti, chto bystro vozvrashhajutsja v ruki, ssuzhavs.h.i.+ja ih, potomu chto s pomoshh'ju teh zhe zhenshhin rastrachivajutsja skoro posle ih poluchenija. Sionskija seti razstavleny na vseh putjah goev" i cikl zmija podvigaetsja v XX stoletii bystrotoj kur'erskago dvizhenija k namechennoj svoej celi.

Polnoe izlozhenie vseh tainstvennyh protokolov Sionskih zhidovskih mudrecov, ves' plan zavoevanija vsego mira, budet pomeshheno v VII-m sledujushhem tome Talmud i evrei". K dejstvijam tajnago sionskago zmija otnositsja i kleveta naglaja, vzvedennaja na uvazhaemago vo vsej Rossii o. protoiereja Ioanna Kronshtadtskago. Vse eto dejstvie zhidov, obnaglevs.h.i.+h v poslednee vremja dlja podryva pravoslavnoj religii i pokolebanija very narodov, uvazhenija svjatosti cerkvi i predannosti Carju i otechestvu. Vse gazety, pechat' i knizhnaja torgovlja nahodjatsja uzhe v zhidovskih rukah, chego zhe im bol'she?

Vsja G. Duma byla uzhe pod zhidovskoj komandoju. Teper'

ostaetsja tol'ko pokolebat', a potom oprokinut' hri- ]

In my investigation I naturally examined the works of the Russian arch anti-Semite, Ippolit Lutostansky, who first accused the Jews of the most despicable crimes, and then, in 1882, after the occurrence of the pogroms in the south of Russia, wrote a volume retracting all his previous anti-Jewish accusations, and declaring anti-Semitism to be nothing but an outgrowth of ignorance and malice. Several years later he resumed his anti-Semitic agitation and became one of the most vicious vilifiers of the Jewish people on the eve of the notorious Beilis affair which was staged by the Russian government for the purpose of discrediting the Jews and of justifying the Russian governmental anti-Jewish policy before the world. After the collapse of the Beilis prosecution, which involved the absurd charge of ritual murder, Lutostansky approached several prominent wealthy Jews with an offer to retract his new charges against the Jews, provided they would pay him a certain amount of money for his book. The Jews declined to have anything to do with the charlatan who had caused so much harm to the Jews of Russia by his monstrous accusations. His works attracted special attention because of the fact that they were endorsed and supported by Russian Grand Dukes and by the Dowager Empress of Russia.

While examining one of his books ent.i.tled, "The Talmud and the Jews,"

published in 1907, in which he promised the publication of "the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion" in his forthcoming volume, I came upon an amazing pa.s.sage in his introduction, outlining an alleged secret plan of the Jews to gain world domination, which I find reproduced, word for word, with but a few phrases changed, in the epilogue of "the Russian mystic," Sergius Nilus. Did Sergius Nilus plagiarize Lutostansky? Or was it Lutostansky who plagiarized Nilus? Or were they one and the same person? At any rate, both served the purposes of the "Black Hundreds" against the Jews, and both employed the same weapons.

Here is a translation of Lutostansky's introduction:

From Lutostansky's Introduction, 1907


"The political plan represented in the form of a snake is very old and was devised by the Judaean sages in theory, and in the course of historical developments it is elaborated and augmented by their initiated followers. These sages decided to conquer the world peacefully for Zion, by the cunning of the symbolic snake. The head of the snake represents the sages of Zion, and the body-the Judaean nation. Crawling into the bosoms of governments, this snake undermines eats away all non-Judaean governmental forces, as they grow on various continents, but especially in Europe, which it is to do also in the future, carefully following the outlined plan, until the cycle of the road travelled by it is completed by the return of the head of the snake to Zion,-that is until this snake will include within the sphere of its circle the whole of Europe, and through Europe the whole world. First of all they are endeavoring to introduce everywhere irreligion and moral decadence, utilizing all forces they have won economically in order to drag the other continents into the sphere of their cycle. As the return of the head of the snake could be accomplished only over the razed ruins of the governmental power of all European countries, through the collapse of this power, through economic disorganization and ruin, introduced by Zion everywhere by means of moral decadence.

Corruption is introduced with the aid of Jewesses under the guise of French or Italian women, who even undergo fict.i.tious baptism for these purposes and then become the wives of prominent men, like the biblical Esther, and they are always accompanied by their Mordecais, and make their politics for the good of the Jews. These so-called French and Italian women are the best carriers of immorality from place to place. These women are used for those who, because of them, are always in need of money, and therefore willingly barter their conscience to secure money at any cost. The money is reality only loaned to such conscience-barterers, for it quickly comes back to the hands of those loaned the money, as it is squandered with the aid of these women soon after they receive it. The Zionist nets are spread out on all the roads of the goyim (gentiles) and the cycle of the snake is moving along in the Twentieth century with the speed of an express train towards its goal.

"The complete outline of all the secret protocols of the Zionist Jewish sages, the entire plan of the conquest of the whole world, will be included in the next (seventh) volume of 'The Talmud and the Jews.'"

And this is a facsimile reproduction and translation of Sergius Nilus's epilogue taken from the copy of the "Protocols" in the British Museum, from which the American translation was made.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Cyrillic


[Transcription: -395-

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